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The 110 best phrases of Warriors in history

A warrior is anyone who fights for his ideals or his principles even if the situation is not conducive to him.. A large number of warriors come to dedicate their lives to the search for their own self-realization, even sacrificing their own existence if necessary.

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Phrases of Warriors about fight, dedication and passion

Warriors have many qualities that we should all try to emulate in our lives, many of the phrases they uttered hold great hidden wisdom. Would you like to know what were the best phrases they uttered?

Next you can enjoy the 80 best phrases of Warriors in history that you all should know.

1. Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior. (Carl von Clausewitz)

A warrior can never lack courage, without it he is lost on the battlefield.

2. The victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while the defeated warriors go to war first and then seek victory. (Sun Tzu)

The preparation for the battle is a crucial aspect, with it we will be able to achieve victory.

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3. A warrior does not give up what he loves, but finds love in what he does. (Dan Millman)

Warriors must love their vocation to become someone within it.

4. There is nothing impossible for those who try. (Alexander the Great)

If we don't try, we will never know if it was possible or not.

5. Today the enemy would have won, if they had a commander who was a winner. (Julius Caesar)

Attitude is everything, in life and on the battlefield.

6. I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep. I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. (Alexander the Great)

When the person who leads the army knows how to use it, it will always achieve his goal.

7. The cowards agonize many times before dying... The brave do not even know of their death. (Julius Caesar)

In order to be a great warrior we must fight to the last consequence, even if life goes to it.

8. Go to the battlefield with the firm assurance of victory and you will return home unscathed. (Uesugi Kenshin)

Our conviction and attitude will lead us to achieve victory.

9. It's better to keep fighting. If you run, you will only die tired. (viking proverb)

This Viking proverb encourages us to never give up, die fighting if necessary.

10. Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price. (Sun Tzu)

Every honorable victory has a high price, it is up to us to be willing to pay it or not.

11. The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and that of the enemies. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Strategy control is vital in battlefields, even today old strategies and tactics are still used.

12. He has the courage of cunning that curbs anger and waits for the propitious moment to unleash it. (Genghis Khan)

We must be patient and wait for the right moment to launch a devastating attack, patience is a great quality.

13. Being a warrior is learning to be genuine in every moment of your life. (Chögyam Trungpa)

In order to be a warrior we must achieve the necessary merits, it is not an easy life for a warrior.

14. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall. (Confucius)

If we never give up, we will never be defeated, it's up to us not to get up.

15. Don't pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to face a difficult life. (Bruce Lee)

Being strong is something that we all have to pursue in life, Bruce Lee knew that very well.

16. I don't know anything about how to surpass others. I only know the way to overcome myself. (Bushido)

Self-improvement is the only path that we really have to follow, our biggest rival will always be ourselves.

17. The only way to win a war is to avoid it. (George C. Marshall)

No war is good, all will bring harm to its participants.

18. Observation and perception are two separate things; the observing eye is stronger, the perceiving eye is weaker. (Miyamoto Musashi)

We must be very observant, it can be crucial during a battle or combat.

19. When you're as great as I am, it's hard to be humble. (Muhammad Ali)

Without a doubt, Muhammad Ali is a warrior in the ring, who can teach us a lot about how we can face our lives or professional careers.

20. I want the last bullet fired from the last war to kill me. (George Smith Patton)

General Patton was without a doubt one of the most important characters of the Second World War, the achievements he achieved on the battlefield and outside of it speak for themselves.

21. Attitudes are more important than aptitudes. (Winston Churchill)

Our attitude is a crucial aspect when we face an opponent or rival.

22. The destiny of all depends on the realization of each one. (Alexander the Great)

The changes we make in our lives have an impact on society, we are all part of it and we all shape it.

23. Even if they are clumsy at them, warriors must personally strengthen their own martial arts as much as their own circumstances can. (Miyamoto Musashi)

The knowledge of our skills and their improvement will always depend exclusively on ourselves.

24. A hero is someone good who will never change. (George Foreman)

George Foreman was along with Muhammad Ali another great warrior in the ring, he taught us that the toughest battlefields can be very small.

25. Do not count the days make the days count. (Muhammad Ali)

Improving in all our weaknesses is something that we must do, in order to present ourselves in battle in optimal conditions.

26. To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. (Winston Churchill)

We all make concessions in order to achieve our goals, Churchill knew very well that we all go through moments of change in life.

