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The 4 Characteristics of Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy theories, or conspiranoias, are alternative explanations to the official ones, they share the basic belief that certain important events in history have been maliciously manipulated by occult forces and mysterious.

“The coronavirus pandemic is a secret plan devised by Bill Gates to implant traceable microchips in people.” “The vaccine against COVID can alter DNA.” “Vaccines contain lung tissue from an aborted fetus.” “The rate of recovery from the disease is 99,97%”. etc. I don't know how many of these theories we have heard lately.

Conspiracy theories are not something new, at all times in history there have been conspiracy theories. But it seems that lately, they are growing at an exponential rate. Why do more and more people believe in conspiracy theories? In this article we will try to answer this question by presenting the characteristics of conspiracy theories and the (relative) psychological benefits to people who share them.

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What are conspiracy theories?

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At all times in history there have been conspiracy theories, but they have increased exponentially in recent years, with the Internet and recently with the pandemic. Even to face this trend, the European Commission and UNESCO have published a series of educational infographics to help citizens identify, deny and counteract them.

Conspiracy theories present six common points in their narrative: the existence of an alleged secret plot, the presentation of a group of conspirators, the irrefutable proof of the theory, the basic idea that nothing happens by chance and that coincidences do not exist, the division of the world between good and bad, and a specific group of evil people with interests dark.

These theories appear as a logical explanation for events that are difficult to understand, providing a false sense of control. This need for clarity is even stronger in uncertain times like the ones we have experienced with the pandemic.

conspiracy theories usually start with suspicion about who benefits from the fact or the situation, and thus a group of conspirators is identified. Then look for any "proof" that makes the theory fit. Although in some theories, as in the case of flat earthers, we can doubt the benefit that NASA obtains, hiding that the earth is actually flat.

Once it has been sown, the conspiracy theory is growing rapidly, especially thanks to the internet and social media. They are difficult to refute because anyone who tries can be seen as part of the conspiracy: for example the media mainstream and newscasts lie because they are also bought by the same occult powers that use them as broadcasters of their lies.

Theories can come from anyone, and thanks to the Internet everyone, not just the president of the United States, can spread a conspiracy theory globally.

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Main characteristics of conspiracy theories

Currently, conspiracy theories are an emerging field of research within social psychology, which gives them a series of principles:

  • They are consistent, they have an impact on the practical reality of people.
  • They are universal, in all times, cultures and social environments there have been conspiracy theories.
  • They are emotional, since it is emotions and not rational deliberations that cause conspiratorial beliefs.
  • They are social, conspiratorial beliefs are closely related to the psychological motivations of the conflict between groups.

1. are consistent

Conspiracy beliefs are consistent. Even if the conspiracy theories are highly unlikely to be true, it is undeniable that these have an impact on important aspects of lifesuch as people's health, relationships, and safety. We have plenty of evidence that what we believe affects our behavior, even though what we believe may be false or completely insane produces behavior that has consequences real. Being a climate change denier will make you not worry about recycling.

What are the conspiracy theories?

2. They are universal

Conspiracy beliefs are one of the most universal things that exist. They are not limited to a particular era or culture, they spread around the world and no matter the class. everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories, from your downstairs neighbor to Donald Trump. In fact, the tendency to suspect the possibility that others are plotting against you and your team could be part of human nature.

The adaptive conspiracy hypothesis proposes that while conspiracy theories are of no use to us right now, they are. were important among ancient hunter-gatherers who faced frequent conflict between groups.

Real conspiracies were frequent among our ancestors. For this reason and according to this model, humans developed a conspiracy detection system, a system that is activated by specific signals associated with a higher probability of hostile alliances to protect us from conspiracies dangerous.

3. Conspiracy beliefs are emotional

It would be tempting to assume that belief in conspiracy theories is closely related to a high degree of critical thinking, since even the most irrational conspiracy theories are often backed up by a series of elaborate arguments, which could indicate that belief in conspiracy theories is based on rational thought processes.

For example, conspiracy theories about a man on the moon claiming it was filmed in a television studio are often justified by a detailed analysis, with very elaborate physical arguments, of the lack of wind on the moon and the apparent movement of the flag in the recordings. If you share this theory, you have to know that after Neil Armstrong, 12 astronauts have walked on the moon.

