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The 70 best phrases of Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernandez Gilabert (1910 - 1942) was a Spanish poet and playwright born in 1910 in Orihuela, Spain.

During a trip to Portugal, where he was trying to avoid persecution by the Francoist side, Hernández he was arrested by the police of Salazar (Portuguese dictator) who left him in the hands Francoists. He was ordered transferred to the adult reformatory in Alicante, where he fell ill and would later die of tuberculosis at 32 years of age.

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Phrases and reflections by Miguel Hernández

The works of Miguel Hernández are worth remembering and if you don't know them you will surely like them, that's why We have made this selection of the 70 best phrases by Miguel Hernández so that you can learn a little more about the life and work of this fantastic author.

1. Whoever stops to cry, who laments against the hostile stone of discouragement, whoever gets involved in something other than combat, will not be a winner, they will be a slow loser.

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In this quote, Miguel Hernández encourages us to be combative during battle and to fight bravely.

2. I woke up from being a child. Never wake up. Sad I have the mouth. Always laugh. Always in the cradle, defending laughter feather by feather.

Childhood is a stage in which we are all happier, upon reaching maturity life becomes very complicated.

3. Sad wars if the company is not love. sad. sad. Sad weapons if they are not words. sad. sad. Sad men if they don't die of love. sad. sad.

War is a very sad stage for all those who have the misfortune to experience it.

4. A drop of sheer bravery is worth more than a cowardly ocean.

Being brave will allow us to reach our goal and possibly survive as well.

5. There is no bigger extension than my wound, I cry my misfortune and its combinations and I feel your death more than my life.

Difficult situations are very complicated for everyone and Miguel Hernández was involved in some really complicated ones.

6. How little is one worth now! Even the rats climb up to dirty the roof of thoughts. This is what's new in my life: rats. I already have rats, lice, fleas, bedbugs, scabies. This corner that I have to live will very soon be a zoo, or rather, a menagerie...

When we live between trenches we usually have the bad company of all kinds of vermin.

7. How simple is death: how simple, but how unjustly taken away! He doesn't know how to walk slowly, and he stabs when he least expects his murky slash.

Death can come to all of us by surprise and unexpectedly end our lives.

8. The world is how it appears to my five senses, and to yours, which are the shores of mine.

We all see the world under our own perception, it is only a representation of what we perceive.

9. Here I am to live as long as my soul resonates with me, and here I am to die, when the time comes for me, in the veins of the town from now on and forever.

A really very nice phrase in which Hernández tells us about his intentions to live life to the fullest.

10. Blood that does not overflow, youth that does not dare, nor is it blood, nor is it youth, nor does it shine, nor does it flourish.

Indeed, during our youth is when we are most courageous and daring, with all that this entails.

11. I do not forgive death in love, I do not forgive inattentive life, I do not forgive the earth or nothing.

Sometimes we live through very difficult times that we wish we had not had to go through.

12. So much pain gathers in my side that it hurts even my breath to hurt.

War can lead us to the most difficult situations one can go through.

13. Although my loving body is underground, write to the earth, and I will write to you.

This writer had the firm conviction of leaving his mark on the earth and he undoubtedly succeeded.

14. Although the autumn of history covers your graves with the apparent dust of oblivion, we will never give up even the oldest of our dreams.

Fighting to fulfill our dreams is something that we all must do.

15. Every day my blood desires it more and it swells with love and disbands me, and I don't understand why I shouldn't want it if my heart tells me to.

We must comply with the designs of our hearts, he will guide us on the path of life.

16. Yesterday the town woke up naked and without anything to wear, hungry and without anything to eat, today it dawns rightfully overwhelmed and bloody.

The hardships that a people go through are many times what lead them to get involved in a war.

17. Hungry I fight, with all my gaps, scars and wounds, signs and memories of hunger, against so many satisfied bellies: pigs with a worse origin than pigs.

Hernández was clear about his ideals and against the ideals he fought for, he was a staunch defender of his own ideas.

18. I don't know what my ear is without your accent, nor towards which pole I err without your star, and my voice without your treatment becomes feminine. I chase the smells of your wind and the forgotten image of your footprint, which begins in you, love, and ends in me.