27. The glory is fleeting, but the darkness is forever. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

The great Napoleon Bonaparte was always someone willing to do anything to achieve greatness.

28. Freedom, when it begins to take root, is a fast-growing plant. (George Washington)

George Washington was without a doubt a great defender of the freedom of all people, a right that today seems to all of us to be inalienable for all human beings.

29. He would rather live a short and glorious life than a long one in darkness. (Alexander the Great)

Alexander the Great lived possibly what was the greatest search for glory that a human being will ever live.

30. I can't dance or sing or tell jokes, but I'm the best at knocking people out. (George Foreman)

Foreman knew that he was a warrior, maybe he wasn't very good in other disciplines but he was made to fight.

31. The arrival of the Nazi sniper set us a new task. We had to find it, study habits and methods, and patiently wait for the moment to get one, and only one, well-directed shot. (Vasily Zaitsev)

This great sniper was undoubtedly a very special figure during the Second World War, and is still very much loved by his people today.

32. A fan is someone who can't change their mind and doesn't want to change the subject. (Winston Churchill)

Fanaticism is something that we should all dismiss, the search for truth is something that every rational human being should pursue.

33. Experience is the teacher of all things. (Julius Caesar)

Experience is something vital in life, it will take us to where we really should be.

34. It is better to die with honor than to live dishonorably. (Hernan Cortes)

For almost all warriors in any society, death is preferable to dishonor.

35. I'm young; I am handsome; I'm fast. I can't be beat... (Muhammad Ali)

The character of the champions is something very special in some of them, Ali was a clear example of a champion's attitude.

36. Old soldiers don't die, they just fade away. (Douglas MacArthur)

In wars, the losses we suffer are devastating for all its members.

37. I have never advocated war, except as a means to peace. (General Ulysses S. Grant)

Sometimes self-defense inevitably leads us to enter a war.

38. Glory crowns the actions of those who expose themselves to danger. (Alexander the Great)

The most courageous warriors will be remembered throughout history, Alexander is a good example of this.

39. Death is nothing, but to live defeated and without glory is to die daily. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Disgrace is something no warrior wants to go through, Napoleon compared it to death in life.

40. Blood, effort, tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill)

In war, sacrifices are of all imaginable types, in efforts, sadness and family losses.

41. I hate nothing more than ingratitude. (George Washington)

We must show our gratitude to the one who reaches out to us, education is based largely on this quality.

42. If you have to break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases, observe it. (Julius Caesar)

To seize power in a society we must necessarily break the law that conforms it.

43. In special circumstances, the fact must be faster than the thought. (Hernan Cortes)

On the battlefield we must act swiftly and decisively.

44. How happy it would have been for me to have been killed in battle. It would have been much nobler to have died a victim of the enemy than to sacrifice the wrath of my friends. (Alexander the Great)

There is no better death for the warrior than death on the battlefield, doing what he was born to do.

45. One person with knowledge of his life purpose is more powerful than ten thousand who work without such knowledge. (Muhammad Ali)

Knowing the reason why we keep going is essential to achieve our goals in life, to have a purpose.

46. Your heart is free, have courage to listen to it. (William Wallace)

The great William Wallace was a great defender of the Scottish people who deserves to live forever in the collective memory.

47. There is never so much lying as before the elections, during the war and after the hunt. (Otto von Bismarck)

Lies are something widely used in politics, are they really necessary?

48. I am the greatest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don't believe it, check the cash register. (Mike Tyson)

The great Mike Tyson considered himself a warrior, without a doubt he trained like one.

49. A picture is worth a thousand words. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Eyes that see, heart that feels. No one can deny us what our eyes have seen.

50. I'm doubly great, I don't just knock them out, I pick the round. (Muhammad Ali)

The great Ali demonstrated great mastery of strategy, speed and strength, qualities that every warrior must possess.

51. If you don't follow a true path to the end, a small evil at first turns into a great perversion. (Miyamoto Musashi)

Musashi was a legendary warrior from feudal Japan who wrote The Book of Five Rings, a literary work that we should all know.

52. I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)

One of the most famous quotes from this great conqueror could not be missing from this selection.

53. There was no land for us beyond (the) Volga. (Vasily Zaitsev)

Zaitsev was possibly one of the best snipers in the USSR army.

54. I succeeded because they believed in me. (Ulysses S. Grant)

For a commander to be successful, the soldiers must have blind faith in him.

55. Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by victory. (Erwin Rommel)

We must know if a battle is worth fighting or not, because the lives of many people depend on it.

