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The 90 best famous phrases and quotes from Mystery

The mystery attracts us. As human beings, everything that has to do with the inexplicable, the paranormal and the unheard of seduces us to the point that we want to find some kind of logical explanation for these phenomena.

When science cannot reliably explain a phenomenon, some more or less far-fetched hypotheses arise as to why this occurs.

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Phrases and reflections of Mystery

In today's article we are going to compile the best Mystery phrases that many well-known writers and philosophers have said throughout history. Which is your favorite?

1. Medicine immediately attracted me, because it was a strictly biological and anthropological career. He could study the mysteries of Nature condensed in the human body. (Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente)

Phrase of mystery of the great Spanish naturalist.

2. We want to forget the penalty forever, evade the mystery of the human difference, reject piecemeal the limit of our nature. (Clara Janes)

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On human nature and its confines.

3. Deep down, no one knows why or what they want. If, as they say, freedom is a mystery, the will is a blind monster. (Franz Tamayo)

Freedom is no longer a metaphysical ideal.

4. The mirrorless moon of the night, the night without mysteries by the moon, then I realized, you have a back as beautiful as a deer. (Glory Strong)

The Spanish writer spoke like this about the night and its mystery.

5. Life is mystery; the blind light and the inaccessible truth amaze. (Ruben Dario)

We are not certain about anything at all.

6. The woman is an enigma that is not explained until after the marriage. (Severe Catherine)

Ironic phrase about life after death... sorry, after getting married.

7. When a mystery is too impressive, it is impossible to disobey. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

From the author of The Little Prince.

8. The general's greed is insatiable. He is a free thinker who pursues beauty and mystery. He would be able to take a persecutory measure against the dictionary, and it would cause a catastrophe. (Elena Garro)

About men with power.

9. The biggest mystery that surrounds a human being is not his reaction to sex or praise, but the way he manages to spend twenty-four hours a day. (Sinclair Lewis)

Time management, quite an enigma.

10. Poetry does not explain the world, it attests to its mystery. (Beatriz Villacanas)

Extrapolated to almost all arts.

11. You have to look into the eyes of the Mystery. (Lance Armstrong)

Phrase of the American cyclist.

12. Now, if you also care about yourself and aspire to your salvation and have confidence in God, like man who is not alien to these things, it is possible for you to achieve happiness, recognizing Christ and initiating yourself into his mysteries. (Saint Justin)

A religious reflection on the afterlife.

13. I am Nicaraguan and I feel proud that American Indian blood circulates in my veins more than anyone else, which by atavism encloses the mystery of being a loyal and sincere patriot. (Augusto Cesar Sandino)

About his ancestors.

14. The cosmos is all that is, all that was, and all that will be. Our lightest contemplations of the cosmos make us shudder: We feel like a tingle fills us nerves, a mute voice, a slight sensation as if from a distant memory or as if we were falling from a great height. (Carl Sagan)

Phrase of the great scientific popularizer, who died a few years ago.

15. It is known that we propose to change the social system, since we make no mystery about it. (Santiago Carrillo)

The Spanish communist spoke thus about his struggle.

16. God: the most obvious and the most mysterious. (Henry Lacordaire)

A reflection about the supreme being.

17. One cannot talk about the mystery, one must be captivated by it. (Rene Magritte)

About his power of seduction.

18. The world is full of those incomplete beings who walk on two feet and degrade the only mystery they have left: sex. (d. h. Lawrence)

One of those mystery phrases about intimate relationships.

19. Yesterday I destroyed everything. Yesterday I also destroyed the mystery of knowing that two castaways should only look at each other. (Alejandro Lanus)

A poetic phrase to remember.

20. I have the solution of the mystery; It came to me last night, suddenly, like a revelation. How simple, how terribly simple! (Ambrose Bierce)

Life is simple, if we look at it correctly.

21. Mystery is another name for our ignorance; if we were omniscient everything would be perfectly clear. (Tyron Edwards)

Only what we don't know is mysterious.

22. The cinema is a mystery. It is a mystery to the director himself. The result, the finished film, must always be a mystery to the director, otherwise it would not be interesting. (Andrei Tarkovsky)

His vision of the seventh art.

23. Friendship calls for a little more mystery; to raise it for any reason is equivalent to profaning his name. (Moliere)

Precisely because it is friendship, it must be treated with caution.

24. There will never be anyone like Michael Jackson. His talent, his ability to amaze and his mystery have made him a legend. (Steven Spielberg)

About the king of pop and his art.

25. Each generation of human beings believed that they had all the answers they needed, with the exception of a few mysteries that they were supposed to solve. And they believe that all their ancestors were deceived. What are the chances that you are the first generation of human beings to grasp reality? (Scott Adams)

The way humanity has evolved.

26. A painting requires a bit of mystery, some inaccuracies and fantasies. (Edgar Degas)

This is how art is forged.

27. If virtue were recognized as a mystery, virtue would be easier. (Naive)

Ethical reflection.

28. To write a single word is to light the fire of mystery. Writing more than one word is a fire. (Jorge Diaz)

The magic of literature.

