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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone, known simply as Madonna, is an American pop singer, businesswoman, actress, songwriter, and dancer. who helped revolutionize the music of the '80s and opened a path for other women within the music industry. She is known for her bold lyrics and choreography, her flashy outfits, and for not being afraid to express her thoughts on different topics, such as politics, society, gender roles, or sexuality.

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Madonna best quotes and lyrics

Thanks to her open and honest attitude, her contagious music and her attitude towards life, she managed to establish herself as the queen of pop, leaving behind a series of interesting and striking phrases and thoughts that we will meet continuation.

1. We all fall to the ground at some point. It's the way you get up, that's the real challenge. It is not like this?

Falling is painful, but the real fear lies in how to get up.

2. There is still a field in which, being a woman, people can discriminate against you without anything happening: age. In that regard, we still live in a totally sexist society.
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Many women are judged by how they look when they get older.

3. I've been famous and anonymous, loved and hated, and I know how momentous that is. Therefore, I see myself with the right to risk and do what I want.

Madonna is not afraid to do what she does because she knows both sides of the coin.

4. I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, that's perfect.

Never apologize for chasing your dreams.

5. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. And when I feel like saying something, I just say it.

We should all have the right to express our opinions.

6. Power is a great aphrodisiac. And I am a very powerful person…

Enjoying being at the top of his career.

7. If you're proud of something, brag about it. Or don't the guys who have a perfect torso take off their shirts whenever they can to show it off?

There is nothing wrong with celebrating your victories.

8. I don't want to die. I don't want to face the unknown.

It is common for many to fear death and disappearing.

9. Love is emotion, and sex, action.

Sex is a fundamental part of love.

10. I'd rather walk through a fire than around it.

Not afraid to take risks.

11. If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you will always be disappointed.

We will never be able to meet society's standards, because no one is perfect.

12. The most important thing in life is children. We see the real world in their eyes.

Children have such a positive way of seeing the world that we should imitate.

13. Marilyn Monroe was a victim and I was not. So there is no comparison possible.

Despite the fact that they are both extraordinary women, Madonna knows that she cannot make the same mistakes as hers.

14. I want to be like Gandhi, Martin Luther King and John Lennon, but I also want to be alive.

We can make great contributions to the world, while enjoying life.

15. Of the movies I've made, I'd say half are good and half are crap but we all make bad movies.

There is no actor who gets rid of a bad movie that he has made.

16. I have always been attracted to creative people. That's why I don't want to be the smartest person in the room, I want to be the dumbest.

Be humble to accept the advice that the most experts offer you.

17. People believed that one day they would wake up and it would no longer be there. But they were wrong: I will never leave.

Even after her death, Madonna will remain a pop culture icon.

18. Sex is only dirty when you don't wash.

How can something that is made to show love and passion and create life be degenerate?

19. It is better to live a year like a tiger than a hundred like a sheep.

Don't be afraid to try new things, even if they don't last long, the important thing is not to stop daring.

20. When I get on my knees, it's never to pray.

Clarifying his taste for sex.

21. I have never had a conventional life, so it would be an idiot to believe that I am now going to start making conventional decisions.

We don't need to follow a written line to have a good life.

22. I like to change, I don't feel comfortable always being the same, I like to reinvent myself.

Change allows us to evolve and improve.

23. If I'm afraid of something, that usually means I have to do it.

The best way to overcome fear is to keep going.

24. I'm not against plastic surgery, I'm just against talking about it.

Everyone has the right not to explain their personal decisions.

25. Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.

A critique of those people who are content with someone directing their lives.

26. If you ever doubt yourself, do it as God would: with love and altruism. That is what I try to convey to the world.

An interesting advice that we can put into practice.

27. Dance music is who I am, it's my molecular structure.

Being one with her music.

28. No matter who you are, what you've done, where you come from, you can always make a change by being a better version of yourself.

We can all get the opportunity to grow.

29. Sometimes I think that I was born to honor my name. How could I be anything other than what I am calling myself Madonna? It was to be this or to be a nun.

Using her name as a boost to conquer her destiny of being famous.

30. I won't be happy until she is as famous as God.

Do you think it's something you can achieve?

31. Being brave is loving someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.

Love can be expressed in many different ways.

32. I stand up for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in and following your dreams.

Fight for your right to pursue your dreams and ambitions.

33. I think in the end, when you're famous, people like to limit you to a few personality traits.

All people think they know famous people, because they qualify them in a certain way.

34. I am the result of the good choices I have made and the bad choices.

Even bad times help us form.

35. On the one hand, the idea of ​​marriage and the traditional type of family life is repugnant to me. But on the other hand, I miss him.

