Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Edelweiss Raposo (Pinamar)

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I am an Argentine psychologist and psychoanalyst. I attend Spanish-speaking patients regardless of where they live, we do sessions online. I offer a unique listening space for each one, where they can talk about the singular discomfort. It is a job through the word, it is about being able to say something about that which makes us suffer so much and that sometimes we do not even know how or why. It is about seeing and listening to what we are not aware of in our links, those places where we position ourselves in relationships with others and the world. The objective of the analysis is to have a better time, to live better, to stop suffering too much, to make the world more pleasant, kinder, a little more livable. Whatever that means to everyone. It is not an easy place to decide on this type of work with oneself, but real changes do take place over time and the elaboration of questions that truly lead to putting aside ailments useless. I am available to listen and undertake this work together, not without effort, but it will take us through the path of the singular desire of each one, going through the particular plot of their history and being able to weave others stuff.

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I have worked in a private practice for several years in the city of La Plata, then with the pandemic I started attending online, which allows me to listen to patients from different cities. The general reasons for consultation are usually: a lot of anguish, stress, anxiety, physical pain that does not have an organic explanation, depression, duels, separations, fights with relatives, infidelities, patients who do not know what to do with their lives or how to continue after any of these situations etc Therefore, they are "human illnesses", but I do not work with the general, we work with the singular

As I said, in psychoanalysis we work with the uniqueness of each one, with what makes their case, their suffering, unique. We suffer because of how some words were said or because they were not said to us. That is different for everyone. And that makes each depression, each anguish, each one of these so-called "pathologies" different. We work with the words of each analysand, with the texture of those words that he brings, that make up his story, trying to be able to write other things as well. Reading and rewriting the past to change something about the future. Sometimes stop repeating, stop suffering.

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