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How to know if your boyfriend is in love with you, in 10 keys

Although there are many couples who get along great and they are very well together, some are more for being or not being alone. And it is that nowadays relationships are not easy.

To be in a couple it is necessary to practice a series of interpersonal skills, such as empathy or bargaining power. Otherwise, what started as a beautiful love story, can end as hell, in which the two lovers (or ex-lovers in this case) get along like cat and dog.

When love leaves...

It's not easy to get over a breakup. It takes a lot of will and time to forget someone you care about. We have become accustomed to the presence of the person we love, to his smell, to his caresses... change can be a strong impact, which requires acceptance. Because couples break up every day.

We have all been through heartbreak and it is one of those experiences that teaches you a lot about life and how to love.. In fact, heartbreak can make you someone stronger emotionally..

  • Related article: "71 phrases of heartbreak and complicated sentimental relationships"
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tips to love

Each relationship is a world, because each person is a world. Some couples fit perfectly in their tastes, others fight against the current to stay together, others have known each other since high school. In short, there are many types of couple.

The truth is that a relationship must be worked on, because there are ups and downs. Knowing how to do things well means that the relationship does not deteriorate at the first change. But what can we do to work relationships? We cannot guarantee the success of all couples, but the ideal is:

  • Love with respect and freedom
  • communicate correctly
  • Solve problems maturely and with negotiation
  • Spend time with your loved one
  • Don't let go of the relationship
  • Reflect and accept changes if needed
  • trust your partner

How to know if your partner is still in love with you

The important thing is that there is an equitable balance between what is given and what is received, because we all want respect and, above all, love in our relationship.

How do we know if our partner really loves us and wants to spend the rest of his life with us? In this article We have made a list with 10 keys to know if our partner is still in love with us.

1. He hugs you without looking to sleep with you

When someone wants to be with you because they want you with all their might, you will notice.. He feels it in the way he touches you, caresses you, hugs you. If the other person only wants you to have intimate relationships and does not have an attitude of affection towards you, enjoying the moments together, it may be that he sees you more as an object than as a person.

Now, this may be his way of being, so try to assertively make him understand that you want something more than just being together to spend a night of passion together.

2. Your happiness is just as important as theirs.

When we are in love with someone our happiness depends on theirs. We think of ways to make him feel special, so that he knows that with us he will not lack for anything. In the end it is something that is not thought about, but that comes out of oneself. If you have reached that point where you have been together for a long time and he no longer treats you the same. Tell him, also assertively, what you want.

3. He has that look...

Body language often speaks for itself.. We don't know the reason, but we sense that something strange happens when what they tell us and what they show through body language do not match. If he doesn't kiss us or caress us the same way as before and, furthermore, he doesn't look at us the same way, it's something to think about. They say that the look is the reflection of the heart.

4. He loves to listen to you

When he is in love with you, he prefers to be with you than with his friends. Because you make him feel special and even if you don't talk about anything special, your mere presence means a lot to him. He loves spending time with you alone, because you are of great importance in his life and in his day to day; somehow, a part of his attention is always focused on you. He listens to you because he cares about your needs.

5. brag about having you

When your partner is in love with you, they love to walk with you, go out to dinner or have a drink, because they are proud to be with someone like you. He likes to be seen with you. This may sound a bit off, but if he thinks you're special, it makes sense that he'd like people to see that he's a lucky guy. This does not mean that I display you as if you were a trophy, but he is happy to go with you to parties and meetings, because he values ​​your company.

6. does more than says

Talking and promising is easy, but words are carried away by the wind. When your partner is in love with you, he does not leave you halfway with those promises, but rather does his part so that the relationship you live with him is something unique and special. One notices when they love him, because he feels loved, and this shows not in the content of what is said, but in what is done and the way in which it is done (initiatives usually appear that require time and/or effort).

In short, affection is expressed, not communicated. If you do not notice that affection, perhaps you should reflect.

7. It's not always you who text first

When you are in a relationship and you are separated because each one lives in their house. If you don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to you, he may not be in love. When you feel that strong feeling called love, the need to talk with that person comes out of you. Sometimes he will message you on WhatsApp and other times you. If he never sends you messages, much less loving messages, he doesn't think about you that much.

8. is generous with you

And of course, when you feel love for someone you become generous. It is not a matter of spending all day looking out for the other person, but you do want your partner to be happy and not lack for anything. In addition, your love will always take your opinion into account, because you are his priority and he will work hard to make your relationship work.

9. He loves spending time with you

When you are his priority, the time he has is for you. Going to the mountains to climb, a walk in the park, a weekend in the snow... any excuse is a good one to have you close. You are what he loves the most and that is why he wants to be with you every day. On the other hand, if what he wants is to go on vacation to Thailand without even consulting you, or he prefers to go to the coast with his friends to spend the summer with them, it is obvious that he does not take you into account. Does the relationship like this make sense? Possibly not.

10. Make future plans with you

When your partner is in love with you, they make plans for the future with you.. That doesn't mean you go home right now. But, for example, if a job offer or a job change opportunity comes up, you are in their plans, either when it comes to rejecting it or accepting it. The decision will be made by consulting you and reaching a point in common with you. Because he wants to be with you, and he doesn't consider living without you unless something very important happens that involves a very drastic change in the relationship. It's that easy.

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