Nevertheless, the data emerging from the research suggest that a high cultural level is not behind these theories. For example, people with higher education are less likely to believe in conspiracy theories. Conspiratorial beliefs are related to intuition rather than analytical thinking. It has been shown that unpleasant emotional experiences increase people's need to believe in something and thus find meaning in the events they have experienced.

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4. Conspiracy beliefs are social

Conspiracy theories are a social phenomenon because they reflect the basic structure of conflict between groups. A good conspiracy theory implies the existence of hostile and evil external alliances or groups, illuminati, pharmaceutical companies, reptilians etc. Also, these conspiracies often plan not only to harm or deceive individuals, but also larger groupsIn fact, they almost always state that they want to deceive the world population.

After learning about its characteristics, let's see what psychological benefits believing in conspiracy theories can bring.

Are there advantages to believing in conspiracy theories?

Conspiracy theories are paradoxical. On the one hand, they can give a sense of security, like the “denier” theories of reality (COVID, climate change) I am calm because this does not affect me. But on the other hand, they generate the threat of an evil power, which wants to manipulate me. That is why you have to ask yourself: What are the real advantages of believing in conspiracy theories?

Research shows that conspiracy theories have real effects on people's health, relationships, and safety. Experience-based research has mainly highlighted its negative effects. Belief in conspiracy theories is associated with poorer health, lower happiness, and impaired social relationships. Also harm society by reducing public support for social policies to address real problems such as climate change and the coronavirus pandemic. They are also associated with populist movements, extremist politics, and violent activism.

But on the other hand, conspiracy theories contribute to meaning and purpose.

Conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism of the ego

It is known that people are more prone to radicalization after experiences of loss of meaning. Believing in something bigger than themselves makes people feel important and special, giving them a new purpose and sense of belonging.

In this sense, conspiracy theories can also create a sense of purpose by giving the impression that something truly important is being discovered about the hidden workings of the world. Conspiracy beliefs also make it possible to feel unique and special, so they can be positively reflected in people's positive self-perception, how they see themselves. Through conspiracy theories, people can establish their superiority to others and also that of their group, which is known as collective narcissism.

In conclusion, conspiracy theories help people defend a fragile ego by exaggerating the importance of themselves and their groups.

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The conspiracy theory as a rationalization tool

conspiratorial beliefs are associated with antisocial behavior and those who refuse to comply with norms, for example by refusing vaccinations and confinement. Conspiracy theories legitimize this behavior on the one hand and encourage it on the other.

Thanks to conspiracy theories, behaviors can be justified that, with or without evidence, would not be socially acceptable. Therefore, conspiracy theories facilitate the rationalization process, through which people try to justify our behaviors to ourselves and to others.

This idea is consistent with the classical theory of cognitive dissonance, the psychological discomfort we feel when our minds they have two contradictory concepts at the same time: I should stop smoking for health reasons, but I shouldn't because I really like smoking and I I enjoy.

The flexibility of conspiracy theories helps those who share them redefine these unhealthy behaviors into healthy behaviors. healthy, for example skipping confinement, considering that pharmaceutical companies are the devil or BIll Gates deceives us and the Coronavirus does not exist. Although these actions are not good for themselves, nor for society, conspiracy beliefs can make them considered reasonable and acceptable by others.

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The conspiracy theory as entertainment

The third way conspiracy theories contribute to meaning and purpose is to create an alternate reality that is exciting, spectacular, and compelling. According to "ufologists", the reptilians are powerful warriors whose mission is to dominate and enslave the human species.

conspiracy theories often describe the typical struggle between good and evil, presenting a mysterious world, and questioning the roles of the powerful such as politicians or celebrities (which we tend to dislike or are somewhat envious of). It is normal that many works of fiction, including novels, plays and movies, focus on the conspiracy.

In conspiracy theories turn those who believe into actors of those spectacular narratives and gives them the opportunity to face mysteries. Above all, believing in conspiracy theories provides great entertainment.

However, the processes and benefits described as beneficial are only short term. Although the construction of an alternative reality can be attractive, there is a risk of believing it too much. Many of the harmful effects of conspiracy theories stem from promoting elections based on these beliefs. that can have negative consequences in real life (such as climate change denial) of people and also of the environment.

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