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The 100 most common surnames in Argentina

Argentina is a country that has endless cultural mixtures, which originated the diversity that this South American nation has, with the Spanish influence being the most dominant. This has generated that the presence of patronymic surnames is very frequent, predominating those ending in the suffixes -ez and -oz.

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The list of the most popular Argentine surnames

These surnames are a mix between the old continent and patronymic surnames that are considered indigenous to the land. Therefore, we bring below a list of the 100 most common surnames in Argentina.

1. Castro

Surname that comes from the Latin 'castrum', which were the forts or Roman walled cities.

2. Hernandez

Patronymic meaning 'the descendants of Hernando', Spanish name from the German 'Firthunands'. Its meaning can be translated as 'brave traveler or peacemaker'.

3. Rodriguez

Another patronymic surname of 'son of Rodrigo'. Which comes from the Germanic 'Hrodric' which means 'mighty because of his fame'.

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4. Villalba

It is a toponymic surname. It is made up of two Latin words: 'Vila' which means 'settlement or town' and 'alba' which translates as 'white'.

5. Moon

Its origin is Aragonese and dates back to the 11th century. It refers to the satellite that has the planet Earth.

6. Olive

It is believed that its origin is due to a nickname given to the workers who harvested olive trees.

7. Mansilla

It is derived from the Latin 'mansus' which means 'meek, calm or good'.

8. Ponce

It is a patronymic surname that derives from the proper name Ponce, which is of Latin origin and means 'sea or ocean'.

9. bland

Its origin is Portuguese, therefore, the people who came from the Lands of Sousa were called Souza or Sousa.

10. Quiroga

It is a toponymic surname, coming from a homonymous Spanish town specifically from Lugo, Galicia.

11. Ramirez

Patronymic that means 'son of Ramiro'. Although it can also be an adaptation of some Germanic names such as 'Ranamers' which means 'brilliant warrior' or 'Radamir' which translates as 'famous in the council or illustrious adviser'.

12. Juarez

He is considered a variant of Suárez and is interpreted as 'the son of Suaro'.

13. Fernandez

Patronymic that translates as 'the son of Fernando' and means 'the brave peacemaker'.

14. Acosta

It is a toponymic surname that referred to people who came from a place near the sea, river or lake.

15. fields

Surname that describes the geography of the place where its bearer comes from and means large land located outside the city.

16. Garcia

Its origin is Basque since it comes from the Basque word 'hartz or artz', which means 'bear'.

17. Navarrese

It comes from Spain specifically from the Province of Navarra and means 'plain surrounded by mountains or forest'.

18. Vargas

It is believed that it came from the Cantabrian term 'varga' which translates as 'hut, slope or sloping ground'.

19. dark

It comes from the Latin that denotes the name of 'Mauritania' and is a way of describing people with dark skin and curly hair. This caused the Muslims and Arabs in Spain to be called Moors or morenos.

20. Alvarez

Surname that comes from the patronymic 'son of Álvaro' which in turn means 'strong guardian like stone or warrior elf'.

21. White

It is one of the most common Argentine surnames. It can refer to people who have white skin and hair.

22. cross

It is a surname that comes from the word 'crux', which in turn could be used as a proper name in homage to Jesus Christ who died crucified.

23. Godoy

It is of Germanic origin that can mean 'God' or refers to the people.

24. Molina

Surname denoting the occupation of a mill worker or owner, or people who lived near a grain mill.

25. Soria

It became very popular in Argentina due to Spanish migration and refers to the natives of Soria, a region of Spain.

26. Lopez

It comes from the masculine name 'Lope', which is derived from the Latin 'lupus' which means 'thirsty for blood'. For which López was a nickname that the most fearful warriors had.

27. towers

It refers to the Latin word 'turris' and was a reference to the people who lived in or near a tower.

28. blacksmith

It comes from the Latin term 'ferrum' which means 'iron'. It is also linked to the trade or profession of blacksmith.

