Education, study and knowledge


Make your school more efficient contest - Energy with conscience

Energy efficiency, education and youth are three concepts that can go hand in hand. Repsol has launched a new call for its Energy with Consciousness educational project, an initiative that teaches the youngest to use energy responsibly and brings them closer to the concept of energy efficiency. Since the launch of this project, more than 5,000 students from various communities have become more aware of how to be responsible citizens to have a better future. Next, in a PROFESSOR, we talk about contest Make your school more efficient and the project Energy with consciousness, the educational project on energy and efficiency that allows students to be involved in the responsible use of resources, with the aim of being more sustainable and that ends with a contest in which the winning educational center will get € 5,000 to invest in the center itself and thus become more efficient.

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  1. What is the final contest "Make your school more efficient"
  2. Contest "Make your school more efficient": phases and dates
  3. instagram story viewer
  4. Energy with conscience educational project
  5. Energy efficiency and responsibility
  6. Phases of the project Energy with conscience

What is the final contest "Make your school more efficient"

To ensure that the Energy with Consciousness project promoted by Repsol has a greater effect on young people and they see that energy can really be sustainable and efficient, a competition between educational centers of all country. This is expected to involve youth in responsible energy use, through teamwork and creativity.

The centers that want to join the final contest will have to prepare a video (maximum 1 minute) in which students explain the ideas they have to make their school even more efficient.

There will be five finalist centers and in an event, in which Marc Márquez and Alex Márquez (Repsol Honda Team riders) will participate, the winning center will be chosen. This will receive a prize of € 5,000 to invest in the center itself and ensure that the ideas of their students are fulfilled in order to achieve a more efficient place of study and learning.

In order to participate in this contestEnergy with conscience project, the educational centers will have to enter the website of Repsol Efficient School to fill in the form, including the video.

Contest "Make your school more efficient": phases and dates.

Take note of the 4 phases of the contest and their dates:

  • Phase 1: This is the first phase in which the video is sent. The dates of this phase are from January 27 to March 17, 2020.
  • Phase 2: in the second phase there will be the voting of the videos and it will be from March 18 to March 25 of this year.
  • Phase 3: On March 27, 2020, the 5 finalists will be chosen.
  • Phase 4: On April 21 the final event will be held in Madrid to choose the winner of the award.
Contest Make your school more efficient - Energy with conscience - Contest "Make your school more efficient": phases and dates

Energy with conscience educational project.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the contest"Make your school more efficient", is linked to Energy with Conscience, an educational project promoted by the Repsol Foundation.

Repsol Foundation, with the objective of generating awareness and sensitizing the youngest of the importance of respecting the environment and use resources in a responsible way, has promoted the educational project Energy with conscience, through which 3rd and 4th grade secondary students will be able to experience, through simulation, what an energy audit consists of.

The draft is aimed at schools from the Community of Madrid, Cantabria, the Region of Murcia and the provinces of A Coruña, Ciudad Real, Tarragona and Vizcaya, who wish to participate in the next edition and register, by accessing a form. The call was already closed on October 23 and they were selected 40 centers in which to develop this educational program completely free of charge. Now, this project is already underway in the centers and part of it and the final contest, which we will explain later.

Contest Make your school more efficient - Energy with conscience - Educational project Energy with conscience

Energy efficiency and responsibility.

The students participants in the project Energy with a conscience, and that they will have the option to participate in the contest"Make your school more efficient", will carry out different workshops and experiments, taught by Repsol volunteers, which will bring them closer to the concepts of energy efficiency, sustainability and optimization of resources, while fostering teamwork, creativity and research, among other skills.

The main objective of this program is to educate the generation of the future, so that they become aware of the importance of caring for and respecting both our environment and our resources to be responsible and sustainable citizens.

Thanks to this type of educational projects, Fundación Repsol intends that future generations have the knowledge to be able to have a adequate care of the environment and the environment, especially through energy efficiency and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Phases of the Energy with Consciousness project.

To encourage research, creativity and teamwork in students who participate in the Energy with conscience project, this has been divided into three main phases:

  • Phase I: During this period, Fundación Repsol will send the materials and the teachers will be in charge of introducing the students to the program. For this, the key concepts with which the students will work during the simulation of an energy audit will be presented.
  • Phase II: Once the basic concepts have been introduced, a team of Repsol volunteers, employees and retirees of the energy company, will carry out different activities and workshops during the school day, which will include learning such as reducing energy consumption or energy sustainable.
  • Phase III: In the third and final phase of the program, students will put into practice everything they have learned through the simulation of the energy audit.

This project will be developed between January and March 2020It will last between two and three weeks and will be guided by the teachers themselves. After this period, students will present their ideas and conclusions by creating an audit report that they can present to the Energy Championship with a conscience. The winners will receive a cash prize to be able to carry out the improvements that have been described in the report and, thus, improve their center.

The program Energy with consciousness and the final contest "Make your school more efficient" intends for students to be actively involved in scientific observation, experimentation, and analysis, so that they convey to their closest environment the importance of being responsible in the use of resources energetic.

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