Although it is somewhat traditional, each couple can create their own couple dynamic.

36. Deep in my heart I'm hiding things I long to say. I am afraid to confess what I feel, afraid that it will escape me.

We always have a secret that we are afraid to reveal.

37. I have the same goal that I have had since I was a child. I want to rule the world.

A goal that took her high.

38. In all my work, my goal has always been not to be ashamed of who you are, of your body, of your physique, of your desires, of your sexual fantasies.

Why should we be ashamed of what is natural for humans?

39. I refuse to act the way men want me to act.

Rebel against the 'correct' behaviors that are anchored in society.

40. The mission in this life should always be to party.

A party for life is enjoying what you do every day.

41. One of the things that helps me tell a story through music is creating a character. For that I have to have a muse, be it Frida Kahlo, Martha Graham, Marlene Dietrich or Pipi Longstocking.

There are thousands of characters that we can be inspired to create.

42. From the beginning I had to put up with being called a 'witch' and a 'whore'.

Something that could bring her down became her motivation to continue.

43. Feminist writer Camille Paglia said that she had taken a step back by making me a sex object. I thought 'if you're a feminist, you don't have sexuality, you deny it. So I said to myself 'fuck it. I am a different kind of feminist. I am a bad feminist.

A clear example of how some women attack others, despite fighting for their rights.

44. When people criticize or complain, they have somehow touched a nerve in them.

Many use criticism to hide their true nature.

45. I don't think you can be truly loved until you know how to know and love yourself.

Before focusing your attention on someone else, it is preferable to work on ourselves.

46. don't get old Getting old is a sin. You will be criticized, vilified and, of course, your music will not be played on the radio.

Talking about one of the worst injustices in the industry and in Hollywood.

47. I admire Frida Kahlo because she dressed as a man, she had a mustache and, even so, she was capable of being glamorous.

Elegance is an attitude that is reflected on the exterior.

48. Everyone probably thinks that I am a lost nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is that I would rather read a book.

It is common for some to have a preconceived idea of ​​Madonna, thanks to the way she acts.

49. I think my biggest flaw is my insecurity. I am terribly insecure. I am plagued with insecurities 24/7.

Have you ever imagined that the great Madonna is insecure?

50. Easy doesn't make you grow. Easy doesn't make you think.

If something doesn't benefit you, you should walk away from it.

51. Fame can be very annoying. It is like a drug: with it it seems that you are happy, important, that your life is full, but it does not let you see what is really important in life.

It is very common for celebrities to move away from their values ​​of humility, when they are at the top.

52. I'm ambitious, but if I wasn't talented as well as ambitious, I'd be a thick monstrosity.

A perfect combination, his talent and his ambition.

53. I'm not a big fan of drugs, they don't go with me. The few times I tried them, and this was many years ago, I didn't enjoy them.

Nothing that drugs offer you will be worth it in the long run.

54. I think we are at a very low level of consciousness, and we don't know how to treat ourselves as human beings.

Without a doubt, we should cultivate a greater interest in empathy.

55. Don't gamble with something you should cherish for life.

When you lose something you never treasured, it becomes a permanent pain.

56. Women are just as responsible for their oppression as men, because they are afraid to change.

It is useless to complain about something, if you will not do anything to change it.

57. There are times when I can't believe how old I am.

Time passes very quickly and we don't always realize it.

58. I hope to always have the ability to create art and live in a world where I can speak freely and can inspire people. I don't know what form that will take.

Living for art and motivating others to create.

59. Beauty is where you find it.

Everywhere there is beauty, you just have to know how to observe.

60. If you move with my music it is as if you were dancing in my arms.

A special connection.

61. I don't think I've ever behaved like a man, because they are narrow-minded. Although, frankly, too many women are narrow-minded.

Unfortunately, there are women who perpetuate the stigmas of repression that they want to eliminate.

62. I know that sometimes I don't behave like a human being. When I look back and read the things I used to say, or see my haircut, I feel ashamed.

We all have some behavior that we regret.

63. Catholicism is not a calming religion. It is a painful religion. We are all gluttons for punishment.

A critique of the limitations imposed by this religion.

64. Fame is a form of misunderstanding.

Fame can take a very high toll that affects people.

65. I am a very perfectionist person and I have to put up with a lot of pressure. Sometimes when you want to achieve something you have no choice but to be a real witch.

There are times when we need to be selfish.

66. I feel better now than I did 10 years ago, so I don't feel like I missed anything.

Old age or youth is a state of mind, you look according to how you feel inside.

