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Love makes you fat, or at least that's what it seems

Starting a relationship is also turning towards some new habits and behaviors. This can become especially clear when we look at the nutritional habits of people in love or, rather, in the perception that these people have about their habits when it comes to eating and taking care of what they eat.

This is the research topic that was addressed by the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO), which has addressed the relationship between being in a relationship or being single and the repercussions of this on the tendency towards being overweight.

Love makes you fat, or at least that's what it seems

To do this, SEEDO promoted a survey study in which 2,314 people participated, most of whom are middle-aged women (between 31 and 40 years). From this population sample, 81% affirmed that there is a correspondence between the existence or not of a relationship, the phase through which this relationship passes and the different degrees of weight gain.

Some opinions on food and courtship

The results regarding the amount of weight that the people surveyed say vary depending on their sentimental situation is, on average,

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4.5kg. Specifically, 4.5 kg. that are earned by the fact of having a partner and a well-established relationship.

The explanations that the respondents have given are centered on the opinion that the moment of active search for a partner also implies monitoring the eating habits to offer an attractive image, while this need loses importance once the relationship with another has been formed person.

73% of the people surveyed believe that the overweight factor affects a lot or a lot when it comes to finding a stable partner, while only 38% believe that this continues to be as important or more important when it comes to maintaining a relationship consolidated. In addition, 42% admit that during times when they do not have a partner, they try to take more care of their diet and eating habits. Along the same lines, 24% of people snack less when single, and curiously, 47% snack more just after breaking up with the relationship (especially sweet foods, who knows if compensating for the reward system that works during falling in love and other addictions).

As we well know, when it comes to being overweight, it not only affects what we eat, but also our habits to keep fit by exercising. When asked about this topic, 33% of the people surveyed affirmed that they practice more sport when single, and 35% do less sport once the relationship has ended.

In addition, some of the respondents also associate this slight tendency towards being overweight with episodes of stress and worry facilitated by the idyll.

Nor is sleep an exception to this set of daily changes. who are affected by the appearance on the scene of a boyfriend or girlfriend. 36% say they sleep a little less when looking for a partner, a percentage that is surpassed by the 44.5% who say they spend fewer hours sleeping when breaking up with the other person.

Need to investigate more!

As almost always and in all issues related to habits and social dynamics. This research was carried out through surveys, with questions prepared a priori and with little capacity to collect all the subtleties of the opinions expressed in it. Besides, it is possible that there are differences between what the people surveyed perceive and reality. That is why in the future we hope to see more studies that collect objective data on the relationship between sentimental status and obesity.

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