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What are the types of ARTICLES in Spanish

What are the types of articles in Spanish

The articles are particles of a sentence accompany the noun with which they agree in gender and number. exist two types of articles in the Spanish language: definite articles and indefinite articles.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to explain to you what an article is, what are the types of articles in spanish and we will show you some examples so you can see it more clearly.

In Spanish, we say that it is a Article that word that goes before the noun and that accompanies it giving us information about it and narrowing it down. The article and the noun will always express the same gender (masculine or feminine) and the same number (singular or plural).

For example: Carmen is a Lola's neighbor and the charles wife

The principal function that the articles fulfill is to specify if the noun is known by the person who is speaking (definite article) or is totally unknown (indefinite article).

What are the types of articles in Spanish - What are articles

As we have pointed out before, in Spanish there are two types of articles in Spanish and they are the ones that we will show you next.

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Defined articles

The defined articles are those that go before the name and indicate that it is known by the person who is speaking, that is: the noun is known.

These are the defined articles:

  • The: Masculine and singular definite article. For example: I would like to see the Maria's dog, sure she has grown a lot.
  • The: Feminine and singular definite article. For example: My father always brings me to the station when I'm late.
  • The: Masculine and plural definite article. For example: At this stop they always pass the trains every half hour.
  • The: Feminine and plural definite article. For example: I always stay chatting with the neighbors on the fourth floor, they are very nice.

When a definite article "the" is preceded by one of the prepositions "to" or "of", we have to take into account that there will be a contraction, that is to say that the two particles will unite to form a single one.

contractions will be in this way:

  • "to" + "the": al. For example: We always go to the park after class to watch the sunset.
  • "of" + "the": of. For example: Every morning of month of March I will go running around the neighborhood.

Undefined articles

The undefined articles they are those that go before the name and indicate that this is unknown to the person who is speaking, that is: the noun is not known.

These are the undefined articles:

  • A: Masculine and singular indefinite article. For example: Yesterday we saw a deer in the road and almost caused us to drift out of the lane.
  • A: Feminine and singular indefinite article. For example: Every time I have to buy a skirt, I spend two hours in the fitting room.
  • Some: Masculine and plural indefinite article. For example: I have found some socks going through the washing machine.
  • Nails: Feminine and plural indefinite article. For example: You have to get nails 3D glasses to be able to watch the movie properly.

neutral item

The neutral item in Spanish it does not accompany a noun and refers to what is abstract. That is, it transforms adjectives into abstract nouns and does not indicate gender.

This is the neutral item:

  • It: Neutral item. For example: You have to stay only with it good of people.
What are the types of articles in Spanish - Types of articles in Spanish

Then let's put some examples of sentences with articles so you can begin to identify the function they fulfill within a specific context. We have highlighted the articles in bold to make it easier for you to identify them within the sentence.

  • I'll put nails new hinges on the dining room door, because these do not allow to open well the door.
  • We prepare some cakes for when he arrived the birthday girl accompanied by all the family.
  • The cat has some Pretty eyes.
  • I have some gold necklaces in the jewelry box they gave me the last year.
  • For my birthday I gave myself a box of chocolates
  • In that garden they have planted nails beautiful flowers.
  • A athlete lost the race due to injury the foot while running.
  • For the Halloween party, I dressed up of Phantom of the opera.
  • How beautiful is this painting that you have in the bathroom, not it she had seen.
  • My mother has prepared me some snacks for the picnic we will do with the school when we arrive to the mountain.
  • Since she is a vegetarian, I prepared nails vegetables to the barbecue.
  • To Juan it I saw last week, but I haven't seen Alberto for a long time it I see.
  • take away a jacket to go the beach that by the cool night.

now you know what are the types of articles in spanish and you've seen some examples. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to take a look at the grammar and linguistics section.

What are the types of articles in Spanish - Examples of sentences with articles

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