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The 100 best phrases against cancer

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases facing human beings., the fight against this disease has been waged for decades, and luckily science is on the way to being able to fight it very effectively.

Cancer is generated when cells acquire the property of multiplying uncontrollably and invading other tissues and organs. There are Egyptian papyri dated to 1,600 BC. C, in which a description of this disease is already made, it is also believed that the first person in history to use the term cancer (carcinos in Latin) was the historical doctor hippocrates.

Our attitude and positivity can greatly help us fight this disease, which is why in these cases we must keep our morale as high as possible.

  • It may interest you: "Types of cancer: definition, risks and how they are classified"

Phrases to fight cancer

Below you can discover the best phrases and reflections against Cancer, said by celebrities or people like us who can surely serve as great moral and emotional support. You can also use these phrases to encourage to that person who needs it.

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1. Cancer is a disease where the patient can contribute a great deal to help himself if he can keep up his morals and hopes for him. (George Carman)

Indeed, as this quote tells us, we must keep our morale high.

2. I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light. (Patrick Swayze)

A great quote to keep in mind from the great Patrick Swayze, a true fighter in the fight against cancer.

3. Some days there will be no song in your heart. Sing anyway. (Emory Austin)

Music can help us in many moments of life and this can be one of them.

4. The great error in the treatment of diseases is that there are doctors for the body and for the soul, although they cannot be separated. (Plato)

In this quote Plato tells us about the importance of our morality to be able to effectively face a disease.

5. The battle against cancer has made me stronger. It's like winning a war. When I was diagnosed, the doctors told me that the kidney, liver and other organs could fail. I didn't know if it could save my life. But it was positive and because of that, the doctor taught me that I would be a man who would never have cancer. (Yuvraj Singh)

Our willpower and morale can put an end to any evil that accuses us, we will be able to defeat cancer.

6. The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. (C. C. Scott)

An appointment that we have to have burned into our memory, our spirit will make us invincible.

7. When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them, too. (Terri Clark)

Our loved ones and relatives can be our greatest moral pillar in this circumstance.

8. You may be a cancer victim or survivor. It is a way of thinking. (Dave Peelzer)

We will survive and come out of cancer much stronger.

9. Cancer taught me to stop saving things for a special occasion. Every day is special. You don't have to have cancer to live life to the fullest. My post-cancer philosophy? There is no waste of time. There are no ugly clothes. There are no boring movies. (Regina Brett)

We must live life to the fullest, take advantage of every second of it. Cancer can help us rearrange our preferences.

10. Prevention is a very important part of solving the problem of cancer. (Eva Vertes)

The sooner we can detect a cancer, the sooner we can kill it.

11. Cancer examines you and also brings out the best in you.

Cancer can teach us what we are capable of, what our real strength is.

12. We have forgotten that curing cancer begins with preventing it. (David Agus)

Prevention is our most powerful weapon against cancer, along with early diagnosis.

13. Cancer opens many doors. One of the most important is your heart. (Greg Anderson)

Emotions can come to light when we discover that we have cancer, we must not hide them.

14. Once cancer occurs, it changes the way you live for the rest of your life. (Hayley Mills)

Cancer can change the way we live, but it won't change who we are.

15. I'm very lucky; I am a person who currently lives with cancer under control. (Geraldine Ferraro)

Medicine can go a long way to help us keep cancer fully under control.

16. A cancer diagnosis changes you forever. You always remember the moment he came.

The moment you are diagnosed with cancer can be emotionally very hard, we must know how to lean on our loved ones to be able to move forward.

17. I'm going to beat this cancer or die trying. (Michael Landon)

Our fight against cancer will be an all-out fight, taking prisoners is not worth it.

18. I attacked my cancer the same way I attack my competitions and training. (Eric Shanteau)

Our conviction is the most powerful weapon that the human being possesses, we will win at all costs.

