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The 100 best phrases of Marvel (and the UCM)

The Marvel universe has come to show the world that there are still people who are capable of putting their talents at the service of others, this is the message that the films of this studio bring film. With earnings of more than 17,000 million dollars, the UCM has given us entertainment, but also teachings.

  • We recommend you read: "The 90 Greatest Movie Quotes (Of All Time)"

Best quotes from the UCM (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

In this article we will see a compilation with the best quotes from Marvel, a universe that has taught us that we can all be heroes.

1. There are things I never asked my father. There are questions that I would have liked to ask him: how he felt about what he did with his company, if he was conflicted, if he had doubts. (Tony Stark)

Communication is always important to have on time.

2. It is pride and vanity speaking, not leadership. (odin)

Whoever is a leader is neither proud nor much less believes more than others.

3. Have you heard of the avengers initiative? (Nick Furry)

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It is good to have an initiative in life.

4. If we can't protect Earth, you can be sure we'll avenge it. (Tony Stark)

There are times when revenge is something that needs to be done.

5. I love you 3000. (Tony Stark)

A phrase that until today, shakes our hearts.

6. I am Groot. (Groot)

A character who taught us that the best words are said with actions.

7. There are no strings binding me. (ultron)

We must not allow ourselves to be tied to someone or something that causes us harm.

8. Ladies, children, sheep… some call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. Lesson number 1: Heroes…there is no such thing. (Mandarin)

There are other types of heroes in the world.

9. That pain will make you stronger. If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it, it will make you more powerful than you ever imagined. (Professor X)

Pain also strengthens.

10. This is not the age of spies. This is not the age of heroes. This is the age of miracles…and there is nothing more horrible than a miracle. (Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker)

Every day many miracles occur, many of which are almost imperceptible.

11. Part of the journey is the end. (Tony Stark)

You have to enjoy each day as if it were the last.

12. The most difficult choices require the strongest wills. (Thanos)

When you choose to do something difficult, the will is the engine that drives.

13. I understood that reference. (Steve Rogers)

It refers to the fact that we understand something they tell us.

14. United Avengers!

Working as a team gives better results.

15. I don't want to go, Mr. Stark. (Spider-Man)

Sometimes we have to leave somewhere and leave many things behind.

16. I am always furious. (Hulk)

Anger is something that is going to be in our life, whether we want it or not.

17. Didn't you see it coming? (Petro Maximoff)

You always have to be alert.

18. A fortune will never buy a second in time. (Howard Starks)

Money is important, but you can't buy many things with it.

19. Humans. They are not the miserable cowards that we were promised. They fight. They are rebellious and therefore ungovernable. To defy them is to court death.

You have to always fight, never stop.

20. You start with something pure, something exciting, and then the mistakes come, the compromises. We create our demons. (Tony Stark)

We are responsible for everything we do.

21. I am unavoidable. (Thanos)

We are all necessary in life.

22. We are Groot. (Groot)

We must put aside individualism and work as a team when necessary.

23. Wakanda Forever! (T'Challa)

It's a war cry from King T'Challa.

24. It is an imperfect world, but it is the only one we have. (Hombre de Hierro)

We must accept ourselves as we are, including our flaws.

25. I am the monster that parents tell their children about at night. (Loki)

There are people who are so bad that they look like monsters.

26. I am always honest. (Steve Rogers)

Honesty is a very important quality.

27. We all lost something. It is so. All of us. Our houses, our families… normal lives. (Star-Lord)

We always lose something that makes us go back or serve as motivation to move forward.

28. They want to protect the world. But they don't want it to change. How to save humanity if it is not allowed to evolve? (ultron)

Sometimes changes are the best option.

29. There is only one God and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress that way. (Steve Rogers)

Captain America's beliefs.

30. I come from Earth, a planet of fugitives. My name is Peter Quill. And there's another name you may know me by. (PeterQuill)

There are people who are known by another name.

31. Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes we all need a little help. (Charles Xavier)

We always need help when we lose our way.

32. You know what I think, that true balance lies somewhere between rage and serenity.

You have to find that point of balance between anger and tranquility.