A very poetic sentence in which this writer reveals to us the love that he felt within his own being.

19. Time will turn yellow on my photograph.

In fact, time passes for all of us, without haste but without pause, oblivion comes to all of us.

20. In this field was the sea. Will it ever come back. If ever a drop touches this field, this field feels the memory of the sea. Will it ever come back.

With the passing of time, landscapes change and nature adapts to each situation, we must know how to live in the same way.

21. Encarnación, I say in my heart, if I'm stupid, let me be. I don't care: I'm not dying to be stupid, I'm stupid, and yes I know that I'm stupid, I know that even stupid I love you.

The love that this writer felt led him to write about it many times, this quote is a clear example.

22. The sea also chooses ports to laugh like sailors. The sea of ​​who they are. The sea also chooses ports where to die. Like the sailors. The sea of ​​those who were.

Undoubtedly the sea is something that this writer always liked and to which he dedicated these words.

23. Don't look out the window, there's nothing in this house. Lean into my soul.

We must know how to see inside people and be able to scrutinize their feelings, to know how they really are.

24. I have to fall in love, in a pure way, a woman who does not look anything but this particular: as the earth must be simple and loving, so she will be more of a wife and thus she will be more of a woman.

In this sentence we see the tastes for which this writer would choose his own wife.

25. Wheel that you will go very far, fly that you will go very high. Tower of the day you are, of time and space.

At the beginning of the 20th century, technology underwent great advances and changed society forever.

26. It's not worth being sad. The shadow that has given it to you. The shadow that takes it away.

We should not think about things that do not really bring us anything positive, we must let negative thoughts fall into oblivion.

27. Mouth that drags my mouth. Mouth that you have dragged me: mouth that you come from afar to illuminate me with lightning. Dawn that gives my nights a red and white glow. Mouth populated with mouths: bird full of birds.

The gift of the word is something very important for the human being, with our words we can change the day of others and encourage our colleagues in complicated situations.

28. I am not hurt by any evil or any broken string: what your attention notices today was always natural to me.

In this quote we can discover how this writing tells us that his personality was always as we see it.

29. Farewell, brothers, comrades and friends. Say goodbye to the sun and the wheat.

A nice date in which Hernández says goodbye to all of us.

30. Bodies that are born defeated, defeated and gray die: they come with the age of a century, and they are old when they come.

We must fight for what is important to us, that is exactly what life is about.

31. There is no one who besieges life, there is no one who fences off blood when he grasps his wings and sticks them in the air.

Life sprouts in the most unexpected places and sprouts with a force that can be overwhelming.

32. Many drinks is life and a single drink is death.

Life is all we have and we must take advantage of it until the last breath.

33. Although the autumn of history covers your graves with the apparent dust of oblivion.

The Spanish civil war was a very hard time in which thousands of people died and to which we owe much of today's society.

34. The factory is guarded by flowers, children, crystals, towards the day. Inside her there are light works and sweats, because freedom put joy there.

Life in peace and harmony gives us the opportunity to work in order to prosper in life.

35. I place reliquaries of my kind at your biting heel, at your footprint, and always at your footprint I anticipate so that your impassive foot despises all the love that I raised towards your foot.

We must help those around us, even if they don't thank us.

36. The weapons that shine the most in my hands and with them I have to transform life.

In armed conflicts we are forced to take up arms even if we do not want it.

37. Among the flowers you left. Among the flowers I stay.

Where better than a flowery landscape to lie quietly.

38. Singing I wait for death, that there are nightingales that sing above the rifles and in the midst of battles.

The courage of this writer is evident in this beautiful sentence.

39. In your hand is the freedom of the wing, the freedom of the world, flying soldiers: and you will uproot from the sky the greedy and weeds of other engines.

In the civil war, the air forces were of vital importance, since command of the air is essential in any war.

40. remote blood. Remote body, within everything: within, very within my passions, my desires.

Men are moved by passions and desires in almost all circumstances of life.

41. Hunger is the first of knowledge: being hungry is the first thing you learn.

Hunger is a necessity that we all must fight, during the civil war the population suffered a lot of hunger.

