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Ecosystems in the depths of the Caribbean Sea

Ecosystems in the depths of the Caribbean Sea

Unique species around the world, of great beauty and biodiversity, they inhabit the depths of the Caribbean Sea. Ecosystems that demonstrate how incredibly complex nature can be, where even in the most extreme conditions some form of life can develop. In a PROFESSOR we are going to discover you how are the ecosystems of the Caribbean and some peculiar features that we think you should know about.

In fact, in the depths of these heavenly seas we find some underwater volcanic vents, where high temperatures can heat the water up to 450 degrees. These are hydrothermal vents that spring up in those places where the marine crust opens, releasing gases and materials from the earth's mantle.

To the surprise of many, scientists have discovered that in these places there are many forms of life of great biodiversity. Some unique species that live in absolute darkness and with temperatures that in most cases, exceed 100 ° C. This situation also gives rise to an incredible variety of minerals which are the food of many microorganisms.

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Biologists are surprised by these complex and overwhelming ecosystems, which are capable of harboring life forms. The environmental conditions that occur in the depths of the Caribbean Sea question the limits allowed for life to develop. In fact, the deepest undersea volcanic chimney is found 5,000 meters deep, on a fault at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.

In these depths the water temperature rises to the chilling figure of 450 ° C. Temperatures that make possible the existence of a great variety of minerals and life forms. Species such as shrimp of unknown origin, inhabit the rocky columns of the chimneys.

Some surprising findings that have been revealed by the scientific journal Nature Communications, in an investigation carried out by a team of experts from the British University of Southampton.

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