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Characters of TORMENTO de Galdós: main and secondary [Summary!]

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Torment: main and secondary characters

Tormentis a work by Benito Pérez Galdós and belongs to the cycle of contemporary novels by the author in which he focuses on explaining the Madrid society across the different social classes. The characters play a very important role in this work, since thanks to their behavior the plot unfolds in a certain way.

In this lesson from a PROFESOR we want to introduce you to the characters of Torment, so much main as secondary and, thus, get to know this classic work of Spanish literature.

shelter is the protagonist from the novel of Perez Galdos, although there are other very important characters who interact with her and make the work make sense. Each of the main characters plays a key role in the novel and helps the other people who appear to modify their behaviors or their actions.

These are the main characters of Torment.


Protection is the famous Torment of which the title of the book tells us. During the novel they call her Amparo, Tormento, Amparito, Emperadora, etc. and she is the protagonist of the literary work. She has a physical appearance

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delicate and soft which fits perfectly with her character as a weak woman. She is a young girl who lost her parents and was left with only her sister; despite being very poor, she gives off a great beauty.

Work at Francisco's house for long hours and for very little pay. He treats her well, like her daughter, while her wife Rosalia takes advantage of her and belittles her. Amparo lives with her sister Refugio de Ella who is like the ballast of the family, a woman who likes to live well without having to give a stick to the water.

The main plot of the novel deals with the relationship that Amparo maintains with a rich Indian named Agustínher, although she also has another suitor who is after her (Pedro), but who does not treat her as she should. During the novel, Amparo will lose her innocence and will go from being an orphan struggling to earn her own livelihood to being a woman who is capable of commit suicide because of the pain that he feels caused by love.

Francisco Bringas

Francisco is another of the characters in Torment. A man in his 50s who has the round face and body because of the good life. He has gray hair, a curved nose and always wears glasses so he can read well. As a young man he was quite a handyman and was able to fix anything of the house, although he has abandoned himself for a long time and does practically nothing but listen to his wife.

He is a poor man who became rich, therefore his only interest is appear in front of others even at the time of the work in which they do not do so well with money. He treats Amparo very well and supports the couple until the end of the play, even though he has to lie to his wife.

Rosalia Pipaon

Rosalía is the typical woman of the Madrid aristocracy: with white skin, pronounced curves and small features on her face that make her look graceful and beautiful at the same time. She is the wife of Francisco and comes from a noble family, so like her husband, she matters more to him appearances than the reality they may be living at home.

He does not treat Amparo well at all and he would like Augustine to marry one of his daughters. He is a very hypocritical character who only treats noble people well and who represents very well the stereotype of rich people in Madrid at the time the author lived.

Agustin Knight

Agustín has spent his entire life in the American continent and now he has decided to settle down and that is why he has returned to Madrid.

Although she has a lot of money, she does not feel comfortable among the bourgeoisie and therefore does not have many friends. He is the most good-natured and honest character in the novel and falls in love with Amparo, for whom he will fight until the end of the play.

Peter Pole

Among the main characters of Torment We also highlight Pedro, a former village priest that he had a relationship with Amparo on her day and fell in love with her, so that now he lives obsessed with the young woman. He is a selfish man that he lives with her sister and that he is capable of keeping Amparo inside a room against her will, for the simple fact of being close to her.

Torment: main and secondary characters - Torment main characters

The secondary characters perhaps they do not play a fundamental role in the plot of the work, but they do help us locate ourselves in the time that the author is speaking. The main importance of these secondary characters lies in their social class. Through them, Benito Pérez Galdós wants to show us how the society in Madrid.

These are the secondary characters of Torment.


She is the Amparo's sister and he lives with her. He is the antithesis of the protagonist and lives during the night attending all the artists' parties.

Gone from Sanctum

Ido del Sagrario is another of the characters in Torment and a brochure writer. This character appears in other works by the author and is one of those that make the "trilogy" linked.


Is he Francis' servant and he is very grateful to his life and work. He is a good man.

Dona Marcelina

She is the unmarried sister of the priest that she has nothing else to do during the day but criticize the whole town. He is the spitting image of hypocrisy.

Now you know the main and secondary characters of Torment, the literary work of Benito Pérez Galdós. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, we recommend that you consult the reading section.

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