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Anna FREUD and defense MECHANISMS

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Anna Freud and defense mechanisms - summary

In this lesson from a TEACHER we explain what they are defense mechanisms of Anna Freud, the youngest daughter of Sigmund Freud and considered the most important psychologist of the twentieth century. Although the influence of her father was brutal, she made great contributions to the psychoanalysis, explaining key concepts in current psychology, such as the defense mechanisms of the self. These mechanisms would be barriers that the individual puts on in order not to face reality. Day-to-day living involves having to resolve numerous conflicts, and this involves an effort, which not all minds are capable of assuming, and then use strategies: defense mechanisms.

Talking about the defense mechanisms of Anna Freud requires previously talking about the psychoanalysis, a stream from which Anna's father, Sigmund Freud, he will be the founder. If you want to know more about the defense mechanisms of Anna Freud, keep reading this article by a TEACHER.

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  1. Anna Freud and psychoanalysis
  2. What are defense mechanisms according to Anna Freud
  3. Classification of the 9 defense mechanisms

Anna Freud and psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis, it was also Anna's father and the psychologist relies on these theories, although she provides novelties. For the favorite daughter of Freud, from the Me it is possible to access the other two rooms: the It and the Superego. Anna Freud is going to focus on the conscious, the self and its defense mechanisms. But first let's look at the theories of old Freud:

According Sigmund, in the mind of the individual can be found three stays:

  1. The It It is the part where the impulses and desires are located
  2. The Me mediates between the Id and the Super-ego: on the one hand, it tries to satisfy their desires and needs, but without this implying confronting their values
  3. The Superego contains moral norms and beliefs and where the desired image is projected

The psychoanalytic theory distinguish between aware and the unconscious. The first is the place of thoughts and perceptions, and the second is hidden and welcomes everything that the individual represses. The defense mechanisms would, then, be a trick of the unconscious to be able to face reality and maintain a socially acceptable image

What are defense mechanisms according to Anna Freud.

Anna Freud was interested in defense mechanisms, What are they psychological processes used by healthy individuals to overcome potential threats, heartaches, and frustrations. They are tools habitual that do not reveal a pathology, unless such mechanisms become a danger to the person.

The object of this conduct is protect me (conscious), keep you safe from a possible social penalty, or the anguish caused by not being able to face a certain situation.

To be more exact, we would have to talk about defense mechanisms of the self derived from a conflict between the impulses of the it, or between these and the values ​​of the super me or if the me feels threatened.

Anna Freud and defense mechanisms - summary - What are defense mechanisms according to Anna Freud

Classification of the 9 defense mechanisms.

According to Anna Freud there are different defense mechanisms that are used, unconsciously, by people to be able to andface reality. Below we describe the most used by individuals in order to overcome their fears.

  1. Dissociation: This mechanism allows people to unconsciously forget painful events or thoughts (conscious)
  2. Projection: consists of projecting negative feelings and thoughts on other people and of which the individual is not aware
  3. Denial: it is about denying reality as it is, something common after a loss or traumatic situation, a reality impossible to assimilate, so the individual invents another.
  4. Introjection: is just the opposite of projection. It consists of taking the qualities of others as your own, and it is a common mechanism when people are not happy with themselves.
  5. Regression: the return to childhood due to an event that causes immature behaviors to resume. Some girls and boys do it when a new baby brother is born
  6. Reactive formation or reaction formed: It consists of preventing negative thoughts from appearing by replacing them with positive ones.
  7. Isolation: it is about completely dissociating the memory from the feeling in order to make a situation less painful.
  8. Displacement: it occurs when the person disconnects from a specific feeling, but also connects it to another. Sometimes, not being able to face an unpleasant reality, causes people to divert their emotions towards other people or events, different from those that cause their agony.
  9. Rationalization: it is a mechanism that arises from the impossibility of accepting reality or facing it, so that what cannot be accepted is rationally replaced by the individual.

When defense mechanisms don't help

The defense mechanisms of the self They help to cope with reality, but results are not always achieved. In these cases appear neurotic responses such as stress, anxiety or depression, appetite or sleep disorders or physiological, and in the most serious cases, suicide, schizophrenia and other pathologies.

Anna Freud and defense mechanisms - summary - Classification of the 9 defense mechanisms

If you want to read more articles similar to Anna Freud and defense mechanisms - summary, we recommend that you enter our category of Philosophy.


Freud, A. The self and defense mechanisms. Ed. Paidós. 1980

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