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What are the bones of the hand and foot called

What are the bones of the hand and foot called

Image: Slideshare

Bones are organs just as vital as muscles. Thanks to them, humans are endowed with mobility and protection with respect to organs. The human body of an adult, as a general rule, is made up of 206 bones total; babies, on the other hand, are born with between 270 and 350 bones. Within all of these numbers, there is a list of basic bones within the human body: the skull, humerus, ribs, ulna, radius, innominate, femur, tibia, and fibula.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to discover you what are the bones of the hand and foot called. And we want to tackle a topic as interesting as the analysis of two of the most complex structures of the human body: the hands and the feet. So pay attention and learn how our anatomy is made up.

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  1. What should we know about the bones of the body
  2. What are the bones of the hand called
  3. What are the bones of the foot called

What should we know about the bones of the body.

One of the systems that make up the human body is

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the bone system which in turn is made up of bones and skeleton. This is the set of bones that make up the skeleton and protect internal organs such as the brain through the skull and the spinal cord (vertebral column). The main function of this entire system, as we have already said, is to support the body by giving it locomotion and protecting the rest of the vital organs.

We will answer a series of questions that will give us the answer to the main characteristics of bones:

The composition of the body's bones

  • The exteriorr of the bones is hard and compact, formed by calcium and phosphorus.
  • Inside Of bones they are emptyexcept the inside of the limbs which contain a large number of holes and resemble a sponge.

Are from whitish color, hard and very resistant.

What are they made of?

Inside they are made up of two cells called osseoblasts Y osteoclasts which are those that allow three very important functions: growth, remodeling and reappearance. In general, they are made up of water and mineral substances formed from calcium and phosphorus. They also contain a substance in food called ostein.

What is red and yellow bone marrow?

The bone contains the red bone marrow and the yellow bone marrow.

  • Red bone marrow is an active marrow from the point of view hematopoietic. It is responsible for manufacturing red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets and is found in the small spaces between bone tissue.
  • Yellow bone marrow it is an inactive marrow from the hematopoietic point of view. It is made up of 15% water, 80% fat and 5% protein. It's the call too marrow and it is the fatty tissue located inside the bone.

Yellow bone marrow is also called marrow, a name that may be more familiar to you. It is a fatty tissue located inside the bone.

Can bones be bent?

The bones cannot be bent, the mechanism that allows the union between them and facilitates movement are the joints.

Now we have an overview of what bones are, so let's analyze the bones of the hands and feet.

What are the bones of the hand called.

In general, our hands are made up of many bones, muscles and ligaments. Specific 27 is the bones that make up each of them.

In the human species, the hands are the last segment of the upper extremities and it has 5 fingers. They are the main organ of manipulation of the extreme environment.

In this classification of the bones of the hand we will also include the doll and thus we will make it consist of 27 bones:

Wrist bones

The wrist, made up of 8 bones called carpus, is located between the forearm and the hand. In turn, these are classified in two rows:

  • Distal row bones: trapezoid, trapezoid, large and hooked.
  • Proximal row bones: pisiform, pyramidal, lunate and scaphoid.
  • Bones of the palm of the hand:

The bones of the hand are formed by the so-called metacarpals or metacarpal bones. These are arranged from the thumb inward into: first metacarpal, second metacarpal, third metacarpal, fourth metacarpal, and fifth metacarpal.

Finger bones

The bones of the fingers, made up of a total of 14, they are called falanges or digital bones. For their classification, they are usually divided into three phalanges:

  • Proximal phalanges: located on the knuckles.
  • Distal phalanges: located at the ends of the fingers.
  • Middle phalanges: located between the proximal and distal.
What are the bones of the hand and foot called - What are the bones of the hand called

Image: Torme

What are the bones of the foot called?

Our feetis it so formed 52 bones total. The feet are a very important base in the human body since we use them for our particular bipedal locomotion. In this case, the classification is divided into 3 main groups: the tarsal bones, the metatarsal bones and the phalanges:

The tarsal bones

The tarsus is the part of the foot that joins the tibia and the fibula and in turn is made up of 7 bones: talus; calcaneus; scaphoid; medial, intermidial and cuboid wedge.

Metatarsal bones

They are small long bones arranged, like the bones of the hand, from the inside to the outside: First metatarsal; second metatarsal, third metatarsal, fourth metatarsal and fifth metatarsal.


Each foot is made up of 14 phalanges, three on each toe except for the thumb, which only has two, for those they have 14 phalanges instead of 15.

What are the bones of the hand and foot called - What are the bones of the foot called

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