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Relationship between centrioles, cilia and flagella

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In this video I will explain the relationship between centrioles, cilia and flagella

The centriole It is made up of 9x3: 9 triplets of micro tubules that are arranged in a circle.

When arranged in pairs, they are known as diplosomes. These diplosomes, with surrounding pericentriolar material, are named as Centrosome. This centrosome approaches the cilia and flagella.

  • We only find it in animal cells.

Cilia and flagella:

  • Axoneme (9x2 / 1x2)
  • Basal corpuscle
  • Centriolo - basal corpuscle
  • Thickness: 0.2mm

Differences between cilia and flagella:


  • Only eukaryotes
  • Many and short (10-15mm)
  • You move substances in aqueous medium (absorption)


  • Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
  • 1-2 and long (1mm)
  • Cell displacement

In the video you will be able to better understand the relationship between centrioles, cilia and flagella. Also, if you are not sure you can continue practicing with problems of this type by doing the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web. We hope you learn a lot from these classes!

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