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The 14 best Psychologists in Brooklyn (New York)

With more than 17 years of professional experience in the field of clinical psychology, Diego Tzoymaher It is an option to take into account. As a psychotherapist, in addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Psychology (University of Buenos Aires), she has training specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as cognitive neuropsychology and journalism scientific. He attends to people of all ages, and has been attending for years also in the online format by video call.

The intervention model of this professional is cognitive-behavioral, with which he helps people both to modify their habits and patterns of behavior and to adapt their way of managing emotions and interpreting reality to focus on goals from a mentality constructive. He has extensive experience dealing with depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, trauma, and anger management issues.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez Lopez he also offers his services online and in his consultation he successfully attends adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who may be going through a bad time in their relationship.

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This professional has more than 15 years of experience and his intervention is based on the brief systemic approach, orientation with which addresses cases of gender violence, codependency, anxiety, stress, divorce, low self-esteem and depression.

Víctor Fernando Pérez López has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac. She has a Certification in Transformational Coaching and is a specialist in applying Brief Therapy. Systemic.

the psychologist Gabriela Sotomayor He has been successfully caring for people of all ages for over 25 years.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous Metropolitan University, this professional has a Higher Degree in Psychotherapy Gestalt, a Training Course in Psychological First Aid and also has Diplomas in Bioneuroemotion and Evaluation psychological.

Currently, his intervention is offered online with all possible conveniences and is based on the application combination of Gestalt Therapy together with other effective orientations such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Therapy Emotional.

Some of his main intervention specialties are emotional difficulties, anxiety, depression, relational deficits, low self-esteem, codependency, and paternity.

The Clinical Psychologist Daniel Morales He has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Higher Degree in Systemic Family Therapy and has Training Courses in Psychological First Aid and Telecare in Health Mental.

Her intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and in her sessions she attends to people of all ages who may present cases of anxiety, depression, family conflicts, addictions, low self-esteem, deficits in anger management and infidelities.

Alexandra Cattaruzza She has a degree in Psychoanalysis from the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, she has an experience of almost 20 years in which she has specialized in Early Intervention and in her Brooklyn practice she attends adults and children from 0 to 6 years.

Her sessions are also offered online and some of the therapies that she integrates into her intervention with the objective of obtaining the best results during the process are Psychoanalysis, Play Therapy and Therapy Relational.

As for the main specialties of his intervention, the problems derived from pregnancy and childbirth stand out. childbirth, depression, relationship problems, infertility, self-esteem deficits and problems relatives.

The psychologist and PhD N. g. Berrill he has an experience of more than 25 years and currently runs his own psychology clinic in New York, where offers professional care in the clinical and forensic fields to adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples.

His sessions are offered both in person and online and the main therapies that this professional puts into practice in each one of the cases he attends are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Brief Solution-Based Therapy, all of them with extensive evidence scientific.

In addition to that, her sessions are offered in Spanish and English and some of her intervention specialties are brain trauma, addictions, abuse cases sexual violence, antisocial personality, cases of gender violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, family conflicts and assistance in legal proceedings judicial.

the psychologist Liliana Rusansky Drop She is a Doctor in Psychology and currently attends adults and adolescents both in person and through teletherapy for any problem or disorder that the person may have.

His intervention is based on empowering the internal capacities of each person so that they can overcome their adversities, applying for this a therapy that integrates orientations such as Positive Psychology or Therapy Psychodynamic.

Finally, his work is characterized by closeness, intervention without prejudice and the individualization of each case, some of his specialties being anxiety disorders, relationship problems, cases of depression, learning difficulties, family problems and disorder obsessive compulsive.

ander way is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families, also online for those who need it. need.

Her sessions are offered in both Spanish and English and in them she applies therapies that have extensive scientific evidence such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Family Therapy or Rational Emotive Therapy Behavioral.

As for the disorders that this professional deals with most effectively, depression, cases of ADHD, traumas, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as relationship problems, grief and conflict relatives.

the psychologist Susan Maria Lotto She has a PhD and is certified as a Counselor in alcohol and substance abuse, disorders that she also attends online, both by video call and by phone.

The intervention of this professional is based on Humanistic Therapy and is indicated for adults, both individually and as a couple, and also for adolescents from 11 years of age.

In addition to that, this therapist has more than 15 years of experience and her intervention specialties are addictions, relationship problems, depression, emotional dependency, trauma, and deficits in coping skills coping

The psychologist Fernando Reggiani attends children from 6 years old, adolescents, adults and couples, both in the face-to-face mode and online, in sessions where she offers a psychological care service and also evaluations and tests of all Type.

The specialty of this professional is Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and some of the areas that he addresses with his application are disorders of anxiety, deficits in anger control, addictions, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cases of infidelity and processes of duel.

Therapist and clinical social worker yasser aly He runs his own advanced psychotherapy center in Brooklyn, where he treats people of all ages, as well as couples and families, both face-to-face and online.

Some of the therapies that this professional applies in her office are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Therapy and Commitment and Play Therapy, with which he successfully tackles addictions, alcoholism, cases of ADHD, family problems or depression.

Rachele O'Hare She is a therapist and social worker specializing in serving adults and adolescents both individually and in groups.

This professional offers her services remotely and some of the orientations that she applies in her sessions are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Therapy Relational and Positive Psychology, with which she addresses cases of depression, addictions, traumas, post-traumatic stress disorder and the processes of duel.

Maria P. Ochoa She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor expert in serving adults and couples both face-to-face and telematically and through the joint application of therapies such as Cognitive-behavioral guidance, Coaching or Mindfulness.

In addition to that, his main intervention specialties are self-esteem deficits, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, family conflicts and cases of separation or divorce.

the therapist Elizabeth Willems She has a PhD in Psychology, a BA in Sociology and a Master's degree in Intercultural Relations.

This professional attends telematically to adolescents, adults, the elderly, groups and families who may need it through the application of an integrative therapy of different efficacy orientations proven.

Some of the therapies that Elizabeth Willems applies in her practice are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy or Coaching, with the that treats anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, cases of trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorder or violence domestic.

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