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The 110 best phrases of women writers

There is no doubt that women have shown incredible ability in various fields throughout history, from the field of science to literature, where we can see their contributions and their impact on cultural development. Writing has become a space for protest, struggle and empowerment for all those great thinkers, whose creativity has no limits.

If you are interested in this area, you will like this selection of phrases of women writers, commented.

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The most memorable phrases of women writers

The role of women in literature has always been important as it gives a strong voice to those who have something to say and are often forgotten or forgotten. That is why we bring a compilation with the best phrases of women writers.

1. I do not study to know more, but to ignore less. (Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz)

The only way to eliminate ignorance is to learn every day.

2. Inexplicable anguish, deep pain of the soul, memory that does not die, desire that does not end. (Rosalia de Castro)

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Life is full of fear, pain, people to remember and moments lived.

3. There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. (Virginia Woolf)

Knowledge has no border.

4. Love is about finding someone to share your quirks with. (Rose Montero)

The partner must be someone who also shares our weaknesses.

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5. Happiness in marriage is a matter of sheer luck. (Jane Austen)

Marriage is a lottery where you win and lose.

Women Writers Quotes

6. We do not see things as they really are, but rather we see them as we are. (Anais Nin)

Each person has their particular way of seeing things.

7. Without clarity there is no voice of wisdom. (Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz)

In everything we do we have to be clear.

8. The best thing about forgetting is remembering. (Glory Strong)

We always have something to remember.

9. Nothing more intense than the terror of losing one's identity. (Alejandra Pizarnik)

Never lose your essence.

10. Sadness is the point of inspiration for every writer. (Christie Agatha)

Melancholic feelings are the most inspiring to create.

11. In my opinion, words are our greatest source of magic and are capable of harming and healing someone. (J. K. Rowling)

Be careful what you say, words are double-edged swords

12. Only after women begin to feel at home on this earth, do you see a Rosa Luxemburg appear, a Madame Curie. (Simeone deBeauvoir)

There are women who are a source of inspiration and a role model.

13. I learned that you can't go backwards, that the essence of life is to go forward. (Christie Agatha)

To be successful in life, you have to keep going, even when it's hard.

14. In the dark, things around us seem no more real than dreams. (Murasaki Shikibo)

The darkness is just a matter of perspective.

15. A good writer can write about anything and he can make literature on any topic and a bad writer does not have that ability. (Almudena Grandes)

Smart people know how to take advantage of what they have around them.

16. We are not born as a woman, but we become one. (Simone deBeauvoir)

Being a woman is a matter of preparation.

17. The world must be made by oneself. (Ana Maria Matute)

It is we ourselves who make our way.

18. The truth is that writing is the deepest pleasure, being read to is only a superficial pleasure. (Virginia Woolf)

Doing things with passion is what really has value.

19. Writing is a long introspection, it is a journey into the darkest caves of consciousness, a slow meditation. (Isabel Allende)

Through writing we express everything that is difficult for us to say.

20. Where there is a tree to plant, plant it yourself. Where there is an error to amend, amend it yourself. (Gabriela Mistral)

Don't give others your responsibility.

21. That's what dreams are for, right? To show us how far we can go. (Laura Gallego)

Dreams represent the beginning of great goals.

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22. We do not know our true height until we stand up. (Emily Dickinson)

We don't know what we are capable of doing until we try.

23. I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

The important thing is not to be superior to anyone, but to be able to have control over our own lives.

24. We kill what we love. The rest has never been alive. (Rosario Castellanos)

We are experts in killing what surrounds us.

25. Misery, like physical pain, equals minutes. The days become the same day, the acts in the same act and the people in a single useless character. (Elena Garro)

Misfortune and failure are very painful and cause a lot of damage.

26. In the depth of the lie, there is always something perverse. (Elena Garro)

Falsehood is a very sinister thing.

27. Cover the memory of your face with the mask of what you will be and scare the girl you were. (Alejandra Pizarnik)

Many times we hide behind a mask to hide who we really are.

28. Empowering women means trusting them. (Isabel Allende)

Women are showing their ability as they fill positions that were only for men and they do very well.

29. Not so long ago, in this same neighborhood, happiness was also a way of resisting. (Almudena Grandes)

Being happy is, in part, a personal decision.

30. I don't believe in fear. (Marian Keyes)

Fear is defeatable, you just have to work at it.

31. Don't rip other women apart, because even if they aren't your friends, they are women... and this is just as important. (Roxanne Gay)

Never speak ill of others, especially if there is a feeling of friendship involved.

32. Words: with them you can do and undo what you want. (Elena Ferrante)

That is why it is important to be careful with what we say and how we say it.

33. Pain is the root of knowledge. (Simone Well)

Through pain we can understand many things that we would not know otherwise.

34. The art of overcoming great difficulties is studied and acquired with the habit of facing small ones. (Christina Belgioio)

You always have to face difficulties, that's the only way to overcome them.

35. Sorrows, by how many paths you reach the same place! Coming from everywhere, only at one point do you get together. (Beep Love)

Sadness is part of life.

