6 signs that your relationship has no future
We all want to have someone by our side who loves and respects us. Our partner should be our support when we need it and they should make us spend truly incredible intimate moments. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and then it is necessary to rethink the situation.
But, How can we know if we are in the right relationship? What signs tell us that we should plant ourselves and go out in search of a new dawn? In this text you will find the answers to these questions.
Are you really the person I want to be with?
Now, making the decision to leave your partner is not an easy decision, and before thinking about it head for things that are not, the best thing you can do is talk to your partner so that he can explain his point of view to you. view. Conflicts are often resolved with the right communication.
The relationship with your partner can be variable, because everyone has their point of view and their beliefs and, sometimes, the problems are not perceived in the same way by the two actors in the relationship.
So before running away, think about whether it is possible to solve it and if it is worth going to couples therapy. If you want to know when it is time to go to marital therapy, you just have to visit our article: ”How do you know when to go to couples therapy? 5 compelling reasons”.
couple conflicts
Conflicts between people are normal, at work, with the family and, of course, with our partner. The reasons why couples have conflicts can be multiple and varied, but what is really harmful is not solving them in time, because a snowball effect can be created.
It often happens that at first, due to falling in love, we ignore our needs, interests and personal preferences, to be at the service of our new love. But as time progresses, we refocus on ourselves, which can lead to a power struggle. This is a phenomenon that occurs with some frequency among those couples who did not acquire the tools necessary emotional processes during courtship to solve the daily problems with which the couple can face. This can trigger a situation in which the couple has no future.
- To know more about this, you only have to read our article: “The power struggle in couple relationships”.

Signs that you are in the wrong relationship
However, What is it that can make you doubt about your relationship? What is it that can make you think if you have made a mistake being with this person? These 6 points can provide you with valuable information so that you can rethink your situation or not.
1. You are no longer yourself
When things are not going well. this can affect you deeply. Everything that was there when the relationship began has disappeared, and with it have gone the two people they wanted to be. You may think that he doesn't treat you the same anymore, but maybe you don't treat yourself the same either.
You have stopped being who you were and you have put aside everything that motivated you. Maybe it's time to distance yourself and recover your best version. If you don't love yourself, they will hardly love you.
2. Conflicts are part of the daily routine
As has been said, conflicts can arise when we live with other people, it is part of human nature. Sometimes you may be to blame and sometimes the other person. Conflicts, in fact, can be opportunities to strengthen the relationship and grow together.
However, when we enter into a negative dynamic, in which everyone goes their own way and communication is nil, you can create a situation that is very difficult to get out of. Assimilating the idea that arguments and outbursts of anger are part of everyday life with the other person does nothing more than create artificial conflicts, generate a normalization of the problem and make the feeling of expectation of anger dominate constants.
Of course, this is a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of when it has been running for a while. Even more so when one of the two loses respect for the other.
3. You have a little to active or unsatisfactory intimate life
Intimate life can be a reflection that something is not right and, furthermore, it can be a sticking point if it is unsatisfactory. Many people complain that the flame between the two has gone out, because the lovers do not care that it continues to burn.
Now, if you notice that your partner is cold with you and that they do not see you with the same eyes, something may be going on in their mind. In these cases, even if it is difficult, the best thing is to speak it.
4. You are constantly trying to prove yourself
You may notice that this is no longer what it was and that you blame yourself because things do not turn out as you wanted. The relationship is seen as a contest in which you are alone against a series of challenges, raised many times by the couple. This generates stressful situations and a feeling of loneliness that does not stop.
Do not make the mistake of blaming only yourself, because the relationship is a matter of two. If you think that only you are to blame, you are probably trying to make up for it in some way. If you don't feel loved or loved, let your partner know.
5. Do you have the constant feeling that something is wrong?
And it is that we cannot trust only what we think, however, sometimes intuition does not fail us. He is hiding something from you, you perceive that it is not entirely sincere and for some reason you know it. These kinds of things make us doubt and make us think that something may happen. If you have this feeling, tactfully find a way for the other person to express her opinion about it.
6. you feel emotionally distant
It may happen that you are living with that person but in reality you feel lonely or lonely. She doesn't listen to you, she doesn't tell you things and you notice that she is distant. The strange thing is that it wasn't like that before, but now it seems that you live with another person, with the one you fell in love with precisely because of the degree of intimacy you gained with someone. If he doesn't show you affection, why do you want to stay with that person? Does the relationship have a future?
Signs you are in a toxic relationship
In the long run, these dating or marriage relationships can end badly if a remedy is not sought in time. What began as a beautiful love, can become a toxic relationship in which suffering predominates.
- If you want to know how to detect this type of relationship, visit our article: “23 signs that you have a 'toxic relationship' as a couple”.