16 books on self-awareness that can improve your life
Books that stimulate self-awareness can be important triggers towards transformations in search of a more fulfilling life.
Thinking like this, we selected some two best books on self-awareness that will help you rethink behaviors, reassess emotions and access tools for personal development.
1. The Courage of Being Imperfeito (Brené Brown)
Launched in 2013 by researcher and professor at the University of Houston, Brené Brown, this is a book that exposes vulnerability as a point to be worked generously and courageously.
The author defends that when we face shame, or fear and our weaknesses, without fleeing from these feelings, we open ourselves to experience creativity and connection with others more fully and satisfactory
The lecture “O poder da vulnerabilidad”, presented by the American writer at TED, became a great success, reaching more than 55 million views.
One of the ideas that Brené Brown outlined in his book, is:
The strongest moments of our lives occur when we tie up the little lights, raised by courage, by companionship and by bond, and thus we see them shine in the shadow of our battles.
2. Women Who Run Like Wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estés)
Women who run like wolves It has now become a classic of literature for women seeking self-awareness.
Written by Jungian psychologist Clarissa Pinkola Estés and released for the first time in 1989, the iconic work It presents ancient tales and legends and draws parallels between the narratives and the archetypal symbols that they carregam.
Likewise, Clarissa seeks to show how the return to a feminine “savage nature” is essential for the liberation of women in our patriarchal society. A two passages of this powerful work is:
The best land for seeding and growing something new is once again unfounded. In this sense, hitting the bottom of the little, despite being extremely painful, is also a terrain to seme.
3. Seja homem: masculinity unmasked (JJ Bola)
Written by JJ Bola and with the preface of Emicida, Seja Homem it proposes to question the model of masculinity built in our contemporary society. In a clear way, drawing examples from other cultures, the author demystifies behaviors and beliefs rooted in what "being homem" means.
Likewise, the book, released in 2020, is a great start for all men who seek to rethink their machismo and deconstruct it, relating better to themselves and to other people.
4. What is your work? (Mario Sergio Cortella)
Mario Sergio Cortella addresses this book as anguish and concern about purpose, objectives, leadership and ethics.
The readers will be prompted to think about their life and career, especially in the professional field. Here, Cortella exposes the importance of meaning behind the job. No book, or author states:
When the model of life leads to exhaustion, it is essential to question whether it is worth continuing on the same path.
5. Roube as an artist (Austin Kleon)
Initially written for people who work with art, Roube as an artist can also help all people who want to connect more with sleepy creativity.
It was published in 2013 and traces a humorous approach, with several illustrations. Here, the American designer and writer Austin Kleon sheds light on the subject of breeding and two creative processes, defending that nothing is totally original, but that we must know how to use references and inspirations honestly and with comprehension knowledge Some of the tips and insights present in the books are:
Every artist is a collector. Not a hoarder, there is a difference: hoarders collect indiscriminately, artists collect selectively. They only collect things that they really love.
6. The magic of silence (Kankyo Tannier)
The full title of this book, which was published in 2018, is The magic of silence: A modern and relaxed mind on ancient practices and traditions that lead to calm and serenity.
Here, the French author Kanyo Tannier, a Buddhist nun from the Zen tradition, presents in an uncomplicated way meditative practices and short exercises to apply a rotina with the aim of silencing the mind and diminishing anxiety.
7. Knowledge of transformation (Monja Coen)
In this book of 2019, Monja Coen expounds her vision on the importance of reflecting and rethinking our attitudes, always in search of balance and harmony known and close.
Tracing simple examples of daily life and with a well humorous writing, the nun shows us paths for a life with more knowledge and inner peace. At any given time, the author says no book:
Sometimes we stop appreciating our freedom to go and live, the freedom to be able to think, have opinions and choose, to submit ourselves to situations of apparent riches and honors.
8. Ideas to say goodbye to the end of the world (Ailton Krenak)
In this small book, the indigenous leader Ailton Krenak expounds his thoughts on the relationship between two human beings and nature, defending that everything is interlinked and in common.
Likewise, it offers readers the chance to reflect on urgent issues such as community, social transformation and ecology.
The book was published in 2019 by Companhia das Letras. Follow a stretch:
Singing, dancing and living the magical experience of suspending what is common in many traditions. To suspend or expand our horizon; not a prospective horizon, but an existential one. It is to enrich our subjectivities, which is the material that this time in which we live wants to consume. There is a desire to consume nature, there is also a desire to consume subjectivities — as nossas subjectividades. So let's live them with the freedom that we are capable of inventing, not throwing them away on the market. Já that nature is being assaulted in such a defenseless way, come on, at least, be able to maintain our subjectivities, our visions, our poetics about existence.
