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The 55 infallible questions to make someone fall in love

Curious as it may seem, in 1993, Arthur Aron, a psychologist at the University of New York, she developed a questionnaire of 36 questions with which she said that it was possible to create such intimacy between two individuals that they could fall in love in just 45 minutes.

Despite the fact that this statement was made more than 20 years ago, The New York Times brought to light the experiment carried out by Arthur Aron, which was self-replicated by writer Mandy Len Catron, who claimed that she had worked out for him with a stranger she met in a bar. Therefore, in this article you will find a compilation of various questions to make someone fall in love, which generate a context that favors the affective connection in an intimate conversation.

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Questions to make someone fall in love

In the original experiment, Aron was looking for a way to quickly get two people intimate. After several weeks of tests and after obtaining several subjects who responded in pairs to these questions, two of the couples present got married.

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The experiment therefore consisted of answering 36 questions and then the participants had to look into each other's eyes for 4 minutes. According to the author, this created a bond of intimacy that was enough for the two people to get to know each other thoroughly and intensify the connection between them.

In the following lines you can find the 36 questions that this author considers to be infallible to make you fall in love when formulated in this order. The questions begin focused on trivial issues to move on to more intimate matters over the course of 45 minutes.

1. Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose anyone?

Although it is a seemingly trivial question, it always provides information about the person's tastes.

2. Would you like to be famous? As?

Fame is often associated with success, but also with narcissism. If you want to know how to detect a narcissist, in the article “How to detect a narcissist… with a simple question” you can read it.

3. Do you rehearse what you are going to say when you are going to make a phone call? Because?

This can show whether or not a person is spontaneous and if she has enough confidence in herself.

4. What would the perfect day be like for you?

There are many questions that allow you to know the personality of another. This is one of them.

5. When was the last time you sang alone? And for someone else?

This can give information about how much a person likes music and their level of disinhibition.

Questions to make a person fall in love

6. If you could live to be 90 and have the body or mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, would you do it?

There are people who feel mature for their age, and others who feel young despite their advanced age.

7. How do you think you're going to die?

It can express the fears that a person has, but also the way they live their lives.

8. List three things that you think you have in common with your interlocutor.

Having points in common with a person always favors interpersonal relationships, especially if they are important things in the lives of both.

9. What are you most grateful for?

An answer that can express what the person really values ​​in this life and what makes them happy.

10. If you could change something about your education, what would it be?

Nobody is perfect, but it is good to know and be aware of what our limitations are or what we want to change about ourselves.

11. Tell your interlocutor the story of your life in four minutes, being as concise as possible

we all have a past and a story to tell. This question makes the other person know the most important aspects of her life.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new quality or ability, what would you want it to be?

We all would like to learn new qualities or be better at those things. Sharing it with the other person is an act of intimacy.

13. What would you ask a crystal ball if it could tell you the truth about yourself, about your life, about the future or about anything?

An answer that provides information about the degree of curiosity that a person has. And how she cares about her life.

14. Is there something you want to do for a long time? Why haven't you done it yet?

Sometimes out of fear and other times due to lack of time, we stop doing things that really motivate us and make us happy.

15. What is the greatest achievement of your life?

We are all proud of some things in our lives. and not so much of others. A way of knowing what the other person considers most important for his life.

16. What do you value most in a friend?

True friends are like our family, and we generally look for qualities similar to ours in them.

17. What is your most valued memory?

The important things in our lives are usually the ones we remember and value the most. Each person has in his mind those things that he considers important.

18. And the most painful?

But not everything is good things in this life. We can also experience unpleasant situations that we have to live with.

19. If you knew when you were going to die, would you change the way you live? Because?

A way to know if the other person is happy with the life she has and if she really pursues her dreams or not.

20. What is friendship for you?

A sentence that provides similar information to the question “What do you value most in a friend?”

21. What role does love and affection play in your life?

We all have priorities in this life, but not for everyone love is one of them.

22. Decide, alternately, what characteristics you consider positive of your interlocutor. A total of five each.

Each of the participants You should talk about what you consider most positive about the other person.

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23. Is your family loving? Do you think your childhood was better than other people?

The family is the most important socializing agent in our lives, and has a great influence on who we are.

24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

The relationship with the mother says a lot about how she is a person and how she can behave with close people.

25. Tell three truths about "us." For example: "We are in this room feeling..."

A way to bring out what the person thinks of your relationship.

