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Irritability: what it is, causes, and what to do to manage it

Irritability is an emotional state that generates a feeling of externalized discomfort in the subject who suffers it, usually with hostile behavior. and intense reactions to neutral stimuli.

The state of mind of individuals is variable, and we may be irritable in certain situations. The problem occurs when this state of irritability becomes prolonged and chronic, affecting the functionality of the subject. For this reason, it is necessary to identify the cause that explains this state in order to treat it.

In this article we will talk about irritability, how this psychological phenomenon is defined, what causes generate it and what strategies can we use to try to control it.

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What is irritability?

In Psychology, irritability is defined as an emotional state, since it tends to appear in a limited way, that is, it is not maintained chronically. The behavior expressed by the subject is usually hostile, responding excessively to insignificant stimuli that are seen as setbacks or annoyances that have no reason to be

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. The subject is usually in a state of stress and shows emotional regulation problems.

In this way, we see how the sensation of irritability is not pleasant for the eternal of the subject and less so for the individual who suffers it, since it generates a state of anxiety and discomfort. The response given by the subject to the outside is not good, being able to show a response refusal or simply doing nothing and ignoring other individuals (even when necessary). cooperate).

As it is a psychological state, We will not consider irritability as something bad or pathological, but simply as a sign that the subject is going through a bad period.; for example, you are having a bad day. The problem comes when this state of irritability is maintained for a longer time, generating thus an affectation both in the subject and worsening his relations with his environment, with others individuals.

What is irritability
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Causes of irritability

As expected, there are multiple causes that can generate the state of irritability, being able to classify these in organic causes or psychological causes. Regarding physical alterations, it may be due to a low amount of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) that is related above all to affectation of mood; inadequate sleeping and eating habits or lack of nutrients; the fact of sleeping few hours (less than 7 hours); or chronic pain.

For its part, the psychological effects that lead to irritability can also be diverse. One of the most common is due to the presence of a sad, listless mood. It has been observed that some of the subjects who are irritable really, the emotion that triggers this state is sadness. Thus, sadness can be camouflaged behind a behavior of irritability, bad mood and hostile behavior.

Such is the relationship between sadness and irritability that the latest edition of the Diagnostic Manual of the Association of American Psychiatrists points out that to make the diagnosis of depression in children and adolescents, one of its main criteria, sad mood, can be expressed as irritability. Thus, we can see subjects with depressive disorder who, instead of appearing sad, are irritable, defensive, everything seems bad or feels bad to them, and they jump at any slight stimulus.

Another reason that can be linked to the expression of irritability is high self-demand. Of course it is good to set goals to be able to evolve and stay motivated, but when these are beyond our capabilities or possibilities, when these are not in accordance with reality, it is normal that we end up showing frustration, being able to express it through the irritability. Not achieving what we set out to do produces in us a state of discomfort, a bad mood, and mental exhaustion, making everything that happens around us affect us much more.

Finally, not knowing for sure what could happen in the more or less near future, not knowing how our life will evolve, it also creates an emotional disturbance in us that can affect our mood, making us more sad or irritable.

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How to control irritability?

Now that we know that there are some affectations that hide behind the irritable behavior, it will be necessary to identify if there is a alteration that explains this behavior in order to treat the first cause, to be able to carry out a treatment that is specific and effective for each situation.

If we have been feeling bad for a long time, the situation has gotten out of hand and we can no longer control it, the best option will be to seek professional help in therapy for a psychotherapist to analyze and assess the situation well, guide us and apply the best intervention to achieve an improvement.

Also, there are some strategies that you can do yourself that can help you control your mood, reducing your irritability.

1. take time for yourself

A very useful and necessary strategy to know how we are or how we feel is to dedicate time to oneself, stopping to think about how we are and how we feel. Thus, we will be more likely to identify the problem sooner and be able to act as soon as possible.

Many times we can be afraid to meet or know how we are, we are terrified to realize that something is not going well, but we must know that being aware of it and accepting it, will be the only way that will allow us to face and change our state, since only upgrade to.

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2. Reflect before acting

This strategy is related to the well-known phrase of counting to ten before acting. It is common, and more when we are in a state of irritability, where everything affects us no matter how small, that we act or say something impulsively, without thinking, making the situation worse and making it more difficult for our discomfort to improve.

Try to control your behavior; It may be more appropriate that before reacting we let some time pass, we give ourselves space to reflect and know what what we mean and if the reason for our anger is really reasonable or if it just made me feel bad for being especially sensitive.

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3. Plan activities you like

This strategy of carrying out activities that the subject likes is used especially with individuals depressed, since it helps them to get out of the house, to do something and have fun getting out of the routine.

In the same way, it can also work when we feel irritated, to break with the behavioral dynamics that generate feelings of discomfort. or a negative state of mind, and so that the subject can enjoy doing an activity that he likes and helps him channel her interests and concerns, thus obtaining a source of motivation that helps to "get on track" the mind.

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4. play sports

Staying physically active helps improve mental health. Namely, if we stay physically healthy we also benefit our psychological health. The practice of sport, apart from the benefits that we already know, generates an increase in endorphins, which are a type of neurotransmitters linked to the reduction of discomfort, the sensation of pain and a consequent increase in pleasure and discharge of accumulated tensions.

In the same way, physical exercise helps to relax the body and favors that we can disconnect, thus reducing stress or anxiety.

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5. Establish a healthy routine

As we already mentioned, poor sleeping and eating habits also harm our state, producing greater irritability. For our body to function properly it is essential that we satisfy the basic needs, such as sleeping at least 7 hours in a row and eating a balanced and healthy diet, providing the body with all the nutrients it needs.

If we try to achieve other goals or satisfy other needs without meeting the basic ones, we will not achieve the desired goal. In the same way that we do not try to go anywhere without gasoline in the car, it will not be logical to pretend to function well without energy in our body.

6. Take care of social relationships

Social relationships are essential for people to achieve a good state of mental health. We must not forget that we are social beings and as such we need others, communicate with them, to feel good. When we are irritable, it is common for us to respond or act without thinking, harming the people around us, especially everything to our loved ones, since with them we have more confidence and it is easier for us to respond impulsively.

We must be considerate and aware of our state and prevent behaviors that we later regret, trying to think before taking any action with significant social repercussions. If we realize that we have done wrong, it is important that we acknowledge our wrongdoing and apologize for it. When we are not having a good time, having the support of our family and friends can be of great help, so value it.

7. know your limits

We have seen that excessive self-demand creates frustration, and can also lead to a state of irritability. Thus, in order to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves and thus be able to strive for it and get more involved in those routines, these need to be affordable and realistic. It is advisable to set short-term goals, since they will keep us motivated to achieve larger, long-term goals.

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