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+30 EXAMPLES of words ending in AJE

Examples of words ending in aje

In Spanish the ending -age is usually always linked to an abstract noun, such as learning which comes from a verb, in this case learn. There is a very strict rule in Spanish spelling that ensures that all words ending in -aje are written with the letter J, although we can find some exceptions.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to teach you to write correctly and, therefore, we show you examples of words ending in aje, with solved exercises, so that you can see this spelling rule much clearer.

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  1. Words ending in -aje are written with J
  2. Examples of words ending in -aje
  3. Exercise with words ending in -aje
  4. Answers to the exercise for words ending in -aje

Words ending in -aje are written with J.

Before discovering the examples of words that end in aje, we are going to remind you that Spanish is a language that has many spelling rules and some of them quite difficult to remember. But in this case we want to introduce you to one of the easiest rules of the Spanish language and that will help you

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avoid many misspellings when you're writing: rules for the use of G and J.

All words ending with -aje are written with J, for example approach or landing.

There are some words from french that we have acquired them in our language and have modified their spelling so that they comply with this rule. For example: garage is not written with G, as it would be done in French, but it acquires the Spanish spelling rules and is written with J.

Exceptions to the J rule

They only exist two exceptions that do not comply with this rule in Spanish and that will be easy to remember:

  • The word ambages It is the only Spanish word that is written with G.
  • The words that come from english and that we have not translated, they are still written as in their original language and, therefore, with the letter G. For example: vintage or backstage.

These exceptions They should not be a problem when it comes to remembering the rule, since the first one has a very limited use in current Spanish and the other words are clearly foreign.

A good advice in order not to fail at the time of writing the words ending in -age correctly, it is to check your text once written and detect all the words that you have written ending in -age; the safest thing is that you will have to correct them.

There are a lot of words in Spanish ending in -aje, that's why the best way for this rule to be engraved in your mind is:

  • 10% studying the spelling rules
  • 30% writing a little every day
  • 60% having a good habit of reading.

Examples of words ending in -aje.

In Spanish you will be able to find an infinity of words ending in -age and once you pay attention to this rule, you will be able to detect a large number each time you are in your reading time.

These are some examples of words ending in aje:

  • Approach
  • Aguaje
  • Storage
  • Amperage
  • Mooring
  • Anchorage
  • Learning
  • Landing
  • Baggage
  • Armor
  • Leadership
  • Carriage
  • Courage
  • Disassembly
  • Sewer system
  • Packaging
  • Gear
  • Espionage
  • Forage
  • Foliage
  • Garage
  • Perk
  • Lodging
  • Tribute
  • Debauchery
  • Language
  • Massage
  • Of mixed race
  • Scenery
  • Place
  • Skating
  • Fur
  • Pillage
  • Percentage
  • Filming
  • Wild
  • Tattoo
  • Bandage
  • Turn
  • Voltage

Exercise with words that end in -aje.

The best way to ensure that a spelling rule it has been etched in your mind and that you will remember when writing is putting your skills to the test. This exercise will help you better understand the rule that, in Spanish, all words ending in -aje are written with J.

In this exercise you should fill the empty spaces blank with the letter G or J as appropriate. Remember the spelling rule we just learned.

  • In school we study _eo_raphy, _eometry and mathematics
  • The carriage of the diligence goes urgently to the destination marked
  • The _ente se que_a for _usto at the party
  • I have_o allergic to the le_ía with which you are cleaning the floor
  • He is an evil and reputable being that I do not want to see again
  • The judge investigates the origin of the tragedy that happened last Friday
  • I _like the freshly baked crusty bread
  • The traveler picked up his equipment to go live the experience he had always dreamed of
  • My _efe is very exi_ente, especially when the end of the month approaches

Answers to the exercise for words ending in -aje.

Here you can find the answers to the previous exercise, we recommend that you do not look at them until you have tried to solve it yourself.

Answers to the exercise of words ending in -aje:

  • At school we study geography, geometry and mathematics
  • The stagecoach carriage is heading urgently to the marked destination
  • People complain for fun at the party
  • I have an allergy to the bleach with which you are cleaning the floor
  • He is an evil and disgusting being that I never want to see again
  • The judge investigates the origin of the tragedy that happened last Friday
  • I like freshly baked crusty bread
  • The traveler collected his luggage to go to live the experience he had always dreamed of
  • My boss is very demanding, especially when the end of the month approaches

Now you know how to write words ending in -aje. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about this topic or some other related one, do not hesitate to consult the spelling section.

If you want to read more articles similar to Examples of words ending in aje, we recommend that you enter our category of Orthography.


  • Torrego, L. G. (2015). Current Spanish usage spelling. Editions SM Spain.
  • Martinez, M. (2010). Spelling manual. AKAL editions.
  • Garivay Bravo, E. (2013). Spelling rules.
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