56. I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands cannot reach what his eyes cannot see. Now You See Me, Now You Do not. (Muhammad Ali)

One of the most famous quotes by Muhammad Ali that could not be missing from this selection, speed is something essential in a warrior.

57. You had to believe other stories, but anyway later I don't know if anyone believes something good about me. (Billy the Kid)

Billy the Kid was one of the most famous outlaws of the old west, his life consisted of combat and celebration, but he usually lived with great precariousness.

58. I don't try to intimidate anyone before a fight. That makes no sense. I intimidate people by hitting them. (Mike Tyson)

The great Mike Tyson doesn't waste time with banal conversations, he talks with his fists.

59. If you want to be successful in the world, promise everything, and deliver nothing. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

In this quote Napoleon gives us this great advice, following it will depend on ourselves.

60. We of Macedonia, for generations past have been trained in the harsh school of danger and war. (Alexander the Great)

Alexander the Great began his military career as a prince of Macedonia, but by the end of it he had been named: Hegemon of Greece, Pharaoh of Egypt, and High King of Persia.

61. All people die, but not all really live. (William Wallace)

How we live our life depends only on us, we can fight or we can run away.

62. In the end, it's impossible not to become what others think you are. (Julius Caesar)

Constant flattery can undermine our understanding and make us believe something we really are not.

63. In every battle the time comes when both sides consider themselves attacked, then the one that continues the attack wins. (Ulysses S. Grant)

Persevering in our battle is something that depends on ourselves and our conviction.

64. Mortal danger is an effective antidote against fixed ideas. (Erwin Rommel)

When our lives are in danger we can all change our way of thinking.

65. War is cruel... to fill our hearts with hate instead of love for others. (Robert E. Read)

No war is really worth it, all cause more harm than good.

66. If I advance, follow me, if I stop, push me, if I go back, kill me. (Julio Antonio Mella)

This quote by Julio Antonio Mella (founder of the Cuban communist party) was very popularized by the great Ernesto Che Guevara.

67. A true man of honor feels humiliated when he cannot help others who are humble. (Robert E. Read)

Since the Middle Ages, warriors have been linked to the defense of others and the most defenseless.

68. I don't think we are very close relatives, but if you are capable of trembling with indignation every time an injustice is committed in the world, we are partners, which is more important. (Che Guevara)

Warriors create alliances with those who think like them, in order to achieve their goals.

69. You can't make a revolution with kid gloves. (Joseph Stalin)

Stalin was not only a social leader, he was also a decorated military man who always fought for his ideals.

70. The art of war is quite simple. Find your enemy. Catch him as soon as possible. Hit it as hard as you can, and keep going. (Ulysses S. Grant)

In war we must act quickly because with it we will be able to surprise our enemies.

71. A good general not only knows how to find the way to victory, he also knows when it is impossible. (Erwin Rommel)

Fleeing when necessary is something we must do in order to save human lives.

72. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. (Che Guevara)

The most famous phrase of El Che could not be missing from this selection of quotes.

73. They do not have to give the news, but to educate the masses. (Joseph Stalin)

Control of the media is essential in times of war.

74. You have to get correct views about life and learn to see the world in its true light. (Robert E. Read)

Knowing how to listen to those around us can give us a vision different from our own.

75. To act and to remain silent are the two bases of any truly strong government. (Paul von Hindenburg)

Governments look for these two qualities in any warrior, effectiveness and commitment.

76. What you do is contrary to the law of God. Even if you were thirteen times thirteen, I would not be alone. (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar)

The principles of El Mio Cid led him to fight in countless battles.

77. People may die, but never their ideas. (Che Guevara)

Ideas are something that will not disappear with our death, because what we do in life will always last in the collective memory.

78. It is not enough that I succeed, others must fail. (Genghis Khan)

The leader of the Mongols always sought the total surrender of his adversary.

79. There is no greater hindrance than that of the man who, not knowing how to command, does not know how to obey. (Paul von Hindenburg)

There are leaders in war who are out of place and they often get in the way of experienced military men.

80. Socialism has been made for the integral man. (Che Guevara)

Che, a staunch defender of socialism, always sought its implementation at the international level.

81. The true warrior is not immune to fear, he fights in spite of it.

One of the main keys to becoming a true warrior.

82. Spain is the strongest country in the world: the Spanish have been trying to destroy it for centuries and have not succeeded. (Otto von Bismarck)

One of the most famous phrases of this German statesman.

