Education, study and knowledge

14 most outstanding characteristics of the CÍNICA school

Cynic school: characteristics

In today's class we are going to study one of the best-known philosophical currents of Ancient Greece, the cynical school. Founded by Antisthenes (445-365 BC) C.) during the S.IV a. c. and with great representatives like Diogenes of Sinope (400-323), hyparchia (350-310 BC) C) or Crates of Thebes (368-288 BC) C).

According to this doctrine, happiness can only be found through virtue. So every individual must reject all social conventions, everything material and the values ​​of fame, power and wealth. Hence they were known as dogs and that they had great detractors like Plato.

If you want to know more about the cynical school, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we explain what it consists of and the characteristics of the cynical school most important Let's start!

The Cynic school was founded by Antisthenes (disciple of Socrates), who defended an ascetic, simple way of life, away from luxury and the material. Furthermore, under these precepts he founded in a gymnasium in Athens the Cynosargo school (agile or fast dog), where most of its members belonged to the most popular classes.

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His most important disciple and maximum representative of this current was Diogenes of Sinope, according to which the happiness consisted in the suppression of needs, lead an austere life (of deprivation) and in harmony with nature. In fact, Diogenes himself led a life in accordance with his doctrine and beliefs, since, He said that he lived in a jar, surrounded by dogs and owning a bag, a cloak, a staff and a bowl.

For all these reasons, all the philosophers of this doctrine began to be known as dogs or Kyonin Greek and hence our word Cynic.

Likewise, due to their peculiar lifestyle and ideas, the Cynics were highly criticized by other philosophers such as Aristotle either Plato. It's more, buckwheat (S.II a. C.) in his work Letters from him defines a cynic in the following way:

“…A horrible and painful sight to see, when he shakes his dirty mane and looks at you insolently. He appears half naked, with a worn cape, a hanging bag and, in his hands, a club made of wild pear wood. He goes barefoot, does not wash and lacks trade and benefit...

However, despite the large number of detractors, the Cynic school continued to have great followers such as the philosophers hyparchia (350-310 BC) C.), Crates of Thebes (368-288 BC) C.), Menedemus (261 BC C.), Menippus (S.III a. C.), Syracuse Mononym (If you. C.)u Onesicritus of Astypalea (300 BC C). Also, this doctrine had some importance during the Roman empire (S.I) and during the S.V., with the early christianity, many ascetic ideas were based on Cynic beliefs.

Cynic School: Characteristics - Cynic School - Short Summary
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