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The 14 benefits of showering with cold water

For most people, the thought of showering evokes pleasant feelings. This iconic and pleasant image will immediately disappear if we add the detail that the shower in question is with cold water.

However, a large number of people intentionally take cold showers in the morning, which clears them up and prepares them for the day. This is because, as most people already know, contact with cold water has multiple advantages for our body. In this article we are going to talk precisely about this fact: about the benefits of showering with cold water, and why this habit should be incorporated into our routines.

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14 benefits of showering with cold water

Despite the fact that it is initially aversive stimulation for the vast majority of people, the fact showering with cold water has a series of advantages and positive effects on our body and our Psyche. Some of these benefits can be directly observed after sporadic contact with cold water, but

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other benefits will be less visible unless there is a habit or some regularity.

1. Clear and activate mind and body

The main effect that we directly see when we shower with cold water is the fact that activates and clears us. Thermal receptors and neurons located in the skin are activated to send an alert message to the body. rest of the system, generating a response by the organism in the form of generalized activation before the cold. It is a natural reaction to the body's need to maintain homeostasis or internal balance at the temperature level.

2. Improves circulation

Exposure to cold water has positive repercussions at the cardiovascular level: in the face of cold our heart rate increases and blood vessels contract. The blood travels at high speed and loaded with oxygen to the main organs and muscles, improving circulation to these areas. In this sense It is advisable to alternate between cold showers and others with hot water (which would make blood more easily directed to the surface of the skin).

However, people who suffer from some type of heart disease and disorder should be very careful. cardiovascular, since the contraction of the blood vessels and the acceleration of the heart rate can be detrimental in your case.

3. Increases attentional capacity

The activation of the nervous system is another of the benefits of showering with cold water, which stimulates the secretion of certain neurotransmitters as the norepinephrine that makes us able to be attentive and vigilant.

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4. Improve your mood

Showering with cold water has significant effects on mood. And it is that the thermal shock with cold water stimulates the production of noradrenaline in the brain, which ultimately will generate greater activation and a slight improvement in mood, relieving stress and anxiety. Other studies indicate that it also generates a decrease in the cortisol level.

5. Increases oxygenation

When our body comes into contact with very cold water, we usually immediately begin to accelerate our breathing. This is linked to the aforementioned alteration and cardiovascular acceleration. The body needs a greater amount of energy to cope with the cold, which implies accelerating the acquisition of oxygen. So, increase the levels of oxygen in our body, as well as the rhythm with which blood circulates through the body.

6. speeds up metabolism

As previously indicated, in the presence of cold our body will begin to demand energy in order to maintain internal temperature at adequate levels. To do this, it generates an acceleration of the metabolism, consuming the resources stored in the organism. The consequence of this is that with exposure to cold we begin to burn sugars and fats to maintain body temperature at acceptable levels.

7. Activates the immune system

The generalized activation of the system and the acceleration of the metabolism generated by the water favor the activation and improvement of the system immunological, which is more prepared to fight against infections and external aggressions by releasing a greater quantity of leukocytes or white blood cells.

8. Improves libido and the quality and quantity of sperm

Fertility is another aspect that is influenced by the fact of showering with cold water. Cold stimulates testosterone secretion, which in the long run has an effect on libido and sexual responsiveness.

9. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain

It is usual that when we take a blow and have some type of inflammation, we use the cold to lower it (for example with an ice pack). This effect is due to the fact that the cells surrounding the injured area require a lower amount of oxygen in the cold, reducing swelling of the affected area. Showers with cold water have the same effect (although in this case the whole body is exposed to the cold). Likewise, it also allows you to relieve muscle pain or even headaches.

10. improves sleep

Another of the benefits of showering with cold water is found in the dream. Although the fact of submitting to a cold shower makes us clear, as the day goes by it makes it easier for our body to relax just as we have tensed up. It has been seen that it facilitates sleep conciliation and improves its quality.

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11. Promotes better diuresis and renal and lymphatic function

The kidneys and the lymphatic system also see their functioning improve with the cold, allowing a better expulsion of toxic elements and waste from our body.

12. Increase productivity

The benefits of showering with cold water in the morning, taking into account the effects described above, also include an increase in the level of mental activity that the person will be able to perform and an increase in productivity.

13. Benefits on skin and hair

People who shower excessively often lose the natural protection that covers and protects the skin in the form of oil, especially if they do so with hot water. In the long run, they can dry out skin and hair. Cold water, on the other hand, does not cause this loss of skin fat and also allows skin toning by stretching it. It also prevents hair loss and makes it shine.

14. Strengthens self-esteem and a sense of self-control

As we have said, most people find cold water to be a more or less aversive stimulus. That is why the fact of showering with cold water It can be lived as a small challenge or challenge to overcome, which ultimately generates a greater sense of self-control, self-efficacy and self-esteem.

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