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Possessive articles in Spanish

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Possessive articles in Spanish

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The possessive items are used when we want to indicate a quality of belonging with respect to a noun. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to point out what possessives are, the types that exist and examples of each of them so that you can understand and identify them perfectly. You can often see them in texts of all kinds, so it is important that you learn to distinguish them quickly and easily. Here is a lesson dedicated to possessive articles in Spanish, We started!

Possessives are those determiners or pronouns that indicate ownership or possession. This is always held by a noun that they accompany and with which they agree in gender and number. In other words, the thing possessed will always match the name to which it refers. As we have pointed out, we can find two types of possessives in Spanish:

  • Possessive determiners: they always go together with the noun with which the membership or possession is established. That is, the name you refer to will always appear in the sentence.
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  • The possesive pronouns: In the event that the noun is omitted from the sentence because it is unnecessary for its understanding, we would be talking about a pronoun.

Possessive determiners or articles are those that establish a relationship of ownership or possession with respect to the noun and always appear next to it. All of them have a person who designates the holder or holders and a number that agrees on gender and number with the object or thing that is owned. Within this type of possessive we can find two categories.

  • Unstressed possessive determinants
  • Tonic possessive determinants

Unstressed possessive determinants

The unstressed possessive determiners are those that appear in front of the name and whose function is to designate the thing possessed in accordance with gender and number. In these cases, only the first and second forms of the plural will have a feminine form. So that you can see it more clearly, we show you which are the unstressed possessive determiners:

Next we will see a few examples of possessives in sentences so that you can better fix the concepts and can easily recognize them:

  • I will go to the movies with me mother.
  • These are your birthday gift.
  • Pick up your toys.
  • She is her her best friend of hers.
  • We will soon visit you at your new house.

Tonic possessive determinants

These always tonic possessive determiners always are placed behind the name and its function is to designate the thing that is owned. In the same way as the previous ones, they also agree in gender and number with the name to which they refer. These are also often used when the object or thing possessed is within the subject of the sentence. It must always agree in gender and number with the holder or holders. Thus, we find the following:

Let's put some examples to help us better understand how tonic possessive determiners are used in a sentence:

  • Maria is a friend mine.
  • This restaurant belongs to some relatives our.
  • He's my favorite movie director, I've seen several movies his.
Possessive articles in Spanish - Types of possessive articles in Spanish

Pronouns are words that replace the nameIn the case of possessives, these articles appear when the noun or noun phrase to which they refer is omitted or elided. These possessive pronouns are identified with a noun phrase or name that has already appeared before and that designates what is possessed. These always agree in gender and number with the noun they are representing. You can easily distinguish them because they are always preceded by a specific article. Let's see what are the possessive pronouns:

The possessive pronoun replaces the noun or noun phrase that designates what is possessed and that has been mentioned previously. The pronoun agrees with the noun in gender and number. Possessive pronouns are preceded by a specific article.

In order to understand them better, we are going to use them in different sentences that will help you identify them much more easily:

  • It's not my backpack, it's yours.
  • My house is very small, yours it is more spacious.
  • I don't see how it can be solved yours.
  • His budget was higher than our.

The use of one or other possessive articles in Spanish will always depend on the noun they accompany or refer to. As you can see, they are used a lot and for this reason it is convenient to know them perfectly. If you want to continue discovering more about Grammar and Linguistics do not stop reading our articles.

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