Education, study and knowledge

Conversion of units of length

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In this video I will explain how to do the conversion of units of length. To go from units of length to others, the table of units must be taken into account:

As you can see, if we want to go from one unit of the table to another that is further to the right (from left to right) we will multiply. On the other hand, if we want to go from one unit of the table to another that is further to the left (from right to left) we will divide.

If we go from one unit to another that is just to its right we will multiply by 10 and if we go from one unit to another that is just to its left we will divide by 10. If we want convert a unit of length to another that is two more places to the right we will multiply by 100, and if we want to go two more places to the left we will divide by 100. And so on...

All this you will understand much better if you watch the video where I explain in more detail and with examples how to do the conversion of units of length.

In addition, on the web you will find printable exercises with their solutions so you can practice what you have learned in this video.

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