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Eu, by Augusto dos Anjos: 7 poems do livro (with analysis)

Augusto dos Anjos (1884 – 1914) was a Brazilian writer, born in Paraíba, who lived in the pre-modern period. His verses, gloomy and profound, provoked some estrangement among contemporaries.

Difficult to catalog, his lyrics have been associated with different aesthetics that inspired the poet, such as Parnassianism, Symbolism and Expressionism, among others.

It is the only book published in life, Eu, was launched in 1912. Later, it arose Eu e Otras Poesias, a posthumous anthology that includes more compositions created by the author.

1. black poem

sleep home Or céu sleep. A árvore I slept.
Eu, only eu, with a huge minha dor
You bloody eyes in the wake!
And I observe, enquanto or horror cuts me short,
Or sepulchral aspect gives austere room
And the impassibility of the furniture.

My heart, like a glass, breaks;
Or thermometer denies minha febre,
Become frozen or bleed that burns me,
And it turned me into a sad blind man
What das ruins duma house assists
Ao crumbling of another house!

Ao finish this meaning poem

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Onde vazei a minha dor supreme
My eyes are immersed in tears...
Rola-me na cabeça or cérebro oco.
By chance, meu Deus, will I be crazy?!
Daqui por diante não farei mas verses.

Mixing poetry with scientific thermos and philosophical, Augusto dos Anjos was considered pedantic and little accessible to his peers. We now know that his reflections on him were the fruits of a time in which advances in science and medicine began to mold mental pictures.

In the composition, we have a subject in wakefulness: he is the only one who remains agreed, something that underlines his sense of isolation from him. Using related expressions like or material body (eyes, heart, brain), ends up translating the emotions that dominate us.

Consumed by funereal ideas, of death and destruction, he faces poetry as a way of expressing what he is feeling. During the process, he questions his mental health, beginning to realize the possibility of abandoning writing.

2. Psychology of a loser

Eu, carbon filter and ammonia,
Monster of escuridão and rutilância,
Sofro, from epigênese da infância,
Influenced by two signs of the zodiac.

Profoundly hypochondriac,
This environment disgusts me...
Sobe-me à boca a craving analogous to craving
That escapes from the mouth of a heart.

Já o verme — this operário das ruínas —
That or blood I can give carnificines
Come, and life in general declares war,
Go and squeeze my eyes to roê-los,
And you have to leave me as soon as you hair them,
Na frialdade inorganic da terra!

One of the author's two most famous poems, "Psicologia de um vencido" masterfully combines erudite and colloquial language. Going back to the scientific references, the verses are an attempt by the eulyrist to explain here what happens to his head.

I am clear about your feelings of pessimism and discomfort before the reality and finitude of life. Starting from a concrete and positivist vision of the world, or subject observe that death is the destiny of all you beings

Embora is seen as something natural, a return to matter, to death or fear, causing fear, despair and a sense of absurdity before the life that is in front of you. Assim, assuming imminent defeat, gives voice to his own anguish.

3. Under the tamarind

No tempo de meu Pai, sob these galhos,
Like a wax funeral candle,
Chorei bilhões de vezes com a canseira
Of inexorably hard work!

Hoje, this árvore, of amplos agasalhos,
Save, like a caixa derradeira,
The past of the Brazilian Flora
E a paleontology dos Carvalhos!

When will we all stop watching
From my life, and to voice two necrologies
Shout out to us in the news that eu morri,
Returning to the homeland gives homogeneity,
Embraced with our own Eternity
A minha shade has to be here!

In this poem, as well as our author, we find a combination of themes such as nature, memory and passagem inevitable do tempo. Here there are also autobiographical references: "Carvalho", besides being a tree, was two family names of the author.

According to the verses, still during childhood, it was together with the tree that the subject was chorar, denoting a natural inclination to sadness and melancholy. Considering a propria morte, fala do tema as something imminent, imagined before or announced that it will arise.

Squeeze or desire to stay there after dying, proving that it will be eternal. It embarrasses or his discourse is attached to the material world, he persists in his lyrical tendency to mysticism, associating supposedly antagonistic ways of thinking.

4. Lonely

Like a ghost that takes refuge
In the solidao of dead nature,
Through two barren burial mounds, one day,
I went to take refuge-me à tua porta!

Fazia cold e or cold that fazia
Não era esse that meat comforts us...
Cortava assim as em butchery
O aço das incisors facas short!

But you didn't see see minha Desgraça!
E eu saí, as quem tudo repels, —
Old caixão to carregar destroços —

Raising barely na tombal carcaça
O pargaminho singular da pele
E o fateful crash two bears!

