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Names of parts of the foot and bones

Names of parts of the foot and bones

Image: Slideshare

The human body is made up of several elements at the anatomical level, one of its parts being the bone, that is, the bones. Most parts of our body have bones, one of these parts being the foot. To know the internal bony composition of the feet, today in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the names of the parts of the foot and bones.

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  1. The importance of the bones of the foot
  2. The parts of the human being's foot
  3. Names of the bones of the foot

The importance of the bones of the foot.

The bones of the foot are one of the most important of our body. Without bones, our feet would not have the ability to move and move. They allow our bipedal movement and maintain a vertical position, being one of the main differences we have with other species.

The feet are one of the parts of the body with the greatest amount of bones, with only the hands being the other part of the body that has so many bones. The foot is made up of 26 bones

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, which are grouped into different groups to group them, the existence of all of them being very important for the proper functioning of the foot.

The parts of the human being's foot.

To talk about the names of the bones of the foot, we must first comment on the three parts into which it is divided, to understand the place that the different bones occupy throughout the foot. The three parts that make up a foot are as follows:

  • Tarsus: It is the back of the foot, being located between the metatarsals and the bones of the leg. The tarsus is connected by some of the most important bones in our body, such as the tibia and fibula. It is made up of 7 bones, which are the ones that form the back of the foot.
  • Metatarsus: It is the middle part of the foot, being located between the tarsus and the phalanges. It is made up of five bones, being longer than the bones of the phalanges, and forming the arch of the foot.
  • Phalanges: The part with the greatest number of bones in the foot. They share a name with the bones of the fingers of the hand, being two of the places with the greatest amount of bones in our body. These phalanges correspond to the toes, being bones smaller than those of other parts of the foot.
Names of parts of the foot and bones - The parts of the human foot

Image: Conforpie

Names of the bones of the foot.

Next we must talk about the names of foot bones. To better understand its position along the foot, we are going to divide the bones into the three parts that we have talked about in the previous section.

Tarsal bones

The tarsus is made up of 7 different bones, being the part of the foot in which the bones are more uniform. The tarsal bones are as follows:

  • Astragalus: It is the bone that is attached to the leg, serving as a connecting link between the leg and the foot. It is located in the ankle, and its function is to transmit all the weight of the human body to the foot.
  • Calcaneus: It is a short, asymmetrical bone that makes up the heel of the foot. It is attached to the talus above and the cuboid anteriorly. It is an important bone, since it is the first point of support of the foot during walking.
  • It iscaphoid: It is a short and asymmetric bone located on the inner face of the tarsus. It is attached to the talus, the cuboid, and the wedges.
  • Wedges: Also known as cuneiform bones, they are three small bones attached to the navicular and metatarsals.
  • Cuboid: It is a short bone attached to the calcaneus, the scaphoid, the wedges and the metatarsals. Its function is based on serving as lateral support of the foot.

Metatarsal bones

The metatarsal bones are the ones that make up the arch of the foot, being 5 different bones. They are long bones that articulate with each other, as well as with the wedges and phalanges. The metatarsal bones are as follows:

  • First metatarsal: It articulates with the first wedge.
  • Second metatarsal: Wedged between the three wedges.
  • Third metatarsal: It articulates with the third wedge.
  • Fourth metatarsal: It articulates with the third wedge and with the cuboid.
  • Fifth metatarsal: It articulates with the cuboid.


The phalanges are the bones of the toes, with a total of 14 different bones. Each of the phalanges is linked to one of the metatarsal bones. The phalanges are usually in the following three groups:

  • Proximal or first phalanges
  • Middle or second phalanges
  • Distal or third phalanges
Names of parts of the foot and bones - Names of the bones of the foot

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