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Selenophilia: what is it and how is the fascination for the Moon expressed?

The Moon is the queen of the night, who is accompanied by thousands of her vassals, the stars, or, at least, more than one artist has seen her like this.

Selenophilia, that is, the attraction towards the Moon, is a word used by those who are fascinated by this nocturnal star, although, perhaps, ignoring the possible confusion that can be caused by using the ending 'filia' in the field of psychopathology.

Is selenophilia a disorder? Should I worry about seeing the beauty of the Moon? What symptoms does it present? All these questions will be answered throughout this article.

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What is selenophilia?

Selenophilia (from the Greek 'Selene', Moon, and 'philia', love) is the most striking attraction to the Moon. Although its name may suggest that the people who feel this particular attraction to the only satellite of the Earth have some kind of sexual perversion, the truth is that does not refer to a psychological disorder.

It should not be thought that selenophilia and selenophiles should be classified in the same group as other types of unusual attractions, such as pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia. These three examples cited here are true paraphilic behaviors and, in all three, someone or something is harmed. In the case of selenophilia, it is simply a question of

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a certain intellectual and artistic attraction towards the Moon, not a desire of a sexual nature towards this satellite.

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In no diagnostic manual does the word 'selenophilia' appear as if it were a paraphilic disorder. It does not meet the characteristics to be considered a disorder of any kind and, if you try to find a symptom, you cannot see any particularly worrisome. What it is possible to talk about is a series of characteristics that selenophile people have.

Usually, selenophilic people are the ones who use this label, using it to refer to themselves and only with the intention of differentiating themselves from the rest of the people who do not feel this special attraction towards the Moon. Selenophiles are often bohemian people, who like to go to sleep late at night contemplating the dark sky illuminated by the pale star. Many of them consider themselves nyctophiles as well, that is, attracted by the enveloping darkness of the night.

The Moon has always inspired, and there are many artistic works that have been dedicated to it. And it is that, in fact, selenophiles are people who tend to express themselves through art. To give just a few examples: From the Earth to the Moon (1865), Jules Verne's book, Claro de Luna (1801), sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven or Fly me to the moon (1956), song by Frank Sinatra and ending theme song from Neon Genesis evangelion. The Moon, as we can see, has always been a beautiful star that has been the muse of great artists.

Although this cannot be completely guaranteed, it is not uncommon to find that people who feel this desire aesthetic by the Moon are rather introverted individuals, who prefer to contemplate the sky in their solitude night. They also consider themselves people with above average intelligence and with a deeper capacity for reflection.

Possible causes

As we have seen before, selenophilia is not a disorder, so it is not possible to speak of pathological causes that explain it. As the saying goes, for tastes, colors, and in terms of attraction to things, there is everything. Humans present individual differences, which give humanity a wide spectrum of variety, displayed in the form of traits, opinions and, as is the case with selenophilia, tastes.

Yes indeed, presenting certain personality traits can be related to this peculiar attraction to the Moon. In fact, as we have seen before, it seems that introverted people with a particular capacity for reflection feel this interest in the only satellite of the Earth.

Also, although it is a lot to assume, presenting intellectual abilities above average seems to be related to selenophilia. What can be assured is that people with strong artistic interests They are fascinated by how this star decorates the night sky.


Since it is a preference and not a disorder, it is difficult to find negative consequences of selenophilia.

However, it can be said that those people who stay late at night contemplating the Moon they may be depriving themselves of hours of sleep, which negatively affects their cycles circadian. So, disrupting normal sleep cycles, the individual could be tired and irritated the next day, or fall asleep in broad daylight, being able to neglect tasks What should you do during daytime hours such as work, dedicate time to your studies or take care of your relationships with family and friends.

On the other hand, the fascination with the Moon has been something that has contributed significantly to art. and in culture, since the whole world has devoted, in one way or another, attention to this satellite. Also, from more philosophical and religious perspectives, he has dedicated himself to meditating on this satellite, allowing a closer understanding of the nature of the world.

Does selenophilia require treatment?

Since it is not a true paraphilic disorder, it does not require treatment either. As we were already commenting, philic is understood as all that attraction towards something that supposes a real pathological problem, that is to say, a type of sexual preference that implies harm either to the person who feels it or to the person who performs it, such as pedophilia.

Selenophiles are hardly going to see their lives deteriorate for feeling a strong attraction towards the Moon. They value the beauty of the Moon in a more remarkable way than other people, without it touching sexual desire or wanting to commit perversions against this star. There is no suffering neither for those who present selenophilia nor for the object of their attraction, the Moon.

What would require treatment are sleep disorders that may be caused by taking this fascination with the Moon to the extreme. As we have seen, prioritizing the observation of the Moon during the night and not going to sleep when it is convenient can negatively affect the health of the person. In that case, a professional should be seen to treat this behavior and, if necessary, take medication to readjust circadian cycles.

Bibliographic references:

  • Casey, C. AND. (1988). Selenophilia. Cambridge University Press. 47(1), 55 - 62.

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