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The 10 best Human Resources Apps

The correct management of human resources is a task that on certain occasions can become complicated to manage for some companies, and that is precisely why that over time more and more businesses of any size are making the decision to outsource their human resources department or at least part of the.

Following this line, below you will find a selection of the best apps for the Human Resources sector who you can currently contact.

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Top Rated Human Resources Apps

We hope that if today your company is looking for a service provider of this type, in the following selection you have the opportunity to discover the most suitable professionals for your case in particular.

1. mindgram

mindgram is a virtual platform oriented towards the Human Resources sector, which offers its services to a wide variety of companies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Its main added value is that it allows organizations to offer psychological assistance to their employees, since psychotherapy sessions with psychologists can be carried out through its app accredited. In addition, it also includes the possibility of making consultations with a psychologist by chat, at any time of the day, 7 days a week.

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In addition, Mindgram allows workers to have access to various workshops and courses designed to enhance both our emotional strength such as mental health, podcasts on Psychology, material to do Mindfulness and to meditate, etc.

2. personio

Through the professionals personio we will be able to efficiently outsource all of our current Human Resources department, a fact that in practice can be very useful for us, allowing us to greatly speed up some procedures that would otherwise occupy a large part of our staff's time. employees.

Some of the services offered by these professionals are the development of new selection processes, the performance of a business organization chart tailored to our needs or the digitization of all our business procedures (accounting, hiring, etc).

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3. Talention Time

The App specialized in Human Resources Talention Time can help us greatly if we want to be able to organize our human resources management in a much simpler and more organic way, an achievement that these professionals have achieved thanks to the particular fact that this application has really very intuitive menus as well as being easy to use.

We should use this app if we are interested in being able to carry out personnel selection processes in a much faster and more efficient way, we have any doubts with regarding the new gender equality law or if we would like to be able to carry out some type of workshop in our company that promotes equality among our workers.

4. Factorial

Factorial is an app focused on the human resources sector developed in the Latin American nation of Mexico, thanks to which we can have in the palm of our hand all those procedures related to the correct control of our group of employees.

Through this app we can change the schedule of our employees, control what their contract is, carry out a new selection process and even, we can also send company communications or discuss with our employees what is the vacation period that corresponds to each one of them. they.

5. sesame

Through the online platform sesame we will be able to have much more precise control over all those aspects related to the field of human resources that our company currently has, a fact that will be possible thanks to the very intuitive organization that this app will offer us and to the numerous services that the qualified professionals of sesame they will provide.

This app will allow us to easily carry out some procedures that are sometimes quite cumbersome for any employer such as sending payroll, writing internal communications or controlling the schedules of our employees.

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6. Niikiis

Software specialized in human resources management Niikiis can save our company up to 30 percent of operating expenses, something that as we can imagining ourselves would never be possible without the act of outsourcing the activity of our resources department humans.

This application has some tools that can undoubtedly be very interesting, such as geolocation of our employees, the elaboration of new selection processes or even an efficient reassignment of schedules labor.

7. Bizneo

The human resources app Bizneo will give us the option of being able to manage our work group in a much more efficient and intuitive way, a factor thanks to which we will be able to see how the productivity of our company manages to achieve some goals that before simply seemed to be eventually out of our control scope.

Bizneo is a platform that works internationally, it will allow us both to be able to send and receive documents and on the other On the other hand, it is also important to note that all the information that we share through it will always be encrypted from end to end. extreme.

8. Kenjō

Through the app Kenjō We will be able to greatly simplify all those aspects related to the human resources sector that our company currently has. company, a service that can undoubtedly be very useful for us regardless of how many employees we have today our command.

The Kenjo app can be very interesting for us if we want to be able to digitize all those contracts that we carry out over time, we have difficulties in when making schedules or if we would like to be able to create a new internal organization chart from scratch to help us boost our business productivity once and for all current.

9. Of the

Of the is one of the most widely used Human Resources platforms today, a fact that is based on the certainty that some renowned companies international level such as Shopify, LG or Dropbox, have the services of these professionals to manage their specific area of ​​resources humans.

Where else these specialists manage to stand out is in the realization of new processes of selection, the payment of payroll at an international level or in the correct legal advice of all your customers.

10. tugesto

tugesto is an app dedicated exclusively to the specific field of human resources, through which we can greatly streamline some of the internal processes that our human resources area currently must realize.

The Tugesto application will be of great help to us if, for example, we have difficulties at the time of having to carry out a large number of payrolls, we want to control the schedule of our workers in a much more efficient way or if we would like to be able to locate in the future some experienced skilled workers in our field of action in particular.

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