9. The World that Lives in Us (Liliane Prata)
This is a work by Liliane Prata launched in 2019 that raises valuable philosophical questions and reflections to rethink our anxiety, anger and melancholy, as well as our self-love.
Through various quotations of poems, excerpts from books and music, Liliane invites us to self-awareness and personal transformation. According to the words of the author, her objective with the publication is:
I hope that, after reading, you will gain more self-awareness, increase your understanding of the distances and relationships between you and the others. things, distinguish more clearly what I want, what I don't want for you, and feel more deeply, with more grace than frustration, the experience of being alive.
10. Death is a day worth living (Ana Cláudia Quintana Arantes)
In 2016, one of the greatest references in palliative care in Brazil, to the physician Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes, launched her book A death is a day that is worth living.
Written after a lecture on his TED viralize and hit many people, the book addresses the delicate and thorny subject that is mourning.
There are many reflections that she traced on a loving and surprising perspective, which certainly Farão os leitores e litoras enxergarem finitude with more wisdom, or hair less with less distress.
Check out a small excerpt present in the book:
To want to see life in another way, to follow another path, because life is brief and requires value, meaning and meaning. And death is an excellent reason to look for a new vision for life.
11. The palhaço and the psicanalist (Christian Dunker and Cláudio Thebas)
Written by the famous psychoanalyst Christian Dunker and by the palhaço Cláudio Thebas, this is a 2019 publication that shows o dialogue between these apparently distant figures, more than we draw many points in common, being the main one giving them the opening to scuta.
The authors write interspersed chapters and offer opportunities for reflection on how we can be more attentive and attentive to listening to other people in a loving way, exercising empathy and understanding.
A two stretches of books says:
To listen to the other is to listen to what he really says, and not to us, or he himself, would like to hear. To listen to what someone really feels or expresses, and not what would be more pleasant.
12. The Magic of Arrumação (Marie Kondo)
This is a book that arises with the idea of helping people deal better with the things they accumulate during their lives. According to Japanese author Marie Kondo, the way we deal with objects also says about us and our picks.
Thus, with these simple and practical tips, she devised solutions so that you want to end the bagunça and be free from the fact that it no longer serves you.
See some of these dicas present in the book:
The best way to do the triage is what is it and how do I know it is to secure each item and ask: "Is this joy for me?" If the answer is affirmative, save-o. Otherwise, play-or-fora. This is not only the simplest criteria, but also the most precise.
13. The book gives life (Krishnamurti)
One of the two most well-known books of the famous Indian thinker Krishnamurti is The book gives life. Launched in 2016, it brings together excerpts from lectures, conferences and published and unpublished writings that have draw an overview of the ideas of this man who was considered by many a guru, a label that he himself rejeitava.
Krishnamurti credited self-awareness and meditation as an essential tool for personal transformation, as it is possible to observe in this passage:
The intellect is satisfied with theories and explanations, the intelligence is not; And for the comprehension of the total process of existence, it would be necessary an integration of the mind and of the heart not moving. Intelligence is not separate from love.
14. The things you only see when you slow down (Haemin Sunim)
The South Korean Haemin Sunim proposes this work of 2017 with an attentive eye on our spirituality, work and relationships. The idea is that people manage to cultivate calm and company with others and for themselves, going to find a more serene life.
As the spiritual master Jiddu Krishnamurti said, pure attention, without judgment, is the highest form not only of human intelligence, but also of love. Observe attentively and lovingly the energy in constant change, as it unfolds in the space of your mind.
15. Sidarta (Hermann Hesse)
Sidarta is a classic of German literature published by Hermann Hesse in 1922. Although the book had a century of existence, its teachings continue to resound in our society and make sense.
Different from two other titles presented, Sidarta is a fictional romance. Here, we accompany the trajectory of a man who was born to a wealthy family, but decides to go out into the world in search of self-awareness and spiritual illumination. The narrative is based on the story of the Buddha.
Likewise, Hesse addresses issues such as impermanence, or tempo and the inner wisdom of each um.
The true seeker, the one who really undertakes to find something, could never submit to a nenhuma doutrina.
16. A bed on the balcony (Regina Navarro Lins)
Best-seller of the psychoanalyst and writer Regina Navarro Lins, A bed on the balcony was released for the first time in the 90s. With a clear and direct approach, the author exposes a good part of human history seen through sexuality and two relationships.
Likewise, she traces an other view on affective and sexual human behavior, in order to offer new possibilities of relating. This is a reading that can open the horizons of men and women who are looking for a more satisfying way of dealing with their feelings and with their partners and partners.
The author explores these books with reflections such as these:
In our culture, the people love the fate of being loving, they go away from the country. Without perceiving, idealizing another and projecting everything that we want. I'm not counting, the relationship is not with a real person, who is on my side, but rather with one that is invented according to one's own needs.
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