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Sing of My Cid

Cantar de Mio Cid: summary by chapters

He Sing of My Cid it's a sing of deed of anonymous authorship that explains the heroic deeds of the last years of the life of the Castilian knight Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar el Campeador. It's about the first long poetic work of Spanish literature and it is the only epic song that has managed to be preserved practically complete. The relevance of Sing of My Cid is not limited to its text, but to the fact that it begins a whole intellectual discipline at the end of the 19th century.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to make you the summary of Sing of My Cid by chapters, so that you understand what is the plot of this very important work in the world of Spanish literature.

We begin this summary of the Song of Mio Cid with the first of all that explains that el Cid was banished by the king when he was accused of dishonesty, because of collecting some taxes in Andalusia. El Cid left with some vassals who remained faithful to him, although by order of the king they could not even speak to him. The protagonist is forced to

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leave his wife Jimena and their daughters Elvira and Sol in the monastery of the monks of Sardinia.

El Cid Campeador part with the promise that will come back for them and that he will marry his two daughters with honor. In his game, El Cid and his companions had a path full of battles against the Moors, conquering kingdoms for their king, and they also accumulated much booty that they sent back home.

On one occasion, Don Ramón de Berenguer, who was offended by the sack of the Cid in the Aragonese land, he challenges him in a battle. The protagonist is defeated and is imprisoned. Under these conditions, El Cid goes on hunger strike for three days, until he is released.

Song of Mio Cid: summary by chapters - Summary of the Song of Mio Cid: The Banishment of El Cid

El Cid and his vassals continue on their way to fight by the sea against all those who conquered the area of ​​the Mediterranean coast. After three years of fighting, El Cid manages to seize the entire area of ​​Valencia, that previously belonged to the king of Morocco, with innumerable profits. From the monastery of Valencia, El Cid asks King Alfonso VI to let him return.

He agrees and asks I married his daughters with the infantes of Carrión, who intended to spend the entire fortune of the Cid. Despite knowing that, the protagonist of our story accepted and the weddings were held in Valencia and there were all kinds of banquets and luxuries for 15 days in a row. El Cid paid all the expenses of the wedding and as a sign of acceptance in his family, El Cid gave his sons-in-law two swords.

Song of Mio Cid: summary by chapters - Summary of the second song: The weddings of the daughters of El Cid

We conclude this summary of the Song of Mio Cid with the third song. In the court of Valencia a lion escapes and the infants of Carrión left terrified and fled from the place. At the same time, El Cid wakes up and fights against the lion so that it returns to his cage, which causes the two young people to remain in utter ridiculous.

For recover the honor that they have lost in court, the two infants decide to travel to Carrión with their two wives and when they arrive they tie them to a tree and beat them until they are unconscious. The two young men flee, but without realizing that Álvar Fáñez, El Cid's nephew, had seen everything. The boy wakes up his cousins ​​and he takes them back to their father, to prevent them from being devoured by the beasts.

When the Cid found out what the infantes had done against his daughters, he asked the king to do justice. The theme culminates when the representatives of El Cid they defeat the infants in a duel. Being disgraced, they decide to annul the wedding between the infants and the daughters of El Cid.

Once the Cid has finally recovered his honor back, Marries his daughters with the infantes of NavarraandAragon. This time the weddings are much more honorable than the first ones and the king is also pleased with the decision. This is how the set of songs that make up the song ends. Sing of My Cid, explaining the life of the Castilian knight Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar el Campeador

Now you know the chapter summary of Sing of My Cidand the relevance that this work has marked in the panorama of Spanish literature. If you are interested in knowing more summaries of literary works, do not hesitate to consult our reading section, where you will find everything you need to enjoy and understand all the books that you read

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