42. You will return to my garden and my fig tree: your hive soul will bird on the high scaffolding of flowers.

After our death we return with our loved ones and to those places that we loved so much.

43. The flight means the highest joy, the liveliest agility, the firmest youth.

Flying at the beginning of the century was something very new and that entailed great romanticism.

44. Do you want underground? Under the ground I want because where you run my body wants to run. I burn from down there and illuminate your memories.

During the war, the soldier makes a show of not fearing death, as we can well see in this sentence.

45. Laugh so much that when my soul hears you, it beats the space.

Our attitude will largely determine our chances of success.

46. Don't get hit from behind, live face to face and die with your chest before the bullets, as wide as the walls.

We must be consistent with our thoughts and put all our impetus for it.

47. But silence can more than so much instrument.

Silence can be really deafening and hold great meaning.

48. Painted, not empty: my house is painted the color of great passions and misfortunes.

Colors can convey a large number of feelings and lead us to remember past moments.

49. Bull in the spring more bull than other times, in Spain more bull, bull, than in other parts. Warmer than ever, more volcanic, bull, that radiates, that illuminates the fire, stand up.

A great quote by Miguel Hernández that has great meaning and that represents Spanish society as a whole very well.

50. Here I have an angry voice, here I have a fought and angry life, here I have a rumor, here I have a life.

Fighting for our thoughts and illusions is the right thing to do, our personal happiness may depend on it.

51. Who will fill this void of discouraged heaven that leaves your body to mine?

This writer always shows us in his texts his deep and noble feelings.

52. Today love is death, and man stalks man.

During war we can all be a possible target.

53. I enter slowly, my forehead slowly falls, my heart tears slowly, and slowly and blackly I cry again at the foot of a guitar.

The loss of a loved one is always one of the hardest moments we can face.

54. It is enough to look: the gaze is really covered.

With our eyes we can tell many things.

55. Just listen: the blood rumbles in the ears.

We must know how to listen to our friends and family.

56. From each breath comes the fiery puff of so many hearts united in pairs.

Two crew members are mounted in each combat plane and both risk their lives in each mission.

57. The woman without the man off goes. Off goes the man without a woman's light.

Couples frequently break up during any war, a misfortune for both.

58. Bodies like a voracious, colliding, furious sea. Solitarily tied by love, by hate, through the veins men arise, they cross the cities, grim.

Deaths can number in the thousands in certain battles of the Spanish civil war.

59. Spain, stoic stone that opened in two pieces of pain and deep stone to give me: they will not separate me from your high bowels, mother.

This writer was always a firm defender of his country, above all he was a patriot.

60. A carnivore knife with a sweet and homicidal wing holds a flight and a shine around my life.

Airplanes were seen as wonderful vehicles at the time.

61. He continues, then, he continues with the knife, flying, wounding.

Like a knife that cuts the wind, this writer described the aircraft that flew through the skies.

62. Fear that the mud will grow in a moment, fear that it will grow and rise and cover tenderly, tenderly and jealously your reed ankle, my torment, fear that it floods the spikenard of your leg and grows more and ascends to your forehead.

During the war, the weather conditions suffered by the combatants were extremely harsh.

63. The number of bloods that the world illuminated in two found the beginning: you and me.

Even in the most difficult moments we can always find like-minded people.

64. Hatred is damped behind the window. It will be the soft claw.

Because of hatred, the worst wars have been started and the worst battles have been waged.

65. This city is not appeased with fire, this laurel with rancor is not cut down. This rosebush without luck, this lavender exhales joy.

Miguel Hernández had no intention of giving in to adversity.

66. Only your vivid essence nourishes you. You sleep on the edge of the hole and the sword.

Unconsciously we are all permanently between a rock and a hard place, life is very fragile.

67. You are my house, Madrid: my existence, what a traversal!

During the civil war, Madrid was subjected to constant bombardment, which seriously affected its population.

68. Tell me from down there the word I love you. Do you speak underground? I speak with silence.

Love is a feeling that we often carry to the grave, it will always be with us.

69. Leave me hope.

Hope is a very powerful weapon, we must always have it with us.

70. In the passion of flight the light thunders, and exalts wings with which to beat myself.

This fantastic writer never refused to fight, he firmly defended his ideals.

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