Education, study and knowledge

Smart women tend to be single

It is often said that intelligent women are those who lead an independent life. And it is not easy, because there are still a series of social norms and clichés that tend to chain women around tasks culturally attributed to them: caring for children and husbands, as well as for the elderly home.

Luckily, times have changed and women can choose what they want to do or who they want to share their lives with... and they can even decide to stay single. We will talk about this in today's article.

The imposition of marriage: condemned to start a family?

We must start from a summary reflection: every woman should be free to choose her own destiny. This includes the possibility of falling in love, of starting a family, of never falling in love, or of going from flower to flower. There is nothing wrong with any of these options (or any other).

It happens that they still weigh certain stereotypes that place women in a subordinate role in our society, especially regarding how he should lead her love and sexual life. Cultural patterns affect us all, and particularly women. Hence, many of the recurring proverbs and phrases that are intended to indicate to women how to act in relation to their sentimental life and their maternity: "look, at 35 years old and you still haven't married", "marry Pepito who has a company and is a good match" "in the end the time will pass rice"... Phrases with a deep draft and that, even unconsciously, influence the way in which they act or stop acting.

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Between happiness and resignation

Another widely repeated saying is the one that says that “ignorance gives happiness”. Certainly, It can be difficult for an intelligent woman with concerns beyond the typical to be able to find a man with whom she can express herself. freely and feel intellectually stimulated. This, not to mention sapiosexuality.

The social pressure from her inner circle can be quite annoying for the girl who, being smart, fails to connect with another person (same sex or not, because of course she can also be gay and bisexual in this life), unlike her friends, who seem to have a kind of magnet for relationships loving. While the latter can reproduce the cultural slogan with less reluctance, the former tend to hold firm to their position.

A study confirms it: single women tend to be more intelligent

So why do the smartest women tend to stay single? Is there any objective reason why heterosexual men or homosexual women do not make it a priority to maintain an affective relationship with an intelligent woman? Is there some kind of aversion, conscious or unconscious, towards brilliant women?

There may be a certain pattern whereby the most intelligent women are also the most demanding and therefore tend to remain single. It's just a hypothesis, but it could make sense, especially after the research titled "Why do smart men choose less intelligent women?", that has been published in Daily Mail and Elite Daily, among others.

In this study, the academic john carney explains that less intelligent women tend to have much more free time because they are not able to obtain sufficient economic benefits if they study more or work more hours than usual, with which they tend to pair themselves with men of higher intelligence who, statistically, are the who tend to have better jobs and salaries, which helps them to advance economically and enjoy a better way of life high. A conclusion, that of John Carney, which, of course, has unleashed a strong controversy.

The other side of the coin: men look for women… not so smart

It seems, however, that the motivations of men when it comes to finding a partner also leave a little to be desired from a moral perspective. As Carney argues, they are looking for a woman who prioritizes her romantic relationship and the family project over any other. aspect of life, and of course there are women, usually the 'not so smart' ones, who are willing to accept this premise.

The dangers and problems of being a smart woman

And it is that, as is evident, being an intelligent woman has great disadvantages. Probably, if any woman had to choose between being intelligent or not, she would have a major dilemma before her. Because, although a priori all would choose to be intelligent, the reality is that having a privileged mind entails numerous problems to face real life.

It is often said, and I think it is a cliché that is not at all misguided, that 'stupid' women (if I may use the expression) are not taken seriously by men. But in fact, smart women are taken seriously by male colleagues, perhaps too seriously, to the point that they perceive them as rivals and not so much as potential partners.

Thus, women from any part of the planet live in constant tension: if they are less intellectually graceful, they are frequently perceived as less more than sex objects and housewives, and if they are intelligent women, they are perceived as an undesirable threat, as a competitor for that top position in the company. company.

Going deeper into the study

Carney's studio was carried out on a total of 121 people of British nationality. The results have given a lot to talk about: being asked about heterosexual relationships in which the woman had a intelligence clearly superior, respondents perceived these as problematic and less desirable.

When the question was asked in reverse (the man being the smartest in the relationship), the Those surveyed did not report any hint of criticism or censorship towards them, quite the contrary: they perceived them as more desirable.

Gender stereotypes that will take time to be destroyed

This is yet another proof of the different stereotypes that, in the 21st century, continue to explain why women suffer discrimination in some areas of life. These gender prejudices also affect women with great intellectual capacity, not only in the labor field with phenomena such as glass roof but also in social and sentimental relationships, where it seems that being intelligent is perceived as something, in practice, undesirable.

Is it essential to have a partner to be happy?

We live in a society that requires us to have an orderly life: stable employment, formal partner and, at a certain age, children and to form a family and a home. It is an approach that we must question.. For some people, this model of life can be totally in accordance with their expectations and illusions, and this is fully respectable. But our generation still continues to accept without further ado some traditions and cultural impositions.

Some women, caught in this moral context, they incessantly seek men who appreciate them and with whom to share life. In Spanish faculties, women are already the majority. This means, among other things, that in the future it is quite probable that there will be more women who choose to have a partner with a lower academic qualification than them. We are facing a confusing new social reality: while more women can develop powerful academic and professional careers, men are not still willing to give up their position of intellectual hegemony within the couple, a fact that is causing many 'intelligent' women to stay single.

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