18 names of the gods of OLYMPUS and their powers

Possibly the The best known gods in the world are the Greeks., being the most represented and revered for centuries and whose names are found in popular culture. Of all the Greek gods, the most famous are the so-called Olympians, because They lived on Olympus And they were the most important. Therefore, in this lesson of a Teacher we must talk about the names of the gods of Olympus and their powers.
The Olympian gods is what they call 12 gods of the Greek pantheon who lived on the mountain of Olympus. His pmain role compared to the rest of greek gods They make them the most revered, respected, and we can say that the most important of all the members of the Greek pantheon.
We must bear in mind that the 12 Olympians were not always the same, since depending on the sources we consult we can find changes between who the 12 were. Even so, in this section we will discuss the original 12, which are usually the most mentioned as Olympic, these being the following:
- Zeus: King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus, god of the sky and thunder. Considered the most powerful god of all, counting on it with a lot of different powers. Among her abilities was the control of storms, throwing thunder and lightning, and transforming into animals of all kinds.
- Hera: Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage and family. His powers are related to her attributions, being in charge of keeping the family together, and also that pregnancies go well and without problems.
- Poseidon: King of the sea, storms and horses. When Zeus came to the throne, he divided the world among his brothers, and in this division Poseidon was touched by the seas. Among his powers are controlling the seas, creating huge waves, but he can also generate earthquakes to destroy entire cities.
- Apollo: Apollo is another of the Gods of Olympus. She is the God of music, of light and the sun, medicine, poetry, prophecy and archery. Having so many powers makes Apollo one of the deities with the greatest powers, being able to touch the most beautiful music, shoot arrows like the best archer and drive the chariot of the Sun so that it maintains its trip.
- Sagebrush: Goddess of hunting, virginity, childbirth, archery and all animals. Among the main powers of Artemis we can find talking to animals, hunting any animal, shooting arrows, like her brother Apollo, and protecting women in childbirth.
- athena: Goddess of wisdom, crafts, defense and strategic warfare. Among his powers we can find being the smartest person alive, protecting entire cities like Athens, and protecting the armies that are in his care.
- Aphrodite: greek goddess of love, sex, beauty and desire. Among her powers were all those related to love, being able to make two people fall in love with each other, being one of the reasons for the Trojan War.
- Ares: God of war, manhood, war and bloodshed. He was said to be the god who protected Olympus and armies, his main powers being to protect troops and raise their spirits for battles.
- Dionisio: God of wine, parties and ecstasy. He is usually depicted partying, eating fruits and causing people to have a good time and drink until they reach ecstasy with his powers.
- Hermes: Hermes is another of the Gods of Olympus. He was the messenger of the gods and deity of commerce. It is said that he was the person in charge of transmitting messages between the gods, thus occupying an important role in Greek beliefs. It is said that among his powers were those of defending messengers and travelers on the roads.
- Hephaestus: God of fire, the forge and blacksmiths. He is considered the blacksmith of the gods, being able with his powers to create weapons such as the lightning bolts of Zeus or the swords of Ares.
- demeter: Goddess of fertility, agriculture, harvests and the seasons of the year. She is considered to be the one in charge of making nature continue to function, since with her powers she can change the seasons and make crops grow.

To continue this lesson on the names of the Olympian gods and powers, we must talk about those gods that in some sources appear as Olympians, although they are not generally seen as such in most cases. These minor Olympian gods are the following:
- Hades: God of the Underworld and the dead. Although he is one of the most important gods, he is not usually on the list of Olympians due to him living in the Underworld and not on Olympus.
- Hestia: Goddess of home, family and domestic life. Among his powers was the power to protect families, being the goddess to whom tributes were paid to protect them.
- asclepius: God of medicine and healing, it is said that he was the one who taught doctors, and that with his powers he was able to heal anyone.
- Eros: God of sexual desire and beauty. It is said that he was able to make two people fall in love, and give people greater chances of having children.
- Hebe: It is said that she was the goddess in charge of giving drinks to the rest of the Olympian gods, giving nectar and ambrosia to the deities, and that being the reason why she was considered to inhabit Olympus.
- Heracles: One of the greats greek demigods, of whom it is said that he was transformed into a god after his death, this being the reason why he became an Olympian.