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Growth hormones: somatotropin and somatostatin

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "What is growth hormone: somatotropin and somatomedin".

What is growth hormone: somatotropin and somatomedin. Today we are going to talk about what the growth hormone axis is. We are going to talk about two hormones, both growth hormone like growth hormone inhibitory hormone. We are also going to look at the acronyms because there are several words that are sometimes synonymous and that confuses us a bit. To begin with, remember that we are looking at an endocrine axis, therefore, we will find as structures of the nervous system the hypothalamus and the hypophysis, participating from this central regulation at the endocrine level. In the hypothalamus, some molecules are going to be released that when they reach the hypophysis will cause it to release other molecules and these molecules are released into the blood and travel to a multitude of tissues. In this case, this axis is one that affects many tissues in the body. Because what it allows is for them to develop, to grow. Therefore it is reasonable to see that it will have receptors in the liver, adipose tissue, bones, muscles... everything you can think of that has to grow from birth until we finish being adults.

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