29. Gimenez

It is a surname that indicates 'son of Gimeno'. Its origin is not clear, it is believed that it may come from the name 'Ximeone', or it may be linked to the word seme which means 'son in Basque'.

30. Reed

Its origin is Basque and it refers to a type of plant that lives and grows in very humid places.

31. Dominguez

It comes from the Latin 'dominicus' which means 'the man of the Lord', it also refers to the children of Dominic.

32. Peralta

Surname that comes from Navarra and is a sign of noble lineage.

33. Coins

It comes from the Gascony region that currently belongs to New Aquitaine and Occitanie in France. But it can also come from Acunha Alta in Portugal.

34. Benitez

It comes from the Latin 'Benedictus' which can mean 'son of Benito', 'blessed or the one who is well spoken of'.

35. Chavez

Surname of Portuguese origin meaning 'key'.

36. Munoz

It is a very popular surname in Argentina that means 'son of Wall'. It spread throughout the Spanish territory during the Middle Ages and in the times of the Roman Empire and means 'reinforce'.

37. Peace

She shares the same root as other surnames such as Páez, meaning 'son of Palo or Pelayo'. It also means 'from the sea'.

38. Sanchez

It is interpreted as the son of Sancho and is a variant of the name 'Sancus', 'God of Loyalty'.

39. Vera

Indicates a place of origin, it is indicative of some Spanish cities located on the banks of a river.

40. Ruiz

Patronymic surname of 'the sons of Ruy', is a Hispanic diminutive of Rodrigo. The meaning of it is 'he who is reputed to be powerful'.

41. Silva

Surname of Spanish origin, which means 'forest or jungle'.

42. Omen

Surname that means 'premonition, omen or augury'. It comes from Spain.

43. Castle

It is a surname that indicates the place where people near a castle or a fortress live.

44. Ledesma

It is derived from the town of Ledesma in Spain and was adopted by the locals.

45. Moyano

It comes from the Italian term 'Moiano' which means 'earth that crumbles easily'.

46. Perez

It comes from the Greek 'petros' which means 'rock or stone'.

47. Rivero

Argentine surname that comes from the Latin word 'riparia' which means 'shore of a river or sea'.

48. Soto

It is a toponymic surname that means a place with abundant vegetation or ambushed on the banks of a river.

49. Tower

It is a variant of 'Towers', so it shares its origin and meaning.

50. Vega

It comes from the Spanish word 'vaica' and refers to flat land or low altitude land with lots of vegetation and close to a river or lagoon.

51. Caceres

Surname that arises in honor of the municipality of Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain.

52. arias

It has a Greek origin, since it derives from Ares, God of War.

53. busts

It comes from the old Spanish word meaning 'cattle pasture or herd'.

54. Cordova

It is believed that it comes from 'qrt', a Phoenician-Punic term that indicates 'city'. It is also thought to originate from the Spanish city of the same name.

55. Farias

Surname that comes from the Castle of Faria in Braga and means with many lighthouses.

56. Leiva

It comes from the Basque language and means, 'gravel from the plain'.

57. Maldonado

It is estimated that it comes from an incident where a monarch of France, at the request of a gentleman, told him that what he gave him was badly donated. Others think that it was a surname used by an unattractive or foolish person.

58. Nunez

It has its origin in the Latin 'Nonius' which means 'the ninth', a reference to the son number nine, for which he was called 'son of Nuño or son of Nuno'.

59. Ojeda

It comes from the old Castilian 'fojedas' whose meaning is 'leaves or foliage'.

60. Velazquez

It is a patronymic surname, which refers to the 'son of Velasco' and which means 'little crow'.

61. Toledo

It is a very common surname in Argentina, it refers to the Spanish city of the same name and its inhabitants. It comes from the Roman word 'Toletum' that arose from the Latinization of an ancient Celtiberian name.

62. Roldan

It comes from the masculine name 'Roldán' which means 'famous or renowned land'.

63. Pereira

Argentine surname of Galician origin that translates as 'pear tree or pear trees'.

64. Miranda

Its origin is Spanish and it refers to the town of Miranda del Ebro.