36. Don't climb so high, crazy thought, that the one who climbs higher falls deeper. (Rosalia deCastro)

Do not try to reach the top in one fell swoop, do it slowly so that you stay.

37. I have met many people throughout my life who, in the name of earning money to live, take it so seriously that they forget to live. (Carmen Martin Gaite)

Don't let money become your first priority.

38. I am no longer able to stop this story, just as I cannot stop the passage of time. (Kate Morton)

Time cannot be stopped, it just moves forward constantly.

39. I'm not a writer. I am simply a human being in search of expression. (Victoria Ocampo)

Writing is an ideal medium to express our opinions.

40. The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be, instead of acknowledging who we are. (Rosario Castellanos)

We must not be as others want, the responsibility lies with us.

41. I am interested in the daily life of the soul, that which great history does not usually take into account. (Svetlana Aleksievich)

Simple things have their charms.

42. In order for your right hand to ignore what your left hand is doing, it will have to be hidden from consciousness. (Simone Well)

Awareness is something you cannot hide from.

43. Sometimes a man or a woman imposes their despair on another person, they alternately call this stripping the heart, or stripping the soul. (Louise Gluck)

There are always people who are willing to listen to us.

44. The cure for boredom is curiosity. For curiosity there is no cure. (Dorothy Parker)

Always have that touch of curiosity.

45. It is writing, moving away from reality a little to observe it, when we are most present. (Alison Bechdel)

Taking a step back is often the best option.

46. Read, observe, listen intensely. As if your life depended on it. (Joyce Carol Oates)

Never forget to see, hear and read properly, you will see life differently.

47. When we can't keep dreaming, we die. (Emma Goldmann)

We stop dreaming only when we die.

48. Omitting the truths is nothing more than a refined variety of lying. (Almudena Grandes)

Removing the truths does not make them disappear.

49. Skin wrinkles are that indescribable something that comes from the soul. (Simone deBeauvoir)

Wrinkles are a sign of experience and lived experiences.

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50. Read the classics, read the greats. Borges and Italo Calvino were the ones who made me wonder: “Hey, look what they do, could I do something like that? (Ursula K. Le Guin)

It is important to read the works of great writers, they are sources of inspiration.

51. You have to get used to the fact that you'll spend a lot of trees before you write something you really like, and that's the way it should be. (J.K. Rowling)

Before reaching the goal, many obstacles are encountered.

52. Politeness costs nothing and earns a lot. (Mary Wortley Montague)

Politeness does not take away courage.

53. The spirit seeks, but the heart is the one that finds. (Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin de Dudevant)

Feelings always prevail over reason.

54. I write because I cannot stop myself, because I feel the need to do so and because that is my only way of communicating with some beings, with myself. My only way. (Victoria Ocampo)

Writing is a way of letting off steam.

55. All the misfortunes in the world come from the neglect and contempt that until today has been made of the natural and essential rights of being a woman. (Flora Tristan)

The woman is as important as the man.

56. I'm not romantic enough to imagine that the story itself is the one that wants to be told, but honest enough to know that I want to tell it. (Kate Morton)

Romance and honesty are important to a writer.

57. The tyrant oppresses his slaves, and these, instead of turning against him, take revenge on those who are below. (Emily Bronte)

We always vent our rage against those who are not to blame.

58. For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free. (Rose Luxemburg)

We should all have the same rights.

59. Few are those who consider themselves unfortunate, if not by comparing themselves with the happiest. (Saint Teresa of Jesus)

The only comparison that counts is the one where you find motivation to keep going.

60. Talent is a pretty common thing. Intelligence is not scarce, but perseverance. (Doris Lessing)

Talent is only developed with hard work, otherwise it is useless.

61. I delight in what I fear. (Shirley Jackson)

What is feared has some charm.

62. Women unconsciously observe a thousand intimate details, without knowing what they are doing. Their subconscious mixes those little things with each other and they call that intuition. (Christie Agatha)

The female intuition is not wrong.

63. To be cursed is to know that your speech cannot have an echo, because there are no ears that can understand you. In this it resembles madness. (Rose Montero)

Evil never wins.

64. Without the tragedy of war I might never have written poetry. (Glory Strong)

War is a topic that gives a lot to write about.

65. Writing is always protesting, even if it's about oneself. (Ana Maria Matute)

Self-criticism is essential.

66. Fear is inevitable, I have to accept it, but I can't let it paralyze me. (Isabel Allende)

Fear is always present, but we must not let it paralyze us.

67. And I wish I was a poet and I wish I was a lover. (Virginia Woolf)

The woman must have dreams and goals.

68. I guess we're more morbid about bad things, images of violence. They make us feel safe in our homes and comfortable in our lives, or they plunge us into misery and reaffirm our belief that the world is shit. (Laura Gallego)

When we feel afraid, we usually take refuge at home.

69. Men have the power to choose, women to reject (Jane Austen)

In any field, women have the right to choose and reject what is not in their interest.

70. I tell my students that one of the most important things to know is when they are most creative. (Tony Morrison)

Creativity is essential in all aspects of life.

71. Forget inspiration; habit is better. Habit will keep you going whether you're inspired or not. (Octavia Butler)

Implement a habit and you will see that everything changes.