19. I am living proof that if you catch prostate cancer early, it can be reduced to a temporary inconvenience, and you can live a normal life. (Norman Schwarzkopf)

Early diagnosis can be of great help to us, we should always consult our GP as soon as possible.

20. With breast cancer, it's all about detection. You have to educate the young women and encourage them to do everything they have to do. (Bill Rancic)

We must make society aware that they should know their own body, in the event of any abnormality we have to consult a doctor.

21. When you have a disease like cancer, you look at life a little differently. Some things that were important don't seem as important as they were. (Linton Kwesi Johnson)

Many times we are not aware of the really important things we have, we must value and enjoy them.

22. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I knew that the only thing I could control was what I ate, what I drank and what I thought. (Kris Carr)

A good way to deal with this disease that we can all emulate.

23. Having cancer led me to take more risks. I knew that overcoming it would shape me. (Hoda Kotb)

We can overcome this disease, we will come out even stronger than we were before.

24. I am one of those people who will say, "my cancer was a gift." (Melissa Etheridge)

Cancer gives us the opportunity to stop and think about what we are doing with our lives.

25. It used to stress me out but cancer has put everything in perspective for me. (Delta Goodrem)

Sometimes we need to think things through more carefully and evaluate all the relevant aspects of that issue.

26. The attacks on climate change are no different from the attacks tobacco companies use to say that cigarettes don't cause cancer. (Leonard Mlodinow)

Tobacco is directly related to lung cancer, larynx, etc. We must be well aware of this.

27. I realized that I could be the example of a woman who is not only aware of her breast cancer, but also acts against it. (Giuliana Rancic)

We must fight cancer, look it in the face and tell it: you won't be able to with me.

28. Cancer is a growth hormone for empathy, and empathy makes us useful in ways we weren't and couldn't have been before. (Kelly Corrigan)

When we suffer from cancer our attitude towards others can change, we learn that there are many people in great internal wars.

29. It is very important to talk about cancer and your thoughts about it. (Mindy Sterling)

Expressing ourselves freely will help us better cope with this disease.

30. Now I'm fighting cancer and everyone knows it. People ask me all the time how I lead life and what my day to day is like and yet nothing has changed for me. (Jim Valvano)

The fight against cancer is an arduous task that we must all promote, make people aware of what causes it and how we can detect it.

31. Together we can build a world where cancer no longer means living in fear or without hope. (Patrick Swayze)

This Swayze quote should be burned into the minds of all of us.

32. Never give up. Life is worth it. There is life after cancer.

We must fight for a future woman, we will manage to reach it.

33. The desire to heal has always been half of healing. (Seneca)

Seneca tells us about willpower, with it the human being becomes much more powerful.

34. Cancer affects us all, whether you are a child, mother, sister, friend, partner, doctor, or patient. (Jennifer Aniston)

Cancer can influence all of us, which is why we must fight against it together with all of society.

35. Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist and most importantly, a cancer survivor, have said that if you ever get a second chance at something, you have to give it your all. (MichaelN. Castle)

We must always give one hundred percent of ourselves, in everything we do in life.

36. Once you've faced cancer, it all seems like a pretty easy fight. (David H. Koch)

When we are aware of how lucky we are to be alive, everything else goes to the background.

37. It's all the same; I live with cancer and it is not going to stop me. But until you really test yourself and challenge yourself, I don't think you know. (Robin Roberts)

Until we really find ourselves in a situation like this, we are not aware of all the nuances that it entails.

38. Above all, cancer is a spiritual practice that has taught me resilience and faith. (Kris Carr)

Cancer can move us emotionally and spiritually, putting us in touch with feelings we didn't know we had.

39. I never thought of cancer as unfair. I just prepared myself and tried to get over it. (Sam Taylor-Wood)

An appointment that gives us a great example to follow, perhaps we don't know why but what we do know is that we will defeat this disease.

40. Once I got over breast cancer, I wasn't afraid of anything else. (Melissa Etheridge)

When we are able to overcome something like this, nothing else in life can stop us.