65. bright Star

Its name is due to the Latin form of how the planet Venus is called.

66. Ferreyra

Variant of the Latin term 'ferrum' and refers to the activity that has to do with iron and blacksmithing.

67. Vazquez

The meaning of it is 'son of a Basque'. Being the name of those born in the Basque Country.

68. Diaz

It was created from one of the Hispanic variants of 'Ya'akov' which means 'held by the heel' and the suffix -az, which denotes descent.

69. Bravo

It is a nickname that was given to people who had a bad character or were cruel and violent, over time its meaning changed to 'brave'.

70. Avila

It is a homonymous surname to the Spanish city of the same name and means great mountain or thicket.

71. Neighborhoods

It denotes a peripheral part of a city and thus they called the people who came from a specific place.

72. Cabrera

It comes from the Latin 'capraria' and means 'place inhabited by goats'.

73. Dominguez

Patronymic that indicates the 'son of Sunday', with this name they used to call the children who were born on Palm Sunday.

74. Figueroa

Argentine surname that comes from the Portuguese 'Figueira' which means 'fig tree'.

75. Gutierrez

It is a patronymic surname indicating descent from Gutierre.

76. Russian

It is a surname originating from Sicily, Italy. Denoting one of the most common Italian surnames in Argentina. It is a variant of 'Rossi' which means 'red'.

77. maidana

It can mean 'square, meeting place, or the one who returns alive from war'.

78. Ortiz

It is a patronymic surname that refers to 'son of Fortún' and means 'the lucky one'.

79. red

It is the way to call people who came from a place with reddish earth.

80. Ayala

Surname that translates as 'on the slope' or 'on the slope' and comes from Basque or Euskera.

81. strap

It comes from the Spanish 'belt'. There is an idea that it was a denotation for the people who made these belts.

82. Medina

It is a popular Argentine surname, which has an Arab origin. In this language, it is a word that means 'city'. It was popularized after the Arab conquest of Spain in the Middle Ages.

83. Valdez

It is derived from 'bald' which is interpreted as 'the bold or brave'.

84. Rivero

Its origin is the Latin word 'riparia' which means 'shore of the sea or a river'.

85. Peralta

It is a very popular surname in Argentina and means 'high stone' and comes from the Latin 'petra'.

86. Morales

Surname with two meanings: It can come from the blackberry fields and, on the other hand, that was the name given to the areas occupied by Muslims in Spain, known as Moors.

87. Gimenez

It can have other versions such as 'Jiménez or Ximénez' and it means 'son of Gimeno'.

88. Frank

It is derived from the people who came from France in the Middle Ages who were called Franks.

89. Martin

It is translated according to Latin, as 'of war' or 'consecrated to the God Mars'.

90. Paez

It originates from the proper name 'Paio', but it is also a diminutive of 'Pelayo' which means 'of the sea'.

91. bouquets

It is a very common surname in Argentine lands and its name is due to the stem of a plant.

92. Aguirre

It comes from the Basque language and means outdoors.

93. Caceres

He comes from the name of the city of Cáceres in Spain which comes from the Latin 'casta caesaria' and translates as 'camp of Caesar'.

94. Duarte

It comes from an Anglo-Saxon name 'Edward' and translates as 'guardian of riches'.

95. flowers

It comes from the Latin name 'Florus' which means flower, it also comes from the German names 'Fruela or Froyla' which means 'Lord of these lands'.

96. mendoza

Another of the most common surnames in Argentina. Its roots come from Basque, which means 'cold mountain'.

97. Martinez

It is a patronymic surname that refers to 'son of Martin'. It comes from Latin and refers to the Roman God of war, 'Mars'.

98. Rivers

It is a toponymic surname that refers to people who lived near rivers or streams.

99. Colonel

It is a surname that is taken directly from the military rank of colonel.

100. Mendez

It comes from the Basque name 'Mendo or Mendi' and means 'mountain', but in turn it is associated with 'Hermenegildo' which means 'immense sacrifice'.

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