33. Today we are not fighting for one life, we are fighting for all of them. (Black Panther)

We must fight for just causes.

34. I choose to run towards my problems, and not run away from them. Because that's it…because that's what heroes do. (Thor)

Never turn your back on problems, but face them.

35. You are a product of all those who came before you, the legacy of your family. You are your mother. And whether you like it or not, you're also your father. (Shang Chi)

It was a mixture of both your mother and your father.

36. What would you say if I told you that you are an immortal superhuman, given powers by aliens to protect the earth from harm? (ikaris)

Each person is strong in their own way.

37. What does not kill you makes you stronger. (ultron)

Situations are teachings.

38. You are looking at everything through a keyhole. All your life you have tried to widen that lock: to distinguish more, to know more. (The Ancient One)

Expand your possibilities, don't focus on something small.

39. My son, you cannot run from your past. (Shang Chi)

The past somehow comes again.

40. No matter what happens tomorrow, promise me one thing. That you will always be who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. (Abraham Eskinne)

Never change, always be yourself.

41. She doesn't have the slightest idea. If I put on a night light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting. (PeterQuill)

Sometimes we feel lost.

42. Any dream worth living is a dream worth fighting for. (Professor X)

She fights at all times to achieve your dreams.

43. The world has changed and none of us can go back. (Peggy Carter)

There is no going back, but moving forward.

44. Faith is my sword. The truth is my shield. Knowledge is my armor. (Stephen Strange)

You must not lose faith.

45. I did not give up! And as you can see, I'm not dead! The challenge continues! (T'Challa)

You don't have to give up, you have to keep fighting.

46. I know you don't like to talk about your life, but some guy with a fucking MACHETE ON ONE ARM just cut our bus in half! (Katy)

There are situations to face no matter how difficult it is.

47. I know who you are, Peter Quill, and I'm not some fool who succumbs to your… your pelvic sorcery! (Gamora)

It is important to know how people are.

48. You had a hard life, you know who else had a hard life? Everyone! (deadpool)

Life is not easy, but very beautiful.

49. I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they come from. (Steve Rogers)

No one has the power to take a person's life.

50. No man can win every battle, but no man should go down without a fight. (Peter Parker)

It doesn't matter how many times we fall, but how many times we get up.

51. All we can do is the best, and sometimes the best we can do is start over. (Peggy Carter)

Starting over is the best option.

52. If I don't see you again, I want you to know that I love you very much. (deadpool)

Every day we have to tell loved ones how much we love them.

53. It's really not that complicated, I have my account in red and I would like to delete it. (Natasha Romanova)

It is good to pay off debts.

54. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but the reality is that you are afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I accept it proudly. Without fear! (Red Skull)

We have to accept ourselves as we are.

55. The moment you think you know what's going on in a woman's mind, that's the moment your goose is nice and fully cooked. (Howard Starks)

The woman has always been an enigma.

56. You have to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. (Aunt May)

Do not carry responsibilities that are not yours.

57. Now hearing that it can be expanded in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibility. (The Ancient One)

When what we expect arrives, fear appears.

58. Even if everyone else tells you that something is wrong is right, and even if everyone tells you to move, your duty is to stand like a tree, look them in the eye and say: No, you move! (SharonCarter)

Don't let others tell you what to do.

59. Second chances don't come around very often. The next time you think you are facing one, I suggest you pay close attention to it. (Hank Pym)

Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

60. With great power comes great responsibility. (Uncle Ben)

Everything in life requires responsibility.

61. When you love something you protect it. (Thena)

It is a priority for those who love, to protect their own.

62. But a thing is not beautiful because it lasts. It is a privilege to be among them. (Vision)

Beautiful things are everywhere.

63. I'd rather be a good man than a great king. (Thor)

Being cataloged as an excellent person is an honor that not everyone has.

64. Fate lays the cards, we just play them the best way we can. (Wowerine)

Life shows you the way, you decide whether to move forward or not.

65. It is the decisions that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do the right thing. (Spiderman)

Make the right decisions.

