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Parts of an oral presentation

Parts of an oral presentation

We all know how important it is to know how to speak in public, whether in a presentation of a topic in class with our classmates, a academic conference before specialists, students and professors, or in a presentation of a new work project in the office. In addition to knowing in depth the subject we are going to talk about, it is necessary to know the parts of an oral presentation in order to organize our speech in the best possible way.

From a PROFESSOR we show you what are the parts of this type of exhibition and we also give you some advice on how give a good oral presentation.

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  1. Part of an oral presentation: the introduction
  2. Development of the oral presentation - Part 2
  3. The conclusion
  4. Tips for a good oral presentation

Part of an oral presentation: the introduction.

On many occasions we do not pay enough attention to the introduction to our oral presentation. Think that, through the introduction, we present in a general way the theme or the fundamental idea that underpins our entire oral presentation. For this reason, it is very important to start with a generic approach and then talk about the main topic, of a more general nature. specific, carefully selecting the keywords that will help the audience to grasp the fundamental idea expressed in the oral presentation.

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The introduction should be short, concise and attention grabbing and the interest of the public. Some of the expressions that will help us to better organize our presentation speech are the following:

First, second, also, in the same way, also, in other words, that is, below, etc.

Development of the oral presentation - Part 2.

Once the topic of our oral presentation has been presented, we must proceed to the development of our proposal. For this, it is very important argue each of the parties of speech; In other words, it is useless to present a new idea if we do not provide arguments why our idea would work better than others, what are its advantages, etc.

Depending on the topic in question, ideas must be organized in a manner consistent with the objective we want to achieve with our oral presentation. It is also important to show visual, audiovisual or written documents, examples, quotes and, why not, anecdotes that support what we want to convey.

Remember that the best way for an oral presentation to be a success is to make attendees feel interested and curious about your proposal.

Parts of an oral presentation - Development of the oral presentation - Part 2

The conclusion.

Last but not least, is the conclusion to our presentation. Maybe it is one of the most important parts since it is the end of our speech and it will be the last thing the public hears. For this reason, it is essential to summarize the most important ideas schematically. In addition, if it is considered convenient, you can add some personal rating or comment about the conclusions obtained from the research prior to oral exposure.

On the other hand, unlike the introduction (which everyone knows begins when the speaker begins to speak), the conclusion is not clearly delimited within the intervention. For this reason, it is essential notify the audience that then the presentation is going to end because the lecture is over. To do this, some of the most useful expressions are the following:

In short, in a nutshell, to conclude, by way of conclusion, in short, etc.

Tips for a good oral presentation.

Once you know which is the most appropriate structure of the parts of an oral presentation, we give you some little tips that will make your oral presentation stand out positively.

  • First of all, it is essential that you have confidence in yourself and, above all, that you convey this confidence to the audience. Keep in mind that no one knows more about the subject than you, since they have previously researched and studied about it.
  • Second, you must speak clearly, simply and out loud, so that all members of the audience can hear you and follow the lecture.
  • Finally, once you have finished the oral presentation, ask the audience if anyone has any questions or wants to express a thought about the exhibition. Think that perhaps some aspect of the oral presentation has not been completely clear or that some attendee wants to make a small contribution or positive criticism about our intervention.

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