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5 most important works by MICHAEL ANGEL: David, The Sistine Chapel, etc.

Michelangelo: most important works

Talk about Miguel Angel is talking about one of the great geniuses of universal art and, more specifically, of the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo Buonarroti (Caprese, March 6, 1475-Rome, February 18, 1564), known Michelangelo, was a exceptional architect, sculptor and painter and with an iconic and admired work throughout the centuries.

In this lesson at we offer you a selection of the Michelangelo's works more important to discover with them the great talent and his perfectionist and methodical character, in addition to the great influence that he has left on a multitude of artistic styles and artists

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  1. Characteristics of Michelangelo's style and work
  2. The Pietà, one of Michelangelo's most important works
  3. Michelangelo's David
  4. Moses, another of Michelangelo's most important works
  5. Michelangelo Painting: Frescoes from the Sistine Chapel
  6. Architecture: The Medicean Chapel

Characteristics of the style and work of Michelangelo.

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Before discovering the main works of Michelangelo, let's get to know better the style of this genius Renaissance.

  • Michelangelo has a prolific work and he worked for 70 years of uninterrupted activity.
  • He developed his work between Florence and Rome, cities in which his patron resided: the Medici family of Florence and different Popes of Rome, intervening in the great works of the Vatican.
  • Michelangelo is a Renaissance artist, a complete artist that he successfully excelled in all the arts: painting, architecture, and sculpture, also trying to write poetic compositions.
  • Michelangelo, like the rest of the Renaissance artists, took up the classical Greco-Roman tradition, although he left aside the proportions of classicism to opt for realism.
  • He is an artist of great expressiveness, imprinting drama, passion and strength in his works, the well-known terrible.
  • Great knowledge of anatomy human and proportions..

The Pietà, one of Michelangelo's most important works.

Located in the Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican,piety is one of the most iconic sculptures by Michelangelo. It was commissioned by Cardinal Jean Bilhères de Lagraulas and he made it between 1498 and 1499.

A sculpture Of marble Carrara in which a young Virgin Mary is represented holding the lifeless body of Jesus Christ on her lap. The youth and serenity of the face of the Virgin Mary are two of the characteristics that stand out the most since it was usual for the mother of Jesus to be represented aged and with a face full of pain.

Michelangelo: most important works - The Pietà, one of the most important works of Michelangelo

Michelangelo's David.

The David by MichelangeloIt is another of the most important works of Michelangelo and emblem of the city of Florence. It is a large sculpture that was sculpted by Michelangelo in marble. He made it after sculpting piety, between the years 1502 and 1504.

This work shows us David in the moment before the confrontation with Goliath. An instant in which intelligence prevails over force and violence. The sculpture is on display in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, while a copy is on display in its original location, Piazza della Signoria. Another bronze copy stands in Piazzale Michelangelo.

Michelangelo: most important works - Michelangelo's David

Moses, another of Michelangelo's most important works.

This impressive sculpture, magnificent example of terrible or drama that Michelangelo printed in his work, was commissioned by Pope Julius II for his tomb. At first it was planned to place it there, but it ended up in the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli.

It was made between 1513-1536, retouching in 1592. The figure reproduces Biblical Moses with horns, a large beard and carrying the Tablets of the Law, and with an expression of anger that dominates the composition.

Michelangelo: most important works - Moses, another of Michelangelo's most important works

Painting by Michelangelo: Frescoes from the Sistine Chapel.

It was also Pope Julius II who commissioned Michelangelo to Sistine Chapel decoration with a wall. At first, the artist's response was that he was going to accept since painting was what he least wanted to do, but he ended up doing it.

The Sistine Chapel paintings are impressive and the jewel of the Vatican. One of the most visited and admired rooms for its beauty and the spectacular work of Michelangelo. were made between 1508 and 1513 and, since then, they constitute one of the most outstanding works of universal painting.

In the vault of the Sistine Chapel you can admire the scene of the Creation of Adam and 8 other scenes from Genesis. Behind the vault, 25 years after finishing it, Michelangelo was commissioned to paint The final judgement on the altar wall of the chapel. It is a work of about 12 meters high and with more than 400 figures.

Michelangelo: most important works - Painting by Michelangelo: Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel

Architecture: The Medicean Chapel.

We finish this review of the works of Michelangelo to talk about an architectural piece. The Medicea Chapel or Medici ChapelLike many other architectural works by Michelangelo, he was limited by the existence of an old work. Some limitations that he managed to overcome and innovate by adding a full floor to the dome.

Thus, the artist followed the order quattrocentista previously used by Brunelleschi, to introduce protruding bands on the middle floor that break the monotony of the wall and, in the third, some small coffers in the dome.

Michelangelo: most important works - Architecture: The Medici Chapel

If you want to read more articles similar to Michelangelo: most important works, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • ABATE, Sandro; MARTINEZ CANTARINO, Facundo. Miguel Ángel Buonarroti: distinguished homoeroticism. 2018.
  • BUONARROTI, Michelangelo. Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel. 2018.
  • BUONARROTI, Michelangelo. Detail of Christ in the Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel. 2018.
  • COVIELLO, Ana; SAREM, Susan; CHAYA, Jorgelina. Dynamism and update of the interpretant in The Creation of Miguel Ángel Buonarroti.
  • FERNANDEZ, Guillermo. Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Beehive, 2017, no 69, p. 127-128.
  • FREUD, Sigmund. Michelangelo's Moses. In Totem and taboo and other works: 1913-1914. 1914. p. p. 213-243
  • GAYFORD, Martin. Michelangelo: an epic life. Taurus, 2014.
  • VAZQUEZ, Rosa Elva. Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Sistine Chapel. Border Notebooks, 2016, no 36.
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