72. If you want to fly, you have to leave behind all the things that weigh you down. (Tony Morrison)

To continue, you have to leave many things behind.

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73. Never bow your head, always keep it upright. Look the world straight in the face. (Helen Keller)

Always keep your head up, you are unique and smart.

74. Love is something beyond a small passion or a big one, it is more. (Carmen Laforet)

Love is not only a matter of passion, it encompasses much more.

75. I hate men who fear the strength of women. (Anais Nin)

Feminine strength is something that many men fear.

76. I don't remember reading any book that doesn't talk about the instability of women. Perhaps because they were written by men. (Mary Ann Evans)

In many areas of life, women are still discriminated against.

77. Culture does not make people: people make culture. (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)

Nothing and no one can change us, unless we give them permission.

78. We don't need magic to change the world because we already have that power within us: we have the power to imagine a better world. (JK Rowling)

Before changing the world, we must change ourselves first.

79. Where there is an effort that everyone avoids, do it yourself. Be you the one who removes the stone from the road. (Gabriela Mistral)

If you can do something, then do it.

80. To tackle writing you have to be stronger than yourself, you have to be stronger than what you write. (Marguerite Duras)

Inner strength is what keeps us going.

81. When writing a book, the first person you should please is yourself. (Patricia Highsmith)

You are the most important person in your life.

82. They placed an airtight lid on reality and let an atrocious broth ferment below, gathering so much pressure that when it exploded there would not be enough war machines or soldiers to control it. (Isabel Allende)

Man is ending the world through his actions.

83. You just have to love writing, and remind yourself often that you love it. (Susan Orleans)

You have to love what you do, otherwise it doesn't make sense.

84. You can't be truly rude until you understand good manners. (Rita MaeBrown)

It is essential to know about a topic to be able to give an opinion.

85. Evil is always possible. Kindness is a difficulty. (Ann Rice)

Unfortunately, the bad is what lasts.

86. You have to create steps that take you up, that take you out of the well. You have to invent life because it ends up being true. (Ana Maria Matute)

In your hands is the ability to make your life better or worse.

87. Silence is like the wind: it stirs up big misunderstandings and only extinguishes small ones. (Elsa Triolette)

Keeping silent is a weapon that can do a lot of damage.

88. If you can't give me poetry, can you give me poetic science? (Ada Lovelace)

It refers to the importance of poetry in the literary world.

89. Life really is a one way street (Agatha Christie)

Life has its ups and downs.

90. Money dignifies what is frivolous if it is unpaid. (Virginia Woolf)

Money helps us a great deal, but it can't buy everything.

91. When you can buy something perfectly useless, you are already rich. (Rosario Castellanos)

On many occasions we buy things that are not necessary or essential.

92. If you only have a smile, give it to someone you love. (Maya Angelou)

Laughter is a very precious commodity.

93. The truth is such a rare thing that it is a pleasure to say it. (Emily Dickinson)

The truth is not always told.

94. You have to make the world yourself, you have to create steps that take you up, that take you out of the well. You have to invent life because it ends up being true. (Ana Maria Matute)

You have the ability to face difficult situations, so don't be discouraged.

95. Women have to fill themselves with courage to achieve their sleeping dreams. (Alice Walker)

You should never stop fighting for what you want.

96. Fear has been invented by men to take away all the money and the best jobs. (Marian Keyes)

The man has sought a way to intimidate another.

97. It requires less intellectual effort to condemn than to think. (Emma Goldmann)

Judging and punishing someone is something that has become a daily activity.

98. I continually make and unmake myself. Different people get different words out of me. (Virginia Woolf)

We are always in constant change.

99. Look into your own heart, because whoever looks outside dreams, but whoever looks inside wakes up. (Jane Austen)

Love yourself first before loving others.

100. Life contracts and expands in direct proportion to our courage. (Anais Nin)

Your value will determine how your life will be.

101. In the dark, things around us seem no more real than dreams. Murasaki Shikibu)

The dark makes things scarier than they really are.

102. Pain always delivers what it promises. (Anee Louise Germaine Madame de Staêl)

Suffering always leaves traces.

103. I write because I find it a pleasure that I cannot translate. I am not pretentious. I write for myself, to feel my soul dancing and singing, sometimes crying. (Clarice Lispector)

Doing what really pleases us is a great blessing.

104. I need an answer right now, love is not thought, felt or not felt. (Laura Esquivell)

Love is a feeling that is not faked.

105. I keep my ideals because, despite everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. (Anne Frank)

Never lose faith in people.

106. Writing functions as a fight against chaos. (Virginie Despentes)

It is good to do things that we like.

107. I suffer, I suffer from you as from a constantly open wound. (Maria Luisa Bombal)

Suffering is like having a wound that never heals.

108. I think new writers worry too much that everything has been told before. I sure do, but not for you. (Asha Dornfest)

When we are new to something, there is always fear.

109. Write as if it matters, and it will. (Libba Bray)

Things have to be done because we care.

110. Advice is something we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. (Erica Jung)

Usually we do not act on the advice we ask for.

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