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What is ENARMONY in music

What is enharmony in music

Music is the art of sounds, all those physical phenomena that we can understand and measure mathematically but with which we can also create art. The music study It has several approaches because it is such a complete discipline and it is precisely thanks to them that it never ceases to amaze us and that we managed to perpetuate this art.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will get a little closer to understanding sounds and music theory, talking about what is enharmony in music, a basic concept to use in music composition and reading.

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  1. Definition of musical enharmony
  2. Concepts to understand enharmony in music
  3. List of enharmonics
  4. What are enharmonics for?

Definition of musical enharmony.

In harmony is the word used to define when two or more notes of different names have practically the same sound when to pitch. This sound should not necessarily be exact in pitch (if we are talking specifically about measurements in hertz), but it should be sufficiently to be perceived by the human ear. When two notes of different names give us the same sound, according to what we perceive with our ear, we say that they are notes

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This concept makes even more sense from the tempered system. Before the Renaissance, the notes did not have a determined and standardized tuning, so that when playing an instrument the distances were approximations. From "The well-tempered harpsichord", it is possible to establish a standard in terms of tuning of musical notes.

Although in practice the sound has a certain tuning, it is when dealing with music theory and writing that we must deal with with enharmony, since the name of the notes is important for the organization and understanding of the structure of a melody or a construction site.

The reason why the same sound can have different names in music is largely due to the names of the semitones. For example, a C # (C sharp) is an enharmonic of reb (D flat) and vice versa. This can be applied to practically all notes.

What is enharmony in music - Definition of musical enharmony

Image: Piano lessons

Concepts to understand enharmony in music.

If you are still not sure what enharmony is, perhaps you should know a little more about these musical basics:

  • Tuning: It is "the height" of a note. The tuning is measured by hertz (Hz). The higher hertz of a note, this means that it is higher (higher). In the opposite direction, the lower the hertz, the lower the sound (bass).
  • Musical interval: It is the distance in pitch between one note and another. The measures we use in music to measure an interval are the pitch and semitone. The semitone is so called precisely because it is half a tone.
  • Musical alterations: They are symbols used in music to modify the pitch of a note. Currently the alterations we use are the sustained(increases the pitch one semitone) and the flat(decreases the pitch one semitone). Less frequently we also use the double sharp (increases the pitch one full pitch) and the double flat (lowers the pitch one full pitch). Each accidental has a specific symbol used in musical writing and is placed on the staff, to the left side of the musical note that you want to alter. Finally we can mention the natural and double natural, which cancel the effect of sharps, flats (and double sharps and double flats accordingly).
What is enharmony in music - Concepts to understand enharmony in music

Image: Violin World

List of enharmonics.

This is a list that contains the enharmonics of all 7 notes(do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si). With these names you should know that any of the notes in each row have the same sound. In computer text we will use # for sharp, b for flat, x for double sharp and bb for double flat.

  • do, Yes, rebb
  • do, six, reb
  • re, dox, My bb
  • re, My b, fabb
  • me, rex, fab
  • fa, me, solbb
  • fa, mix, solb
  • Sun, fax, labb
  • Sun, lab
  • the, Sun#, sibb
  • the, sib, dobb
  • Yes, lax, dob
What is enharmony in music - List of enharmonics

What are enharmonics for?

The main use of enharmonics is organize music writing and allow su ease of reading. The use of enharmonics allows us to respect the names of the notes in a key and on the other hand It can also provide us with a visual order in the reading, noting the difference in the heights of the notes.

As you may have thought, the world of music can seem intricate at times. However, it is thanks to this whole system, all these concepts and the information that they provide what it does not do. possible the creation and reproduction of great works with which we enjoy and marvel at creativity human.

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