67. You can love me or you can hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I will always be in your heart and if you hate me, I will always be in your mind.

No matter which feeling rules, she will always be there.

68. We are caught up in our own lives, our own needs, our own ego gratification. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in delivering that message.

It is better to go your own way than indulge someone else's frustrated dream.

69. I don't think we are better than men, but we do have an extra chromosome that makes us more accommodating.

Proud to be a woman in all aspects.

70. I am attracted to the obstacles that I have to overcome. I like challenges, everything that is difficult to achieve.

A very positive attitude that allows us to face any problem.

71. A headline compared me to satan. But wasn't Prince also around dressed in fishnet stockings, heels, makeup and showing his ass? Yes, but he was a man.

A clear difference between the speech between men and women.

72. I always thought that she should be treated like a star.

An attitude that he carried with him from the beginning.

73. The self-confidence that one builds by accomplishing difficult things and achieving goals is the most beautiful thing of all.

The first step to success is to have a confidence of steel.

74. Many people are afraid to say what they want. That is the reason why they do not get what they want.

The only way to get where you want is to be proactive.

75. The reason why there is bigotry, sexism, racism and homophobia is fear. People are afraid of their own feelings, afraid of the unknown and I say; do not be afraid.

Many of the racist and discriminatory attitudes are generated by fear of the unknown and different.

76. My father was very strong. I disagree with a lot of the ways he raised me. I don't agree with a lot of his values, but he had a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn't do it either.

You don't need to agree with someone to respect or admire them.

77. Power is being told you're not loved and not being destroyed by it.

Words can hurt, but it is in your power to decide who you want to listen to.

78. I am constantly in conflict with things. And it's because of my past, my upbringing, and the journey I've been on.

It's normal to have conflict with what we think is right or wrong.

79. I think I just turned into this ambitious person, let's just say whatever's on my mind, intimidating. And that's part of my personality, but it's certainly not close to the whole thing.

Remember that what you do is not all that you are.

80. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.

Whatever you do with your life, it should be your personal choice.

81. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or stay open to hurt ourselves.

For those who enjoy gifting, they are not looking to have some extra reward.

82. If I have to go to the cinema to see a movie at 7 in the morning, I get up at 4 to do my gym routine. My life can be messy, but I'm never short of training.

A great example to follow about maintaining our body health.

83. If you take everything I do seriously you will end up horrified, intimidated, insulted or worse, bored.

Never take artists completely seriously.

84. If being a decent person is being traditional, then I am a traditional person.

If our actions don't harm anyone else, why can't we call ourselves decent?

85. I'm going to turn the world into a dance floor.

A goal that she met in a big way, she is called the queen of pop for a reason.

86. I'm not apologizing for those years of sex; I was drawn to break the rules and be rebellious. If a man can do it, so can I.

Why hold us back from making something that we can all enjoy regardless of our gender?

87. When you can feel other people's pain, you are in a constant state of wanting to help make things better.

The power of empathy is that any help we can offer becomes valuable.

88. I can honestly think of academy award winning actors who have made worse movies than me.

All actors have a movie they regret having made.

89. Most of the time I'm a mean girl, I'd be a little scared if I wasn't.

Embracing the more daring side of her.

90. I do not regret all those years of provocation. Then I was motivated to do it, but now anyone can.

Everything that she has done in her career is an expression of herself.

91. If it is bitter at the beginning, it is sweeter at the end.

Difficult things have a great reward in the end.

92. I don't like labels. They limit you, and I don't want limits.

Never let the limitations of society define you.

93. Most people don't know what true love is. True love is unconditional.

Real love is the one that is given from within.

94. If you're sure who you are, it doesn't really matter what people call you, does it?

Strong self-esteem makes us immune to bad comments from others.

95. I don't want to plunge into the darkness that is there. I want to stay here, where I know everything is.

Confessing his fear of death.

96. I think the birth of my daughter was a kind of rebirth for me. It made me see life in a whole new way. And she made me appreciate life in a way I don't think I ever did before.

Talking about how motherhood was an incredibly positive change in her life.

97. I know that I am not the one who sings the best or the one who dances the best. But I'm not interested in that, but in provoking the public and awakening her political consciousness.

Madonna is more than an artist, she is an activist for different causes.

98. People always say that I'm controversial, but I think the most controversial thing I've ever done is stay alive.

Many will criticize what is out of the norm or their personal beliefs.

99. I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist

The way she sees herself and her struggle.

100. What else do I need to conquer? With a bit of luck, my ego. How will I know that I have been successful? When I stop caring what people think.

We know that we have conquered everything, when we no longer listen to other people's opinions.

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