Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Universities to study Occupational Therapy

Times have changed rapidly, and with it, awareness of issues related to mental health and what it means to enjoy a good quality of life has also changed. For this reason, forms of intervention such as Occupational Therapy have become very relevant, by offering proposals that go beyond mitigating the discomfort of those who present health problems.

If you are considering training in this field, keep reading. Here you will find a selection of The best universities to study Occupational Therapy in Spanish.

  • Related article: "Occupational Therapy: types and use in Psychology"

The most valued universities to study Occupational Therapy

These are the main universities to take into account to study Occupational Therapy and become professional in this field.

1. European University

European University Logo

The European University offers a Degree focused on the specific practice of Occupational Therapy, with an approximate duration of 4 academic years (240 ECTS credits). A time during which we will learn the theory and practice of the basic qualities that must possess all occupational therapist and what kind of difficulties these professionals usually treat more than often. Some of the topics studied are the basic principles of psychology, applied psychosocial sciences, special care from occupational therapy, ICTs and their application in occupational therapy, ethics professional, and more.

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Its delivery modality is blended, so one part is done online and the other is based on classes held at the Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences of Villaviciosa de Odon. At the end of the degree you will obtain an official Degree issued by the European University of Madrid.

  • In this page more information is available.

2. Complutense University of Madrid


The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) has within its training catalog a specialized Degree in the correct application of Occupational Therapy, established with a global of 240 ECTS credits and designed to have a limited number of places that only 80 can access people.

Having a physical and psychological decrease can have great consequences in many aspects of our daily lives, that is why that during this degree we will have to study a wide variety of disciplines such as psychology, biology, medical pathology or psychomotricity

3. Miguel de Cervantes European University


The Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC) usually imparts annually a Degree focused on the concise practice of Occupational Therapy of approximately four academic courses in total duration.

By completing this university degree, we will discover how we can identify the personal difficulties that a person with reduced autonomy can develop, what plans of intervention should we apply in each one of them and what strategies should we subsequently apply, if we are interested in this patient achieving a much higher quality of life in a near future.

4. King Juan Carlos University

The King Juan Carlos University (URJC) regularly carries out a Degree focused on the specific field of Occupational Therapy made up of a total of 240 training credits, which the teaching team of this university will later distribute to us over a period of 4 years academics.

This Degree will teach us to accurately evaluate what are the physical and psychological needs that a potential patient may need to meet, how we can anticipate the psychological problems that he may suffer and what is the action plan that we must follow if we want him to become happier with the step weather.

5. University of Extremadura

In the University of Extremadura (UEX) has within its training inventory a Degree focused on the use of Occupational Therapy consisting of a total of 240 course credits, a series of academic knowledge that these professionals will later distribute to us over 4 years natural.

This training will provide us with all the tools that we will need to be able to develop later as therapists. occupational, a task that in practice as we will discover can be much more complicated to develop than perhaps initially we imagined

6. University of A Coruna

through the University of A Coruna (UDC) we will be able to carry out a Degree in Occupational Therapy with an ideally desired duration of 4 calendar years, a time in which we will be able to learn what all the physiological and psychological needs are that a person with reduced autonomy may need.

This training is given in person and on the other hand, we should also know that throughout Throughout this Degree we will also have to carry out real internships in a company related to the sector.

7. University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca (USAL) usually teaches a Diploma focused on the concise study of Occupational Therapy made up of a total of 205 credits, a training material that these teachers have wisely made the decision to distribute over the course of 3 years academics.

During this training we will learn to develop activities specifically aimed at promoting better health, both physical and emotional. of our patients, how to detect the possible emotional difficulties that they may currently suffer or what strategies we must continue, if we would like them to achieve by their own means a much higher quality of life than perhaps they currently possess.

8. University of Vic

The University of Vic (UVIC) makes available to all its students a specialized Degree in Occupational Therapy that is taught completely face-to-face although it should be noted that in the event that we need it, we can also request that it be given to us in a blended.

This training has an estimated duration of 4 academic years, it is made up of a total of 240 ECTS credits and the price of each of them is located at the interesting figure of 84.10 euros.

9. Fernando Pessoa University

The Fernando Pessoa University (UFP) located in the Canary Islands, offers all its students the possibility of being able to carry out together with his team of teachers a degree specialized in the correct practice of Therapy Occupational. A training that has an estimated duration of 4 calendar years if it is done full time.

If we study this Degree over time we will discover what are the essential elements that make up the profession of occupational therapist, we will investigate how we can recognize our own limitations to later seek a solution and we will understand the close relationship that exists between well-being, health and occupation.

10. Catholic University of Murcia

The Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) has a Degree in its training portfolio specialized in the correct praxis of Occupational Therapy, the which is made up of a total of 240 credits and has an approximate duration of around 4 years formative.

This Degree is taught completely face-to-face and its recommended price is 4,500 euros per course or, what is the same, 75 euros per ECTS credit. We should also know that the Catholic University of Murcia has the most advanced facilities for the specific study of this therapeutic modality, some examples being a sensory integration room or a laboratory of autonomy products staff.

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