26. Complete the sentence: "I wish I had someone to share with..."

Make it clear what is the most important thing in your life when it comes to sharing it with your partner.

27. If you were going to be a close friend of your interlocutor, share with him something that you think is important for him to know about you

Sharing secrets and things that go around our heads is a good way to show trust.

28. Tell your interlocutor something that you like about him or her. Be very honest and say something you wouldn't say to someone you just met.

When you've known someone for a long time, intimacy makes you open your heart and confess things you normally wouldn't confess to anyone.

29. Explain to your interlocutor an embarrassing moment in your life

Only when there is enough trust is it possible to share the embarrassing things in a person's life.

30. When was the last time you cried in front of someone? And alone?

Again, one of those intimate questions that you wouldn't answer to just anyone.

31. Tell your interlocutor something that you already like about him

One way to strengthen ties and create trust between two people is by making it clear that we like the other person.

32. Is there something you consider too serious to make a joke about?

A sense of humor is a highly desired trait. for others. Well, people with a sense of humor like the people they surround themselves with.

33. If you knew that you were going to die tonight without speaking to anyone before, what would you be sorry for never having told? Why haven't you expressed it until now?

One of those questions that make us reflect on what really motivates us in this life.

34. Your house catches fire and all your possessions are inside. After saving your loved ones and your pet, you have time to recover a single item. What would it be and why?

A way to find out what the other person considers important in her life besides her family and pet.

35. Which person in your family would hurt you the most if they died?

A question that aims to find out which person you have a stronger bond with the other party.

36. Share a personal problem with your interlocutor and ask him to give you his opinion on how he would have acted. Ask him how he thinks you feel about the problem you just told him about.

When you open your heart to someone and tell them your problems, it is because trust exists.

Intimate questions to get to know a person

In addition to the questions proposed by Arthur Aron, it is possible to formulate intimate questions to know how the other person is in privacy and what expectations you have regarding relationships relationships.

37. Are you conservative or liberal in your intimate relationships?

We all have our beliefs when it comes to intimate relationships. It is always positive that couples fit in their way of thinking on this issue.

38. What do you value most in a partner?

It is also important to fit into the beliefs that a person has about the couple. Although we have been raised to believe that we should get married, not everyone thinks the same.

39. How many children do you want to have?

As for having children or not, there may also be discrepancies. This question helps you find out if and when the other person wants to have children.

40. Do you have any dreams in life? Which is it?

A question that allows us to know what are the dreams and expectations that the other person has and what are her objectives in terms of her personal development.

41. What animal best reflects your essence?

Another question to better understand the personality of the person you like.

42. What is the biggest disappointment in friendship that you have suffered?

You also learn from painful situations.

43. Do you believe in love at first sight?

The answer to this question can show one vision or another about love.

44. What feelings do you think should be present in a family to be happy in it?

This question is used to understand the ideal family model of the person with whom you are speaking and with whom you are trying to connect emotionally.

45. What is the childhood memory that you remember most clearly?

In this part of the conversation, you can talk about your first vivid childhood memories, something that can reveal your personality and interests, the environment in which you grew up and its influence on your development, etc

46. What are the three values ​​to which you give the most importance in life?

An intimate question that bets on simplicity.

47. To what extent do you think sex is important to be happy as a couple?

It should not be taken for granted that for everyone being in a relationship means having frequent sexual intercourse: the asexuality exists.

48. When was the best time you were able to learn from your mistakes?

An opportunity to talk about key moments in the personal development of the person in front of you.

49. What do you like most about your personality?

The way of being can be one of the pillars of self-esteem.

50. What do you like the most about your skills?

A different version of the previous question, this time focused on skills and talents.

51. What is the routine that you would most like to include in your day to day, but that you cannot due to lack of time?

Another of those questions that helps to know the intimate side of a person in relation to her interests and hobbies.

52. Do you believe in luck?

This question is used to find out to what extent the other person believes that we should trust chance or it is preferable to focus on the effort to achieve goals.

53. What do you think is the greatest injustice that is happening today?

An opportunity to learn more about the other person's values ​​and ideals.

54. What do you think about polyamory?

A question to explore the issue of monogamy and polyamory: Should a relationship be exclusive?

55. What is commitment in a relationship for you?

This question helps to understand how the other person perceives the degree to which two people should be involved in a relationship and make plans together.

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