Education, study and knowledge

One-digit division problems

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When the student has internalized the main basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division It is time to start working on the division problems. It is very important to be clear about the above operations since division is a mixture of subtraction and multiplication.

Problems have always been a part of Math which is complicated for many children since to solve them we have to abstract our mind and imagine the situations posed in them. For this reason, it is very important that math problems deal with topics that are familiar to students.

In this video, I will explain how solve division problems of a number. This I will do from problems that I have created especially to be able to explain it better. The best way to understand a problem is to see all the steps that must be taken to solve it and this is what I will try to show in this video.

I'll start with the solving simple problems with 1-digit divisions and in the next videos I will complicate it a little more.

In addition, you can practice with

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division problems similar to those I have explained in class thanks to the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web. I hope they help you!
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