Here, the little subject is compared to a ghost, as if he were dead in life. I did not want to desert two six days, he tried to refuge da pessoa amada, but I ended up being rejeitado. Daí em diante, sua sadness or transformed into "carcaça", "ossos".

Perante all solidão and or disconsolate, or love arises like a last redemption that he is denied. Assim, or eu-lírico loses the remnants of hope that tinha e surrenders totally à waiting for the final judgement.

5. Idealism

Falas de amor, e eu ouço tudo e calo!
O amor da Humanidade is a lie.
É. And this is why na minha lira
Of futeis loves few times phallus.

Oh love! When will I finally love him?!
When, I know the love that inspires humanity
É o amor do sibarita e da hetaira,
From Messalina and from Sardanapalo?!

Pois é mister que, for the sacred love,
O fique world immaterialized
— Lever deflected from its fulcrum —

E haja only true friendship
Duma caveira for another caveira,
Do my grave for your grave?!

This is two exemplars philosophical poetry do author, full of disconcerting questions. Starting from an empirical view of the world, or seja, based on his personal experiences, or eu-lyrical question the existence of love true.

Face what he knows, he defends that it is an idealistic vision, something that does not exist in the palpable reality. Considering that it is a lying feeling, a way of deceiving people, he declares that he writes about him a few times.

It proves that humanity is confused with luxury. logo, or material world impossibility or sacred love: the purest sentiments could only arise after death. Assim, for this subject, to die also seems to be synonymous with receiving, finally, or love that he leaves.

6. intimate verses

You see! No assistance to the formidable
Burial of your last chimera.
Somente a Ingratidão – this panther –
I was your inseparable companion!

Get used to the lama that awaits you!
O Homem, that, nesta terra miserável,
Dwell among the fairies, feel inevitable
Need to also be fair.

Take a match. Light up your cigarette!
O baby, friend, it's the eve of the escarro,
A man who suffocates is the same as stone.

If someone causes inda sorrow to your chaga,
Apedreja essa mão vile that afaga you,
Escarra nessa mouth that beija you!

Here, or own title of poems, suggests that these verses express what is most intimate, most secret, in the soul of the subject. Failing about his solidarity, we verify that we are facing someone who has lost hope.

The world is portrayed as "lama", a small place where everyone is mistreated: it is fair and we are forced to act in the same way, as a way of survival and protection. By isso, or eu-lyrical rejeita to the idea of ​​approaching the other.

These stanzas carry an extremely pessimistic concept: the one who loves us now may be the one who crushes us or attracts us amanhã. This anguish results in a total isolation that translates into inability to trust, same nickels that show concern and empathy for him.

7. O martyrdom of the artist

Ungrateful art! E conquanto, em discouragement,
A ellipsoidal orbit two eyes lhe arda,
Looking to externalize or thought
That em suas frontetais cells saves!

Tarda-lhe a Idéia! Inspiration is late!
E ei-lo to tremer, rip or paper, violent,
Like a soldier who ripped a farda
I do not despair at the last moment!

Tempt to cry and your eyes feel exhausted...
I'm like or paralytic that, à mingua
Give your own voice in what is burning or lavra

Fever of em vao falar, com os gross fingers
To speak, puxa e repuxa a língua,
And I don't see a word in my mouth

this is um metapoem, or seja, a composition in verse that reflects about his own writing. For the subject, escrever is something that either wears out and disapproves.

On the other hand, it seems to be only way to express here that sits and that or consomme inside. Using biological elements (orbits, cells), he expresses his frustration and inability to cry or move. Or to write poems, which he calls "ungrateful art", is absolutely necessary for him.

Accurate transform the abstract into something concrete, immaterial anguish in speech. Also, he is desperate when he lacks inspiration, as poetry is the only way to transcend death.

Read the entire work

A collection of poetry já é public domain and can be read in pdf format.

Bibliographic references

  • ANJOS, Augusto dos. Eu and other poetry. 42. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Civilization, 1998.
  • FERREIRA, R. Thematic and ideological content in Augusto dos Anjos. 2011. Dissertação (Master of Arts) - Federal University of Espírito Santo, Espírito Santo, 2011.
  • Sabino, M. Augusto dos Anjos and Scientific Poetry. 2006. Dissertação (Master of Literary Studies) - Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, 2006.

Take advantage to see also:

  • Best poems of Augusto dos Anjos
  • Intimate Verses Poem by Augusto dos Anjos (analysis)
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