41. The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart. (Nikolai Lenin)

Emotions are a big part of us, we must know how to understand them in such difficult moments.

42. Cancer is complicated and scary. You throw everything, but don't forget to throw love too. Turns out, it might just be the best weapon of all. (Regina Brett)

Leaning on our loved ones and loved ones can help us a lot when we are dealing with cancer.

43. Feed your faith and your fears will starve.

Faith is a very powerful tool that we can use in many aspects of life and this is one of them.

44. My cancer scare changed my life. I am grateful for each day that I have. It has helped me prioritize my life. (Olivia Newton-John)

Olivia Newton-John found the kinder side of cancer. Maybe we can do the same as she did?

45. If children have the ability to ignore all probabilities and percentages, perhaps we can learn from them. When you think about it, what other option is there than hope? We have two options medically and emotionally: give up or fight. (Lance Armstrong)

We must fight the disease with all our strength, physical and emotional.

46. Cancer can take all my physical abilities. But it can't touch my mind, my heart and my soul. (Jim Valvano)

Cancer will never change who we really are, it can never make a dent in our personality.

47. Time is shortening, but every day that I face this cancer and survive it is a victory for me. (Ingrid Bergmann)

A very inspiring quote from Ingrid Bergman, which encourages us to fight this disease and to be more positive.

48. Every day I look in the mirror and ask myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what What am I going to do today?' If the answer is 'no' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. (Steve Jobs)

We must take advantage of our life, do those things that we really want to do. This is how we should all live.

49. I told myself that I had to be strong and not lose my cool, since there was no reason to think that I would not see my children and grandchildren grow up. (Angelina Jolie)

We must not get carried away by negativism, with it we will not achieve anything good.

50. Cancer is a word, not a sentence. (John Diamond)

We can get out of that disease we call cancer, the result is never written.

51. The words "cancer" or "metastasis" do not have to scare us. (Bimba Bose)

Bimba Bosé encourages us with this quote to be positive, we must hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

52. They're just breasts. It's true, I love them, they are mine, they are beautiful. But if you look at the big picture, she would rather live much longer and grow old with my husband. Knowing how to set priorities is what keeps me hopeful. (Shannen Doherty)

Sometimes we must make concessions in order to continue with what really matters to us.

53. When you go through an experience like that, your priorities change and you realize what is really important to you. (Sofia Vergara)

Many times we are not aware of what is really important in life until we are aware that we can lose it.

54. The pain is stronger among the stronger. Like cancer. (Antonio Gala)

Antonio Gala talks to us in this quote about what a cancer patient has to go through, fighting against this disease requires all our willpower.

55. Growing for the sake of growing is the ideology of the cancer cell. (Edward Paul Abbey)

Cancer tends to develop in an uncontrolled way and in the same way, human beings must act to stop it.

56. With weapons in my soul, bullets of love, fire of faith, on the warpath before the enemy that does not let itself be seen. (Soraya)

Soraya speaks to us in this quote and in a very poetic way about cancer, an evil that we do not see but that is always present.

57. When one is faced with an inevitable, unavoidable situation, whenever one has to face a destiny that is impossible to change, for example, a disease incurable, a cancer that cannot be operated on, precisely then the opportunity to realize the highest value, to fulfill the deepest meaning, which is that of the suffering. Because what matters most of all is the attitude we take toward suffering, our attitude in bearing that suffering. (Viktor Frankl)

Nothing and no one can take away our attitude, our way of facing the evils that are attributed to us.

58. Cancer increases exponentially with age and as we live longer, logically there must be more cancer. We are not perfect machines, the cell makes mistakes, those mistakes accumulate and cancer can develop. (Eduard Punset)

Eduard Punset in this quote tells us about how anyone can get cancer, we don't choose it, but we can overcome it.

