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5 types of linguistic RECORDS

What are the types of linguistic registers

The types of linguistic registers with cult, standard, colloquial, vulgar and slang register. Language is a living method of communication and, therefore, it changes at the same time as society and adapts to each type of person that composes it. Surely it has ever happened to you, that you have gone to a conference and you have not understood anything that the speaker has said, even speaking the same language. That's because there are different types of records.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what is linguistic register and examples and on what occasions should we use each of them.

The linguistic registers are the different levels of the language, that is, to the different ways we use language by the speakers. This will depend, to a great extent, on the social class to which they belong and the cultural level that is associated with it.

A person tends to use different language levels in your normal life, depending on who you are addressing. For example, a computer scientist will not speak in the same way at work as when he is with his family or when he speaks at the parents' meeting at his son's school.

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What are the types of linguistic registers - What is a linguistic register: definition

In this section we are going to show you the different types of linguistic registers that exist and which one is used in each case.

cult record

This is the modality of the language in which a perfect grammar and correct use of the vocabulary of the language is made. Its use implies a high knowledge of the language and a mastery of all its resources. Usually, we can find it in writing, in literary and scientific texts. It is a very useful type of language to express complex thoughts and transmit knowledge. Also Known As formal record.

standard record

The standard or common language it is the most widely used and is standardized according to the prescribed norms of the language. Usually, the standard concept refers to the lexicon and the construction of sentences, completely excluding the accent of the people or the dialects of each community. In other words, it is the same standard Castilian that is spoken by an Andalusian, as that which is spoken by a Catalan, as long as the lexicon and syntax correspond to the norm.

colloquial register

He colloquial register It is another of the types of linguistic registers. It is the one we use in our daily life to communicate with our friends or family. This is probably the most used linguistic register of the Spanish language. Its main characteristics are that it is an oral language, very spontaneous, relaxed and expressive. Usually, he respects the norm, although it is common for some socially accepted impropriety to be committed.

vulgar record

He vulgar record is a linguistic modality make frequent mistakes with respect to the norm, in addition to using vulgarisms. Usually, it is related to the lack of linguistic training of the speakers, who feel incapable of adding more lexicon and constructions to their speech. This type of communication offers fewer possibilities, so people who are only capable of using this type of language are at a social disadvantage.


slang is a special language that uses only one differentiated social group. It is used only by members of that social group. There are social jargons that are used to create a hallmark among a group of people that differentiates them from the rest, but there are also professional jargons, which use concepts and constructions that only they themselves understand, since there are many technicalities.

In unProfesor we discover the different language records.

What are the types of linguistic registers - The types of linguistic registers

The best way to understand a lesson and be able to store it in your mind is to see how the concepts are put into practice. So, we're going to leave you with some examples of the different types of linguistic registers, so you can see how each of them works, within its context.

Examples of cult record

This is a example of a cult text:

"Entropy is that thermodynamic magnitude that measures that energy that is not used to carry out a job. It is expressed as the ratio between the heat released by a body and its absolute temperature."

Standard Record Examples

This is a example of a text in standard language:

"The secrecy with which the Executive Power intends to handle an issue of such relevance as the preliminary draft of the consumer code is worrying and even suspicious. It has been known that said document would be approved this week -perhaps today- by the Council of Ministers, behind the backs of the experts and the public. It seems that this would be a major scandal, when it is known that one of the most controversial issues, such as the transgenic foods, is touched in breach of the consumer's right to information and in violation of current regulations on labelled"

Examples of colloquial register

These are some examples of sentences in colloquial register:

  • Today's game was great!
  • I don't want to have fights with anyone.
  • The children are running and running everywhere.
  • Maybe we'll go to Juan's house tomorrow.
  • Hi, how's everything going?
  • See you at my brothers' house for the little party.
  • Arturo didn't tell me the truth, he told me you weren't coming.
  • The chocolate cake is delicious!
  • I don't feel like going out on the street.

Examples of vulgar registration

This is a example of text in vulgar language:

"She came from school with Andrés and Mónica and they said that the teacher had a thing for us and we arrived in front of the bookstore and Mónica was looking at some comics, they always have comics and we look at them and, wow, you "feel" a, a, a... the Patopomba! and, and, and, and... he had gotten into the house and the broken windows and they wouldn't let us see him. An old woman told us to go home and that's why we saw almost nothing, just old people telling us: Get out of here, brats!"

Slang Examples

This is a example of a text in medical slang:

"So far he has had three pregnancies. In the two previous ones the coffins were fitted and they were born well; however, in the third they had to perform a cesarean section."

Now you know what are the types of linguistic registers And what is each of them for? Remember that, on each occasion, you must identify the type of language that best fits, in order to use the language well, either in your speeches or in your texts. If you want to continue delving into this topic, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.

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