29. Clarity in science is necessary; but in literature, no. Seeing clearly is philosophy. Seeing clearly in the mystery is literature. That's what Shakespeare, Cervantes, Dickens, Dostoiewski did... (Pío Baroja)

Phrase of mystery of this great Spanish writer.

30. Love is a mystery, an obsession; an unavoidable theme from all its possible aspects, such as memory and exile. (John Gelman)

One of the great mysteries of life: love.

31. I do not know why. Or rather I know. Because in the sun and in the light, I found the greatest mysteries since I was little, and because these natural elements exerted on me, due to their own secrecy, a very strange attraction. (Emilio Pettoruti)

Great poetic phrase about mystical attraction.

32. For me, beauty is the wonder of wonders. Only the superficial do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Beauty as an ethical ideal.

33. There is no greater mystery than this: being reality, we seek to obtain it. We believe that there is something that hides our reality and that we must destroy it to reach it. That's ridiculous. (Raman Maharshi)

A philosophical reflection of this spiritual teacher.

34. The moral figure of Judas is a deaf mystery, without echoes, as deep as the silence of the centuries and as bitter as his sad shadow of condemned for eternity. (John Bosch)

About the Bible.

35. Some mysteries will always escape the human mind. To convince ourselves of this, we only have to take a look at the tables of prime numbers, and see that there is no order or rules. (Evariste Galois)

Not everything is knowable.

36. Will man one day penetrate the mystery of hidden things? The veil is drawn back before him as he purifies himself; but to understand certain things he needs faculties that he does not yet possess. (Allan Kardec)

About the unknown and its confines.

37. He finds himself facing the great mystery... To the one who makes humanity tremble from its origin: the unknown! (Gaston Leroux)

Redounding on the same concept.

38. All art should have a certain mystery and should make certain demands on the viewer. Giving a sculpture or drawing an overly explicit title takes away a part of that mystery. Then, the viewer continues with the next object, without making the slightest effort to think about the meaning of what he has just seen. (Henry Moore)

The lesser known aspects of art.

39. The only mystery of the universe is that there is a mystery of the universe. (Fernando Pessoa)

This is how the Portuguese writer talks about reality.

40. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. (Tom Hanks)

Mythical phrase from the movie Forrest Gump.

41. Don't think about doing what you should do. Try to do what attracts you; think of the mystery and not the mastery. (Julia Cameron)

What we do is what defines us.

42. Mystery is the most beautiful thing we can experience. He is the source of all true art and science. (Albert Einstein)

Phrase of mystery of the great scientist of the 20th century.

43. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eyes but in the mind. (Agnes Martin)

Totally subjective but real.

44. It's funny, but people still attribute a lot of mystery to Bob. I mean, Dylan is a guy like any other, except that he has something to say. And he has a personality thanks to which everything he says makes it his own. He is a very normal guy. If you ask him for the time, he gives it to you. (Tom Petty)

On the personality of Bob Dylan.

45. Science cannot solve the last mystery of nature. And that's because ultimately we ourselves are a part of the mystery we're trying to solve. (Max Plank)

Where we come from?

46. Talent has no root. It's a mystery. Any attempt at categorization always ended in failure. (Marcelo Birmajer)

Natural abilities do not have a logical explanation.

47. When he had hung up he sighed in confusion and told himself that things were pulling him in the direction of a new mystery. It tends to always be like that. Is not the whole of life one ever new mystery? (Ramon J. Sender)

Reflection very to take into account.

48. Those of us who cultivate logic know that sadness and mystery are inseparable companions. (Vincent Fatone)

The lives of philosophers are often miserable.

49. For me, the most impressive of all that has happened to me, the most profound thing, happened to me in the dark inside the forbidden cavern of Altamira. It is what I have felt as the most enigmatic place. There, alone, I understood what the authentic mystery is, the afterlife. (Iker Jimenez)

Driving the mystery ship.

50. Is it not rather the touch of love - the mystery of love - that constantly seeks to unite two beings, that it tries with its force at the very moment that a man and a woman have looked face to face? (Guy de Maupassant)

Love has no explanation.

51. The historical figure of Jesus is a complete mystery and he is the most fascinating historical figure for me. (Jostein Gaarder)

About Jesus Christ.

52. What I am looking for is neither the real nor the unreal, but rather the unconscious, the mystery of the instinctual in the human race. (Amedeo Modigliani)

Phrase that Jung could have signed.

53. I do not know of any good work of art that does not have a mystery. (Henry Moore)

Without mystery there is no interest.

54. The greatest of all mysteries is the man. (Socrates)

Philosophy is in charge of studying us.

55. The mystery arises when fascination is added to the horror. (Pascal Quignard)

Phrase of the great French writer.

56. Those that yesterday were forests and jungles of wild thickness, where wrapped in sweet mystery at daybreak floated the mists, and the serene fountain gushed between flowers and hidden mosses, today they are arid hills that flaunt their deep black and deformed fissures. (Rosalia de Castro)

Great poetic reflection.

