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Why does insomnia occur and how to reduce it with meditation?

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Not sleeping well can affect physical, mental and emotional health. Insomnia, although it seems inevitable, it is not. We share some tips and practices that can help you have a sound night's rest.

Insomnia, according to experts, is a common sleep disorder, which prevents us from falling asleep at night or waking up repeatedly during the early morning.

Although it is more and more common to hear people who sleep less to "do more", the truth is that it is not a healthy habit and over time it can radically affect physical, mental or emotional health.

  • Related article: "Insomnia: what is it and how it impacts our health"

Why is it so important to sleep well?

Each person has a unique biological clock; however, according to studies, every night it is recommended to sleep on average between 7 to 8 hours for an adult person.

Sleeping well is really valuable, to the point that if for several nights we reduce one hour of rest from what the body is used to, they can increase the risk of facing some type of heart attack or heart problems in the future.

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In addition, not sleeping well reduces productivity, focus, increases irritability, bad mood and directly affects the proper functioning of the body during the day.

  • You may be interested: "Top 7 Sleep Disorders"

Why does insomnia occur?

There are 3 keys that will help you to know the main reasons why insomnia occurs.

1. Stress and anxiety levels

Surely you have heard more people say that they are stressed or anxious. These are alterations that affect not only the daytime routine, but also the nighttime routine.

Today Nearly 400 million people confirm facing or having experienced episodes of anxiety or stress, according to the World Health Organization.

The causes of stress and anxiety can be several. Identifying them during your routine is the first big step in reducing insomnia at night.

Some activities to reduce stress and anxiety, which you can start applying today, are:

  • Active breaks during the day
  • Meditation or exercises Mindfulness
  • Exercise
  • walks
  • eat mindfully

2. work and personal life

For a couple of years the routine of work and personal life had a 180° turn, working at home had an increase exponential, which led to the limits and boundaries of time between these two areas of life becoming blurred with the passage of time. the days.

One of the reasons why rest is not enjoyed is due to the lack of sleep caused by the imbalance between personal life and work.

Some tips that can help you keep your work and personal life in harmony to recover good rest are:

  • Define your work start and end time.

  • If possible, have a single mobile number for your work and another for personal life. In a digital world it helps to "close the office" to have mental space in your personal moment.

  • Create an exclusive space for work.

  • Related article: "How to generate new healthy habits?"

circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm is made up of the changes that occur in the body and mind during a day. They are influenced by external light stimuli.

At night, with the reduction of natural light, the body begins to produce different processes that benefit rest. Among these processes, the most well-known hormone that helps to have a deep sleep is melatonin.

Due to artificial light and screens, these processes and hormones do not produce enough, thus creating difficulties for the body to have a restful sleep.

Some tips that can help keep your circadian rhythm in balance They are:

  • Limit screen use after a specific time at night.
  • Reduce the intensity of the light in your house.
  • Create or practice new night routines that help you increase relaxation and rest.
meditation against insomnia

How can meditation help you sleep better?

According to a study carried out in Pure Mind App, after 30 days of daily meditation, with sessions of no more than 10 minutes, stress is reduced by 17% and rest habits improve.

Meditation is a universal activity that brings an extensive list of benefits, and among them is sleeping better, increase the feeling of happiness, improve focus, among many more.

Thanks to meditation, mental patterns, the production of nocturnal thoughts and physical signs such as the circadian rhythm are stabilized and balanced.

When you meditate during the day or before sleeping, your body and mind prepare to release all the weight of the day.

Thus, meditation can help you fall asleep faster, have deep nights and without waking up in the morning.

We hope these tips will help you and you can have a very good night, full of peace and tranquility.

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