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What is the SENTENCE modality and examples

What is the sentence modality and examples

The communication is a fact that must occur between a sender and a receiver and for this to happen, both must be in tune and avoid any kind of misunderstanding. The sentence modality It is the way in which we pronounce or write the sentences, with a specific purpose that we want to reach the person with whom we communicate.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what is the sentence modality, what are the types that we have in the Spanish language and we will give you some examples so that he can better grasp the idea.

The sentence modality is the way in which the speaker presents a statement or sentence. The issuer may be pronouncing a statement, a question, an exclamation, etc. and that should be reflected in the text. It is about the attitude that the speaker adopts with respect to what he is saying.

For example: I could go to the movies tonight.

The modality of this prayer is possibility, unlike if the statement had been "Tonight I must go to the movies", which would be a modality that expresses necessity and obligation.

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Besides, the intonation, which is the melody with which we pronounce a sentence, can provide very important information to the speech. It informs us about the purpose that the speaker has in transmitting that message: asking, ordering, affirming, etc.

What is the sentence modality and examples - What is the sentence modality?

We can distinguish the following types of sentences, taking into account the modality with which the issuer has pronounced or written them.


The declarative sentence It helps us to present information about something.

For example: We don't do English class on Wednesdays


The interrogative sentence is one that expresses a question. It can be direct or indirect, total or partial, affirmative or negative. The most used is the direct interrogative sentence.

  • Direct Question Example: "What are you doing?" (affirmative); or "Don't you know?" (negative).
  • Indirect Question Example: we pose our question after a verb of understanding, meaning or speech. For example, "Tell me what time it is", "I don't know what grade I have", "I wonder what will happen now." In these sentences, the pronoun (what, who, etc.) has a tilde.
  • Total Interrogative Example: is answered with yes or no. For example, "Is it raining?"
  • Partial Question Example: we ask circumstances. An interrogative word is used. We can ask about the quantity: "How old are you?"; by the subject of the action: "Who was it?"; by time: "When did it happen?", etc.


The exclamation sentences They are pronounced in the form of an exclamation and can reflect different feelings, such as joy, surprise, fear, sadness, pain, etc.

For example: How dark everything is!


The doubtful sentences They express the doubts that an issuer has about a specific fact. They are usually accompanied by an adverb of doubt.

For example: maybe he will come today


The optional sentences They express a wish, which is sometimes pronounced in an exclamatory way.

For example: I would like to dance better.


The exhortatory prayers or also known as imperatives, are those that express advice, request, prohibition or mandate. All take the verb in the imperative or subjunctive.

For example: Don't go to sleep late.


The possibility sentences are those that express an assumption or probability. The verb occurs in the future indicative or conditional. In addition, verbal periphrases can also be used in the modality of possibility (poder+infinitive, deber+infinitive, etc.).

For example: In the waiting room there will be about thirty people.

What is the sentence modality and examples - Classification of sentences according to the modality - examples

let's get you some sentence modality examples taking into account the classification to which they belong.

Examples of declarative sentences

  • This week we are going to visit aunt.
  • The president is considering not running for office in the next election.
  • Going sailing relaxes me from all my pressures.

Examples of interrogative sentences

  • How much does a kilo of tomatoes cost?
  • Would you like to go to the movies with me?
  • Where is the Museum of Fine Arts?

Examples of exclamatory sentences

  • How hot it is in this city!
  • Listen, that's the song I like!
  • She's getting water in the back window!

doubtful sentence examples

  • The sky is cloudy.
  • It will probably rain tomorrow.
  • Maybe my mother has gone to the market.

Examples of optional sentences

  • May the finance class be light for you!
  • I wish you would pay more attention to me when I talk to you.
  • I hope to hear from you as soon as possible, I am worried that you are alone in that city.

Examples of exhortatory sentences

  • Wash the dishes!
  • Please get up.
  • Be quiet!

Possibility Sentence Examples

  • they will be falling
  • will have arrived already
  • Will it solve the problem

Now you know what is the sentence modality and you have seen some practical examples. If you are interested in learning more about this topic and continue learning, do not hesitate to consult our section on grammar and linguistics, where you will find the best lessons to be the number 1 student in your Language classes Spanish.

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