57. I don't claim to be a writer. Who says writer almost always says novelist and, by God!, the mystery of the Yellow Room is charged enough with real tragic horror to require literature. (Gaston Leroux)

About the profession of writer.

58. As a revelation of unknown arcane, made from the very germ of the tender, you are a mystery that to the mystery human clarifies in you the gem of him where he wanted to show life the eternal prodigy of him so that in you I would see the paradise. (Alfonso Orantes)

Another of those mystery phrases of great aesthetic power.

59. The mystery that for us surrounded the old mill, did not involve the gigantic factory, located much further down, on the plain, where the stream has already received all its tributaries. (Élisée Reclus)

A magical and mysterious city.

60. All the mysteries that the universe holds are just a wink from God. (Domenico Cieri Estrada)

For the religious.

61. It is no mystery that some influential philosophers were mentally ill. (Alfred Korzybski)

Genius often goes hand in hand with a certain degree of imbalance.

62. Her mind offered the curious combination of humbling itself in the region of mystery and being very active, cold, and reasonable in that of knowledge. (George Eliot)

Phrase of the British author.

63. I think that I will dedicate myself to studying the other greatest mystery of humanity: women. (Chris Lloyd)

Another phrase in the same sense of conceiving women as a complex being.

64. A single mystery that of people and objects. (Robert Breson)

The reality itself.

65. For no one knows death, not even if it is precisely the greatest of all good things for man, but they fear it as if they knew for certain that it is the greatest of evils. (Plato)

About one of the greatest mysteries: the afterlife.

66. Modesty is the physiological face of mystery. (Lola Gavarron)

From the Spanish writer.

67. Why is a dog so free? Because he is the living mystery that is not investigated. (Clarice Lispector)

He only owes himself.

68. Every man must choose, at some point, between ridicule and mystery... I have chosen the mystery. (Herman Van Rompuy)

A difficult choice.

69. Then there was silence, more sudden, bigger and more terrible than before. The silence of the lagoon, pregnant with mystery. (Rudolph Walsh)

Poetic phrase about life.

70. I love mysteries. There are parts that don't seem to fit together, but in the end they do and it all makes sense. (Kristen Wiig)

That's why mystery books and movies succeed.

71. Thinking is a mystery; speaking is a mystery: Man is an abyss. (Jaime Balmes)

Human nature and the progress of our species continue to be a mystery to many people.

72. The mystery is deeply in the silence, in what is said. (Jesus Carrasco)

The quietest people are the most mysterious.

73. Mystery is the key element in every work of art. (Luis Bunuel)

The filmmaker Luis Buñuel was one of the most recognized artists in our country.

74. I think we are surrounded by mystery. Everything fits into the mystery, even the gods. (Valerio Massimo Manfredi)

A good way to explain the need for responses from the human being and the role of religion to that effect.

75. Wisdom is not in understanding the mystery, but in accepting that it cannot be understood. (Gregory Maguire)

A very accurate reflection that we can put into practice in our daily lives.

76. Life is a mystery, not a question. (osho)

Eastern religions conceive of life as a mystery in which we must try our best to be kind and virtuous to others.

77. Love is an endless mystery, because it has nothing more to explain. (Rabindranath Tagore)

One of the most beautiful phrases of this great Indian poet.

78. Poetry does not explain the world; attests to its mystery. (Beatriz Villacanas)

Art in all its forms is one of the great mysteries of humanity.

79. Her eyes contained an infinite mystery (Nicholas Sparks)

Some people seem mysterious to us from the first moment we meet them.

80. The truth is out there (The X-Files)

One of the most popular mystery and paranormal series in history.

81. Faith is a place of mystery where we find the courage to believe what we cannot see. (Brene Brown)

Religious faith is one of the great mysteries of human history.

82. Faith is not the simple acceptance of abstract truths, but an intimate relationship with Christ that leads us to open our hearts to this mystery of love and to live as people who know they are loved by God. (Benedict XVI)

Pope Benedict XVI is a great scholar of theology and the mysteries of Christianity.

83. I myself continue to be the main mystery for me. (Elsa Morante)

It is up to us to start getting to know ourselves better.

84. A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, within an enigma. (Winston Churchill)

This is how Churchill defined the Soviet Union.

85. The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death. (Oscar Wilde)

Love, death and interpersonal relationships were some of the topics most covered by this literary genius.

86. Time and life have given me many logical explanations for everything, but my soul feeds on mysteries. (Paulo Coelho)

Some of the greatest minds in history have been fascinated by the mysteries of the world.

87. I wish I could write something as mysterious as a cat. (Edgar Allan Poe)

Poe was one of the great romantic writers of the 20th century and his most covered themes were mystery and terror.

88. Death is mysterious. Life is even more so. (Ray Bradbury)

There are still many unsolved mysteries of life on earth.

89. Some mysteries happen not to be solved. (John Green)

The mysteries of life make up a large part of the work of this great writer.

90. God: the most obvious and the most mysterious. (Henry Lacordaire)

Divinity has always been one of the greatest mysteries in history.

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