Education, study and knowledge

Graphomotor skills: what it is and how to help children develop it

Writing is one of the most important human advances of all time. Not surprisingly, it allows us to transmit our knowledge and different data through time and space, reproduce our thoughts and make them reach others accurately. But the ability to read and write does not appear out of nowhere.

It is something that we have to learn throughout life. As far as writing is concerned, it requires, in addition to the ability to symbolize, the ability to perform a series of precise movements; that is, of graphomotricity.

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What is graphomotor?

Graphomotor is understood as the set of manual movements required and necessary to be able to write. These movements would be included within fine motor development, the ability to mobilize hands and fingers in a coordinated manner. Thus, graphomotricity is a skill that requires a high level of precision and control, which must be acquired little by little with practice throughout life.

It is a capacity that requires the development and coordination of both motor and perceptive aspects. The graphomotricity would have its beginning in the first childhood strokes, being necessary that little by little the minor manages to master the space and the instruments. It is essential

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that the little one learns the pincer movements first and grasp smaller and smaller objects.

The correct development of graphomotor skills also implies learning not only graphic elements: differentiating between elements, having Representation capacity and being able to have an orientation with respect to directions are fundamental aspects in the development of the ability to writing.

With the passage of time these processes are automated, something that allows to deepen and improve in the level of finesse and precision necessary for correct writing.

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Development of this skill

As we have said, graphomotor skills do not appear out of nowhere: it requires a complex learning process through through which each one of us is learning to master the necessary movements for the writing.

It could be considered that the first attempts at graphic expression would begin around a year and a half, time when the first scribbles usually begin to appear. The child acts rather on impulse and with total lack of control, without hand-eye coordination and using the entire arm.

Later, a little before two years of age, he begins to use his elbow to make strokes (although still without hand-eye coordination) and to make circular scribbles.. After that, little by little the child will increase control over the wrist and the strength of the hand, as well as follow the movement of his hand with his eyes. The first independent lines begin to appear.

From three years of age there is already an attempt to control the movement of the hand and coordinate it to make a directed stroke. The child is able to combine colors and can focus the movement in such a way that it does not come off the paper, in addition to trying to identify something in the drawing. Around the age of four, a pre-schematic stage begins in which the child already begins to make a drawing that symbolizes a specific element to represent. That is to say, he draws a concrete element such as a house, a person or an animal, but he carries them out in a schematic way.

From this point until six years of age, we are going to learn to add details to the previous elements. It would also enter a presyllabic stage, in which the pictorial drawings begin to be differentiated from the strokes that are intended to represent letters or numbers.

Initially it is disorganized and separated from each other, but little by little they are organized and aligned in such a way that its reading is possible (although initially only the minor himself would understand what he wants say).

After that, we entered a moment of syllabic writing, in which each spelling begins to represent a specific syllable or phoneme. Subsequently, as we improve the line and the capacity for symbolization, a stage occurs of transition towards alphabetic writing, in which each spelling ends up corresponding to a phoneme. Over the years the handwriting will improve and smaller and more precise spellings can be made.

How to enhance graphomotor skills?

Graphomotor skills are a fundamental ability to be able to write and draw, in addition to contributing to the increase in precision and manual ability to perform different tasks. It is therefore recommended try to reinforce it through different activities. The practice of calligraphy can help, but work in the graphomotor field does not only imply this type of activity, but can also be approached from a more playful perspective.

Stimulates play behavior and the possibility of drawing, not only with colored pencils but also with elements such as paint or sand is essential. But training graphomotor skills does not only imply painting and coloring, but all those activities that require a certain level of fine motor skills also contribute to improving it.

Things like tying bows, construction games, play dough, folding, cutting with scissors or even throwing objects help improve eye-hand coordination. If the child likes it, also the fact of playing a musical instrument (for example a flute or the piano) is also useful. Other games such as clapping to a musical rhythm, role-playing and symbolic play, and imitating people, animals, and objects (for example the game of the movies is usually useful and at the same time fun) they also allow to improve the manual ability and with it enhance the graphomotor.

But it is not only about the child doing things, but also about valuing them. For this, family support is essential, the fact of actively participating in this learning and also congratulating him on his achievements will make the minor feel more secure and valued. In addition, the fact of sharing with him moments in which these games and activities are seen as something positive and enjoyable are fundamental and can strengthen the maternal/paternal-filial union in addition to improving the predisposition towards writing and learning from it.

Bibliographic references:

  • Andalusian CCOO Teaching Federation. (2011). Graphomotor skills in early childhood education. Themes for Education. Digital magazine for teaching professionals.
  • Marchesi, A and Coll, C. (1991). Psychological Development and Education. Madrid. Alliance.

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