59. I believe that one is never the same after having cancer. I would say that the disease made me more thoughtful, more hurt inside, more withdrawn. (Maria Elena Walsh)

We must not let cancer change us, change the person we are or who we want to become.

60. When I returned to Gothenburg it was with a serious diagnosis of cancer. I don't remember anything in particular about the return trip, just gratitude to my wife Eva Bergman, who was with me. (Henning Mankel)

The love of our loved ones is possibly the most valuable possession we have, it can help us to comfort ourselves in the most complicated situations.

61. Part of human nature is that we don't learn the importance of anything until something is taken out of our hands. (Malala Yousafzai)

When we lose something as important as health, we learn to value many things that some think are simply unnecessary.

62. They always show the cancer vomit and physical pain and never the survivors. I can count on both hands the people who have survived cancer. Not everyone dies of cancer, you survive too, and not just in Houston. (Albert Espinosa)

We can survive this harsh disease, we must do everything on our part to make it so.

63. I liked remembering those difficult moments, when I was diagnosed with cancer and told that I could die in three months. I thought about how, with my experience or that of people like Lance Armstrong, talking about it can be inspiring and maybe help someone. Thinking that you are going to die is devastating. You think it's the end of the world. But, if you get over it, sharing it can be very enriching. (Norman Foster)

The greatest experiences are obtained from the most difficult moments, as Foster tells us in this quote Armstrong is a clear example of this.

64. The first thing you lose with cancer is caresses and hugs. Everyone pats you on the back, but hardly anyone hugs or caresses you. Everyone is afraid to show their feelings because it means they think you might die. There was a doctor who always touched my hair and the back of my neck. He gave me the feeling that he would live, that he was important. (Albert Espinosa)

We must comfort our loved ones who unfortunately suffer from this disease by giving them all our affection.

65. Cancer does not respect money. He won't back down even if you offer him billions. (Emmanuel Carrere)

It is very true that cancer does not allow itself to be defeated by money, we can have the same possibilities even if we are not treated in the best cancer centers.

66. On countless occasions I have asked a patient: "Do you realize that you already have everything to be great?". Sometimes it was a girl who had been dumped by her boyfriend; others, someone sick with cancer, and also people with anxiety or chronic pain. And the cure began when they realized that adversities are not an impediment to being happy. (Rafael Santander)

Knowing how to realize that we are really better can take us some time.

67. Only a cancer patient can understand the rage that gives him wings. (Franz Olivier Giesbert)

In order to know what it feels like to have cancer, we must make a titanic effort to put ourselves in their shoes.

68. It doesn't take more than a single altered cell to get cancer. (Arnaldur Indridason)

Cancer can break out in the most unexpected way, we must get out of our minds that we are to blame.

69. It was about winning at any cost. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was willing to do anything to survive. I took that same attitude - win at any cost - in cycling. (Lance Armstrong)

Lance Armstrong learned a lot from his illness, he learned to fight to achieve all of his goals.

70. But there was no denying his smile. That smile could end wars and cure cancer. (John Green)

Humor can be a great tool in our fight against cancer, everything is better with good humor.

71. For most of my life I had operated on a simple win-lose scheme, but cancer was teaching me to tolerate ambiguities. (Lance Armstrong)

In life there are sometimes gray areas, not everything is always black or white.

72. I slept for many hours, about ten, perhaps because it took me a long time to recover, because sleep is good for the cancer, and maybe also because she was a teenager who didn't have to wake up at any time in concrete. (John Green)

Sleeping allows our body to create new cells and improve our hormonal system, we must always sleep our 8 hours.

73. You beat cancer by the way you live, because you live, and the way you live. (Stuart Scott)

Beating cancer is a 360 degree fight and 365 days a year.

74. People talk about the courage of cancer patients, and I don't deny that we have it. They had poked, stabbed, and poisoned me for years, and they were still doing it. (John Green)

We must go through very hard times in our fight against cancer, but with perseverance we will overcome it.

75. Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go. You may not be where you want to be, but you are not where you were either.

Although the road seems long, we are always moving forward even little by little.

76. There may be life after breast cancer. The prerequisite is early detection. (Ann Jillian)

Early detection is one of the key aspects to successfully overcome cancer.

77. You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you ever imagined.

An appointment that can help us recover our morale and that we must always keep in mind.

78. I have loved the stars with much affection to fear the night. (Galileo Galilei)

Galileo shows us the most inspiring facet of him in this beautiful quote.

79. When you've exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't. (Thomas Edison)

Who better to give lessons than Thomas Edison himself? A person from whom we can all learn.

80. Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you.

Our scars make us stronger, an unequivocal sign that we put an end to this evil.

81. It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.

In the most difficult moments is where we can begin to see the most beautiful aspects of life.

82. Breast cancer is not just a disease that attacks women. It strikes at the heart of who we are as women: how others perceive us, how we perceive ourselves ourselves, how we live and work and raise our families, or whether we do all these things at the end of the day cape. (Debbie Wasserman Schultz)

Cancer is a disease that attacks the entire society, all social strata and all economic classes.

83. Do not feel pity about it. 30 minutes can make the difference between life and death. Love yourself and take care.

We must take care of ourselves and know our body, in case of any doubt consult with our family doctor.

84. Know your body to be able to take care of yourself and love you (Luisa Pegueros)

Knowing our own body is essential to be able to detect a possible cancer.

85. We are here for everyone who has been through difficult times. Please know your body. (Mariana Tanori)

We must scrutinize our body every day in search of any physical anomaly.

86. Touch yourself so it doesn't touch you. Always with love every obstacle is better.

Being in contact with our body is something that we all must do.

87. It affects us all. Whether you are a man or a woman, take care of yourself. (Sofia Corral)

Regardless of whether we are a man or a woman, we can get cancer.

88. Woman, don't let someone forbid you to get dressed. Eliminate your cultural barriers and stigmas and touch yourself! For a Mexico where breast cancer is no longer the number one cause of death. (Ruth Serecer)

A great quote that encourages all Mexicans to get to know their own body, something that is undoubtedly very positive.

89. You are love, you are a source of life, you are strong.

We are much stronger than we often think.

90. Always fight with determination. Never give up. (Jesus Fernando Borquez)

We will fight with everything we have at our disposal, we must never give up.

91. I have always thought of myself as a warrior. When you actually have a battle, it's better when you know who to fight. (Carly Simon)

The metaphor of cancer as a fight for life is one of the most repeated in the history of the disease.

92. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. So the only thing you should be afraid of is not going to get your mammograms. (Cynthia Nixon)

Prevention is essential in this destructive disease.

93. I don't feel less of a woman. I feel empowered to make a powerful decision that in no way diminishes my femininity. (Angelina Jolie)

This actress was a true example of fighting cancer.

94. The only person who can save you is yourself. That is the only thing that will shape the rest of my life. (Sheryl Crow)

A piece of advice that emphasizes personal determination and that must be followed by all those affected by this disease.

95. Never give up, keep fighting, there is a lot of life in you.

A truly inspiring and uplifting phrase.

96. I'm stronger than I thought I was. My favorite phrase is "This shall pass." Now I understand it very well. (Robin Roberts)

Personal strength is essential to defeat this disease.

97. I am not afraid of the storm because I am learning to sail my ship.

Overcoming fears and having the determination to get ahead is what will lead us to victory.

98. If there is hope, there is faith, and if there is faith, we have that engine that moves us to keep going.

A recipe for success for all those people who are having a hard time and also for their families.

99. If you don't have hope, you have nothing.

Hope and determination are essential to healing.

100. My plan is to… motivate as many women who are out there, who are still afraid, who still have to fight this fight. They can do it. They can overcome this by taking one step at a time. (Amy Robach)

The example that famous people can set is essential to spread awareness about the disease.

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