83. It is when you are surrounded by all dangers that you need not fear any. (Sun Tzu)

A truly profound reflection that can help us in many areas of life.

84. Who does not desire a victory in which he can unite the places of his kingdom, so divided by nature, and in which he can obtain trophies from other conquered worlds? (Alexander the Great)

Alexander the Great will always be remembered as one of the greatest generals in history.

85. I have dedicated this book to the Soviet soldier. It is with his blood and sweat that victory over the mighty enemy was achieved. (Georgy Zhukov)

Zhukov received recognition in his own country and internationally after the war.

86. I prefer not to have children than to sacrifice the interests of our nation. (Chiang Kai Shek)

One of the greatest sacrifices a general can make is to postpone his well-being and promote the interests of the nation.

87. In revolutions there are two kinds of people, those who make them and those who take advantage of them. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

If this French statesman knew anything, it was about making revolutions triumph.

88. War is a matter of vital importance to the state. (Sun Tzu)

The great teachings of Sun Tzu are still studied today in many fields.

89. Only with prudence, wisdom and skill can great goals be achieved and obstacles overcome. Without these qualities nothing succeeds. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

One of the essential maxims on which Napoleon built his myth.

90. And now the German generals find it difficult to explain their withdrawal (Georgui Zhukov)

Undoubtedly, one of the great military strategists of the first half of the 20th century.

91. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

A phrase that we can use in any context or circumstance.

92. One minute decides the outcome of a battle, one hour the success of a campaign, and one day the future of an empire. (Alexander Suvorov)

A truly profound reflection of one of the greatest soldiers of the 18th century.

93. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in the life of human beings more terrifying than the war and nothing more important to those of us who have experienced it than to share its horrible TRUE. (Ron Kovic)

Only someone who has lived through the horror of war is aware of how harmful any military conflict is.

94. The world suffers a lot. Not only because of the violence of bad people. Also for the silence of good people. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

A phrase that today remains fully valid.

95. It is not worth sacrificing the interest of the nation for the welfare of my son. (Chiang Kai Shek)

The greatest warriors put the general interests before their own.

96. Generalissimo Stalin directed every move, he made every decision. He is the greatest and wisest military genius that ever lived. (Georgy Zhukov)

Zhukov was one of the main architects of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany.

97. China is a sleeping giant. Let him sleep, because when he wakes up, he will move the world. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

A phrase that today is premonitory.

98. Fire opens the gates of victory. (Alexander Suvorov)

It is often said that this Russian general did not lose a single one of the military campaigns that he carried out.

99. My good health is due to a soup made from white doves. It's just a wonderful toner. (Chiang Kai Shek)

This Chinese soldier was one of the most important characters in China at the beginning of the 20th century.

100. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. (Emiliano Zapata)

The greatest revolutionaries in history would subscribe to these words.

101. War is not simply a political act, but a true political instrument, a continuation of political relations, a management of them by other means. (Carl von Clausewitz)

Many military experts in the 19th century considered war to be just another way of doing politics.

102. The surest way to remain poor is to be honest. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Many of Bonaparte's quotes were veritable codes of conduct in the France of his day.

103. If you don't fight, at least have the decency to respect those who do. (Jose Marti)

One of the most remembered phrases of this Cuban revolutionary.

104. Leaders come and go, but the people remain. Only the people are immortal; everything else is ephemeral. (Joseph Stalin)

A phrase that perfectly sums up the imperishable spirit of free peoples.

105. Living does not consist in breathing but in acting. (Mao)

Mao led his country to liberation in the war against the Japanese and alongside the Kai-Shek nationalists.

106. You may lose a thousand battles, but only by losing your laughter will you have known true defeat. (Ho Chi Minh)

Some good advice from the Vietnamese revolutionary and father of modern Vietnam Ho Chi Minh.

107. The variety made the revolution. Freedom was just a pretext. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Napoleon was one of the great architects of the triumph of the French Revolution.

108. War is a place where young people who don't know each other and don't hate each other kill each other, by the decision of old people who know each other and hate each other, but don't kill each other. (Erich Hartmann)

Possibly the most famous phrase of this German war pilot.

109. If you love life, don't waste time, life is made of time. (Bruce Lee)

A piece of advice that it would be better for all of us to follow.

110. War is not the answer, violence is not the only solution. A more peaceful world is possible. (Ron Kovic)

The activity and activism of this ex-marine emphasizes world peace and the search for non-violent solutions to any conflict.

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