Stigmatophilia: feeling sexual attraction to tattoos and piercings
I am lucky to live on the coast, and When I go for a run on the beach I can see the number of people who have tattoos.. In fact, today it is unusual for a person not to have a piercing or tattoo. in my sessions running I see that both young people and adults have them.
For some, tattooing and wearing piercings is a lifestyle, others tattoo something symbolic, such as the name of a child, and even there are network initiatives that motivate young people to tattoo a symbol with a special meaning.
Tattoos and piercings actually come a long way
Piercings and tattoos have been around since almost the beginning of time and have been used by different cultures and tribes around the world. The Mayans already had lip, ear and nose piercings to show their status; in the Roman Empire, centurions wore nipple rings to demonstrate their courage and virility, Egyptian kings pierced their navel as a sign of distinction, and Polynesians not only tattooed it as a sign of wealth, but it was also a sign of strength and can.
Therefore, whether for aesthetic reasons or for cultural or religious reasons, both piercings and tattoos have accompanied the human being for thousands of years.
Piercings and tattoos can turn some guys on
For three decades, researchers have tried to find answers to falling in love and attraction, since this phenomenon affects us all. There are many causes that define our tastes when it comes to feeling attracted to someone. Culture, education or our past experiences, among other factors, iThey influence our mental map that will trigger the chemical cascade of attraction..
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Some people will be attracted to the physical attractiveness, others for money and others for leisure or exciting experiences that the other person provides. But beyond an enviable body or a highly desirable social life, there are people who are attracted to piercings and works of art drawn on the skin. Recently, with the fashion of tattoos and piercings, experts have begun to show curiosity about the stigmatophilia.
Stigmatophilia refers to the excitement some individuals feel about piercings and tattoos. That is to say, they get crazy about people who have tattoos and piercings. But stigmatophilia does not exactly refer to a person liking tattoos and piercings on another person of the other sex because it looks modern. "cool" and sexy, but also that they are also attracted to scars and marks on the skin.
Stigmatophilia is a paraphilia
For some experts stigmatophilia is a paraphilia, because it does not refer only to the fact that the person likes tattoos, scars or body piercing of the other sex, but these individuals do not feel sexual arousal if the other person does not have those characteristics. Paraphilia is a sexual behavior in which the pleasure is not found in penetration, that is, in copulation, but in the act or thing that accompanies this sexual encounter.
Stigmatophiles tend to be attracted to tattoos, piercings and scars in general, although in some cases they are also attracted to only one of these marks or piercings. In some cases, the stigmatophile is attracted by the pain caused by these marks or perforations, in other cases by the story behind it.
Fetishism and stigmatophilia
Other experts classify stigmatophilia as a type of fetishism (which is a type of paraphilia). In the world of sex and pleasure, fetishes are the order of the day, and they consist of excitement erotica or achievement of orgasm by means of fetish objects or body parts that provoke excitement. For example: feet, heels, costumes, etc.
In the case of piercings, sexual arousal is more common in people under 40 years of age, and areas of the preferred body are the tongue, lips, nipples and genital areas, since they are located in parts of interaction sexual.