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Is the word THEATER a dipthong, hiatus or tripthong?

Is the word THEATER a dipthong, hiatus or tripthong?

The word TEATRO is hiatus because the separation in syllables is as follows: "te-", "-a-", "-tro". So we can say that contains a hiatus.

But, the truth is that in order to master the Spanish language correctly, it is not a matter of learning how to write each of the words, but rather of know the general rule by which they abide and be able to identify the solution for yourself.

Therefore, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain how we have come to the conclusion that the word THEATER is a hiatus and not a diphthong or a triphthong.

You may also like: Recognize diphthongs and hiatuses


  1. The word THEATER is a hiatus
  2. What is a hiatus and examples
  3. What is a diphthong and examples
  4. What is a triphthong and examples

The word THEATER is a hiatus.

As we have mentioned above, the word THEATER is a hiatus, since the two vowels that are joined in the word, are separated into different syllables, leaving such that: "te-", "-a-", "-tro". The vowel sequence "ea" forms a hiatus. This hiatus is simple and appears due to the meeting between the two strong vowels "e" and "a".

Is the word THEATER a dipthong, hiatus or tripthong? - The word THEATER is a hiatus
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What is a hiatus and examples.

So that you can understand the previous example, we explain what is hiatus and we give you some more examples, so you can contrast the theory.

In the Spanish language, the hiatus is the effect by which two vowels in a row in the same word, separate into different syllables. Many speakers tend to prefer the diphthong in their pronunciations, but the truth is that these words must be pronounced with the vowels well separated.

exist two types of hiatus:

  • The simple hiatus: What occurs when we find two equal vowels, united in a word. For example: reading, zoo, etc. It also occurs with two open vowels in a row. For example: fall, aorta, etc.
  • accentual hiatus: It is what happens when a tilde undoes a diphthong (open and closed vowel or vice versa). The graphic accent falls on the closed vowel giving it an extra intonation that separates the syllable. For example: there was, shouting, etc.

Examples of hiatus

These are some Examples of words that contain hiatus:

  • abstracted
  • extracted
  • gather
  • archaism
  • passerby
  • fry
  • Saul
  • caffeine
  • rainbow
  • fry
  • trunk
  • heroin
  • hear
  • selfish
  • shun

We also leave you with some sentences so you can see how the hiatus works within its context:

  • The player left the country in her private plane.
  • They received the news with happiness.
  • He hero he was received with all honors.
  • the cake of carrot it is my favorite.
  • She thought that she there was cured of the flu, but had a relapse.
  • The teacher He did an exam on her students.
  • The Photography It was always his passion.
  • When I finish school, I will study Advocacy.
  • He opened the box intrigued, but was empty.
  • The cat meow from the roof.

If you want more, check here others hiatus examples.

What is a diphthong and examples.

You will also find it useful to understand the concepts that conflict with the hiatus, to be able to identify them when you meet them in written or oral language.

the diphthong is the combination of two contiguous vowels in the same syllable, within a word. These diphthongs can arise from the combination of:

  • two closed vowels or weak, which are the "i" and the "u". For example: piular.
  • Of a closed vowel and an open vowel or vice versa. The open vowels are "a", "e" and "o". For example: think.

Remember that two open vowels will never form a diphthong, but should be separated into different syllables, giving rise to hiatus.

Examples of diphthong

These are some Examples of words that contain diphthong:

  • hairstyle
  • blocks
  • road
  • strings
  • town
  • cornstarch
  • coincidence
  • laurel
  • individual
  • fire
  • wheel
  • kickback
  • bone
  • warm
  • death
  • darling
  • triumphant
  • slowly

These are some Examples of Sentences containing diphthongs:

  • Guard the gloves in the backpack in case it cools down.
  • we are heading towards the cage of the monkeys
  • The students have good conduct inside and out of the classroom.
  • let's keep he car in the garage for take care of it of the hail
  • There's a lot wind and it's beginning to fill everything with land.
  • The elections were a true triumph for the citizens.
  • the beach is deserted.
  • He restaurant It is closed for works.
  • He journey it was all a success.
  • The man think that there is no more solution for your problems.

Here you will find more examples of diphthongs.

Is the word THEATER a dipthong, hiatus or tripthong? - What is a diphthong and examples

What is a triphthong and examples.

In the Spanish language it is known as triphthong to someone group of three vowels found in the same syllable. For this, this union must consist of two closed vowels and one open, with the strong one between the two weak ones.

The vowels of the triphthongs are pronounced together, as a single syllable and a single sound unit. Under no circumstances can they be separated, since they operate with the same conditions as the diphthong. When making the separation of syllables of that word, we will notice that the 3 vowels always remain together.

triphthong examples

These are some words that we wanted to leave you as an example and that contain a triphthong:

  • hairstyle
  • blocks
  • road
  • strings
  • town
  • cornstarch
  • coincidence
  • laurel
  • individual
  • fire
  • wheel
  • kickback
  • bone
  • warm
  • death
  • darling
  • triumphant
  • slowly

we leave you with some Examples of sentences containing triphthongs:

  • Paraguayan it borders with Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia.
  • You dont you appreciate the effort put in by the team.
  • The drugs opioids They are prescribed for acute pain.
  • You will not get a diploma unless you graduate.
  • In the field there was a ox huge staring at us.
  • ¡Wow, what a beautiful dress!
  • Yeah you hate your neighbor, you will receive nothing good in return.
  • From the roof a “meow” and we knew it was our cat.
  • A avalanche it wiped out everything on the farm.
  • when you announce to the winner, I will give the medal.

You can expand the information here knowing more examples of words with triphthong.

We hope we have answered your question as to whether The word TEATRO is a dipthong, hiatus or triphthong.. As you have seen, it is a hiatus and now you also know how to identify this formation of the language in your texts. If you want to learn more about this topic or other similar ones, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section where we will give you all the advice you need.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is the word THEATER a dipthong, hiatus or tripthong?, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Uribe, M. m. Basic manual for writing, spelling and punctuation.
  • Martel, E. S. (2005). Spanish vowel encounters: diphthongs, hiatuses and triphthongs in the RAE electronic dictionary. In With whom he loved so much: studies in homage to María del Prado Escobar Bonilla (pp. 625-640). Publications Service.
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