66. We are not a team… we are a ticking time bomb. (Bruce Banner)

A team also faces difficulties.

67. Weak God. (Hulk)

Those who think they are strong before others are, deep down, weak.

68. If you walk through that door, you're an Avenger. (Hawkeye)

To be part of a team, you have to deserve it.

69. In general, life takes more than it gives. But not today. Today he gave us something. It gave us a chance to care for something for once. Of not escaping. (Star-Lord)

Every day is a gift and you have to take advantage of it.

70. When I look around us, do you know what I see? losers. (PeterQuill)

We are surrounded by people we sometimes don't like.

71. Peggy, we'll have to delay that dance. (Captain America)

There are things we should postpone.

72. I just act like I know everything. (Natasha Romanoff)

Have an aptitude that everyone thinks you know everything.

73. The sun is setting. (Natasha Romanova)

When sunset comes, memories bloom.

74. Dormammu, I have come to negotiate. (Doctor Strange)

A hero who does not give up before any challenge.

75. It's not bad to discover that you don't have all the answers, that's when you ask yourself the right questions. (Erik Selvig)

We never have the answers to everything.

76. Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph. (Aldrich Killian)

Failure teaches us to focus on success.

77. You are my sadness and my hope, but above all you are my love. (Wanda Maximoff)

Love is illusion and fear at the same time.

78. Fear him… Run away from him… Fate always comes… Or should I say here I am. (Thanos)

Destiny is something we forge ourselves.

79. What is loss but persevering love? (Wanda Maximoff)

Love conquers all.

80. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved. (T'Challa)

You always have to try to improve even when everything is fine.

81. I am Iron Man. (Tony Stark)

The phrase with which it all started and ended.

82. You know, I keep telling everyone that they should go ahead and grow. Some do. But not us. (Steve Rogers)

Advance and grow that must be the object to follow.

83. Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures in my entire life. (Pepper Potts)

We should never try to change someone.

84. Arrogance and fear still prevent you from learning the simplest and most important lesson of all: stop thinking about yourself. (The Ancient One)

Do not focus on others, but on yourself.

85. It is the greatest gift we have: enduring pain without breaking. And it comes from the most human part of us: hope. (Professor X)

Hope makes us able to endure difficult things.

86. That's my secret, I'm always upset. (Bruce Banner)

Anger can be an incentive to get ahead.

87. We are the fucking Guardians of the Galaxy! (Rocket Raccoon)

We should be proud of who we are.

88. We have a Hulk. (Tony Stark)

We all carry a monster inside.

89. I could be doing this all day. (Captain America)

There are things that are pleasant and we like them very much.

90. He is a friend from work. (Thor)

Having colleagues at work allows you to carry out your daily work in the best way.

91. I have nothing to prove to you. (Captain Marvel)

The only person we have to show what we are is ourselves.

92. No matter what happens tomorrow, promise me one thing: that you'll still be you. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. (Dr Abraham Erskine)

We must focus on really being who we are, without pretending to be someone else.

93. I saw young Americans being killed by the weapons I created to defend and protect them. I realized that I was part of a system that is not accountable. (Tony Stark)

As usual. There are good things that are actually bad.

94. Relax friend! I'm not dead, it's just a performance! Now go down and play! (Morris)

There are times when we should only act in a certain situation.

95. You are just a criminal who murders people. (Shang Chi)

We are what we want to do.

96. I will die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the Galaxy. (Gamora)

We are surrounded by the people we attract into our lives.

97. Excuse me, were we the ones who came to your planet to blow everything up? (Nick Furry)

We cannot be responsible for the decisions of others.

98. You cannot allow your father's actions to define your life. You have to decide what kind of king (leader) you want to be. (Nakia)

Do not allow the decisions of others to limit your path, you are the only one who has power in yourself.

99. You are my mission! YOU ARE MY MISSION! (Winter Soldier)

A mission that destroyed his life.

100. You can't understand it, death in small doses is the only thing that makes me feel alive. (Wowerine)

Many times things are so difficult to understand.

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