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The 10 best Psychiatric Centers in Madrid

Mental Health is a network of psychiatric hospitals and mental health centers that has a team of psychiatrists and psychologists specialized in caring for children, adolescents, adults and also older people and their relatives.

The intervention of the center is offered in a manner adapted to each client, both in the modality of hospitalization, residential care and outpatient care. In addition to that, it is based on the application of the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other highly effective orientations.

Among the main specialties of Mentalia Salud we can highlight the cases of anxiety, dementia, disorders of eating, addictions, behavioral disorders, ADHD, bipolar disorder and eating disorders personality.

The APPOINTMENT Clinic is one of the most outstanding psychological treatment centers specialized in addictions in our country and its team of professionals is made up of psychiatrists specialized in caring for adults, the elderly and also families.

In this clinic you will find an intervention adapted to your needs and based on the application of the cognitive-behavioral approach, together with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Mindfulness.

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His intervention is offered online and some of his main specialties are cases of compulsive gambling, alcoholism, sex addiction, drug addiction, dual diagnosis and addiction to the internet or to video game.

The recal clinic offers quiet and safe residential treatment in a natural environment, led by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists specialized in addictions.

The center's intervention is offered to adolescents, adults and also families who may present cases of alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, gambling, internet addiction, drug addiction or addiction to video game.

Advance Psychologists It is one of the most prestigious psychology centers in all of Spain and for more than 20 years its professionals have offered a fully individualized psychology and psychiatry service.

The center's intervention is offered both online and in person, and its psychiatrists They attend in an individualized and adapted way to children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families.

Among the main specialties of the center we find cases of anxiety, addictions, depression, stress, family conflicts, low self-esteem, personality disorders, sexuality disorders and difficulties relational.

He Alfi European Institute is a center specialized in detoxification and addictions formed by a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists health generals, personal trainers, former recovered addicts with therapist training, monitors and nutritionists.

The intervention of the center is available 24 hours a day by its professionals specialized in addictions and some of its main specialties are cases of alcoholism, drug addiction, internet addiction, sex addiction, gambling, anxiety and depression.

The professionals of the Alfi Institute are also specialists in jointly applying various efficacy therapies proven, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Family and Behavior Therapy stand out. Couple.

addictive is an organization specialized in counseling, guidance and providing information to people of various ages who may present cases of addiction, as well as their families.

This organization has a network of centers where you will find professionals in the field of psychiatry and psychology whose services are offered to adolescents, adults and also people greater.

Check with Adictalia if you are interested in starting a recovery and alcohol detoxification process, as well as in cases gambling, emotional dependence, sex addiction, drug addiction, substance abuse, and addiction to the Internet or video game.

Adhara Psychology is a humanistic psychology center with more than 10 years of history that has a team of multidisciplinary professionals in the that you can find highly qualified psychiatrists when it comes to caring for children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families.

The center's intervention is based on the application of the best therapies with proven efficacy such as Mindfulness or EMDR Therapy, with which its professionals attend to cases of anxiety, codependency, depression, impulsivity, emotional difficulties, traumas and addiction to new technologies.

The Psychiatrist Doctor Leopoldo Barroeta Escalona He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Caracas, has a Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs from Abuse, he is a specialist in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and also has a Postgraduate Specialist in Psychiatry.

For more than 20 years, this professional has specialized in caring for adolescents, adults, and also the elderly who may present cases of anxiety, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, sex addiction, internet addiction, depression or disorders food.

The doctor. Pedro Garcia Parajuá He directs the Goya Consultation in Madrid, where he attends both online and in person to adults who may present psychological disorders of all kinds.

Some of his main intervention specialties are cases of alcoholism, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bipolar.

The psychiatrist Sergio Oliveros Calvo He has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid and throughout his career he has specialized in caring for adults and couples.

His intervention is offered both online and in person and some of his main specialties are cases of alcoholism, anxiety, bulimia, social phobia, post-traumatic stress and The insomnia.

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