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Sincericide: 6 disadvantages of being too sincere

Sincerity and honesty are values ​​that are often claimed as necessary elements in creating healthy relationships.

However, those whose personality tends towards transparency can find many obstacles in their way. Sincerity has some drawbacks that is worth taking into account if you want to learn to manage them. In many respects, social dynamics make honesty punishable; It is a real sincericide.

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The downsides of honesty

The world of relationships can be complicated for almost everyone, but certain attitudes and personality characteristics have their own drawbacks. In the case of the inconveniences of sincerity, these can turn out to be doubly harmful.

On the one hand, these disadvantages, by themselves, produce discomfort, and on the other hand, this kind of Problems can be made up and concealed as part of the spirit of sacrifice associated with honesty; as if that discomfort were something positive, because it ennobles the sincere person who bears these negative consequences. Somehow we see sincere people

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like some kind of martyrsalthough this does not have to be the case.

Here we will review these drawbacks and how they can harm honest people.

1. The presumption of guilt

One of the types of situations in which the sincerity of people is most evident is when they make a negative review of others, however constructive it may be. Many times this happens when someone asks them to give their opinion honestly about something, and yet when it is being negative, this is often taken as a personal attack, as if not in the context of a conversation honest.

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Sincere people are accustomed to the same thing as psychologists in general: people try to see themselves reflected in the opinions of these people, and that is why they are victims of a barrage of personal questions: what do you think of me? What do you think of my relationship with my wife? etc.

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3. Lack of compatibility with others

Usually sincere people they find it difficult to find the same transparency and honesty in the people around them. It is not easy to get used to an environment in which lies and attitudes that only seek to give a false image are common, and less if these elements are not part of one's usual repertoire same.

4. Unfair competition

There are many situations where people who tend to hide their opinions and intentions are favored, as for example when looking for a job; sincerity is penalized in personnel selection processes. This causes sincere people to be displaced or forced to compete by lowering their honesty.

5. Harmful naivety

Another disadvantage of sincerity is what produces the habit of using it on a daily basis: the naivety of assume that others will behave in a way similar to yourself.

Since honest people accept sincerity as a natural component of their own personality, something that it is not imposed or forced, they assume that this attitude is also present in most human beings. This is a double-edged sword, since although on the one hand it predisposes you to start relationships leaving suspicion aside, it also facilitates the chances of falling victims of deception.

6. The apparent lack of social ability

The sincerity can be confused with a lack of social skills, which makes it difficult to establish relationships. If the person in front of us believes that our sincerity is actually a sign that we are unaware of certain conventions of etiquette, he will simply value us as if we had not bothered to educate ourselves on aspects related to socialization.

This inconvenience can especially affect those who use sincerity as a tool of subversion, because its radicalism is dissolved in the belief that it is not about honesty but about ignorance. It is not enough to be transparent in communication; We must show that we are aware that we are breaking taboos.

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A problem of others?

If you have read this far, you will have realized that many of these disadvantages of being too sincere, in reality, are not inherently negative characteristics. In fact, in many ways the bad part of honesty is more of a problem with others. One that, if it ends up being paid by sincere people, it is simply because they are a minority, and they give in due to sheer social pressure.

There is no code of norms according to which if after asking for an opinion you are offended, it must be the fault of the person who has told you what he thinks; but nevertheless, since honesty is a rarity, it ends up being punished.

All the inconveniences that we have seen speak to us about the need for a cultural and social change to make sincerity stop being persecuted and truthful communication flow correctly. Only time will tell if appearances and dissimulation will continue to prevail in this battle.

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